Fairytale RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Fairytale RP!

Fairytale RP!

So Tovah had once made something like this, and I miss it, so I'm going to recreate it. I was thinking that you could either do a twist on a classic fairytale hero or heroine, or make your own. They go to a private high school to learn to fight aliens. 

I'm going to go with the same character I had before.

Name: Gretel Rose

Appearence; Chin-length golden hair that curves in on one side and
curves out on the other. Dark, sapphire-blue eyes, slightly pink cheeks,
pale, small, at 5 ft. Commonly wears long sleeve camo shirt with denim
capris and lace up hunting boots. Or jeans, black t-shirt with Slay Your Own Dragons and a sword
on fire, black hunting boots. Oftenwears a cap. Whether navy blue or

Personality; Strong, quiet, observant, hard core, ready to fight. Loyal, open, and cheerful around her friends. 

Story; So, this is a Hansel and Gretel in the modern world. Southern
girl! Her parents ditched her in the backwoods of Tennessee, in the
Great Smokey Mountains. A hunter thought she and her brother game and
accidentally shot him. (Explains what happens to Hansel.)

Power; She has a strong sense of direction, can see in the dark. Also can channel people's feelings well. Knows what they're feeling.

Weapon: Anything she can throw or shoot, except long spears. She can
throw knives, shoot a gun or bow. Whatever she can get her hands on.

So what do ya'll think? Good or bad idea?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Knight's Training
(November 11, 2013 - 4:07 pm)

Gretel ~

By now, several things were going through my head, none of which I'll repeat. 

A fire breath dragon that turns people to freakin' stone! Great, just great. So far we had two people, Jasmine and Elle, frozen solid. I just prayed there was a cure. Normally, you would think that there must be a cure to unfreeze them. Surely the school won't let them stay like that! But then again, we were facing down a fire breathing dragon, so really, who knew?

"What now?" Snow shouted. Another fire ball was sent flying over our heads. I thought hard.

"There's always some secret behind these things. Sort of like a riddle," I called back. 

"Well, it's a dragon, they always have a weakness," called out Rose Red.

"Like a blind spot?" I suggested.

"Exactly," Rose called back.

"So how do we find a dragon's blind spot in the dark?" Ash shouted. The dragon kept periodically shooting of flames. Eventually, he'd find us.

"Well where do you think a dragon would be?" Rose called.

"Uh, on it's head?" I asked. Seriously, I couldn't think straight.

"Well, yeah I guess," Rose answered. 

"On it's back!" Snow shouted.

"Or under it's stomach," Ash called.

"Exactly!" Rose shouted. I nearly face palmed. How could I be so stupid?

"Get ready. One two, three!"

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Fairytale High
(November 24, 2013 - 12:48 pm)


I wanted to scream, to kick, to let the other kids know that I knew how to find the dragon's blind spot. But I couldn't be heard, much less talk at all. My mouth was stuck in this weird position: slightly open in a terrified expression. I probably looked really stupid, but I couldn't change that.

I could still see, though. I mean, I couldn't move my eyes, but I could watch whatever was in my line of view. Right now it was Gretel, hunched behind a dark shadow. I didn't want to know what it was.

She was yelling something, but I couldn't hear a thing. I didn't want her to have to figure out where the dragon's blind spot was. And after she nearly broke down crying about Hansel, I felt like I owed her something.

"It's on the dragon's third scale down its back," I wanted to scream. But of course, I couldn't.

I stared as Gretel whispered something to Ash, who whispered something to Rose Red, who whispered something to Snow.

I really wanted to stamp my foot and screech to them. Let them know I wanted to be heard.

Then suddenly I felt myself tipping over. I attempted to yell, but no sound came out. I collapsed to the ground, still stone solid.


submitted by Nora the Singer, age 13, New Jersey
(November 24, 2013 - 4:02 pm)

~Rose Red~

Gretel screamed, "DUCK!" Taking no time to think, I crouched into a ball and covered my head with my hands. I had learned from experience that on mission you have to do what others say the moment they say it, otherwise people will get hurt.

A shower of glass rained on us from the lights overhead. I winced as minute pieces of glass pierced my hands and exposed skin. After a minute everything was silent, until someone called out, "Everyone okay?" I think it was that girl named Gretel, but I wasn't sure. I didn't want to draw attention to myself if someone was going to ambush us as part of a mission. "Hello?" the voice called out desperately. My heart went out to her. If I wanted to know about the condition of everyone, I would be scared to death if no one answered. "Yeah, I'm okay. Who else is here?" I called out. Three others said that they were fine.

Suddenly, a voice cried, "Aha," and a dim beam of a flashlight filled the air. It was Gretel. She pointed the flashlight around the room, aiming the light at each person. I counted the people: Gretel, Jasmine, Elle, Ash, Snow and I. We were missing some people. "Great, so everyone else is gone?" I said. Gretel responded, "I guess so."

As a group we decided that the best thing to do would be to continue on with the mission. We walked until we found six hallways, each leading into a maze of dark corridors.

Gretel suggests that we each take one of the hallways. I shivered at the idea, if we split up some of us might not make it out in tact. Thankfully, Jasmine pulled out the sheet from the principal stating that the hallway we were to take was the one with the single yellow line. Ash, found the line, although everyone else couldn't see it. We continued to wander the hallways until Gretel whispered, "Something's moving!" I squinted into the darkness, and saw a dragon. 

'Is this really happening?' I wondered.  It wasn't like the school to do something this...well...extreme. I looked over at Elle and Jasmine, who were both just standing in the middle of the dragon's path. What was wrong with them? Don't they realize they could die? I squinted harder at them and noticed that they were turned to stone.

Gretel started to shout something about how the school always has a riddle of some sort. I thought for a moment, all dragons have weaknesses, right? So, we just have to find the dragon's weak spot. Gretel, Snow and I tried to figure out this dragon's weakness, and we concluded with under it's stomach.

"Wait guys! I can talk to animals through my mind! I don't know if it works on a dragon, but I'll try. If I give you a thumb's up, one of you sneak over their and stab him in the stomach. Don't move until I tell you to!" I whisper. They nodded.

I focused on the dragon. "Hello?" I venture. The dragon stopped throwing fire balls and turned towards me. "What do you want?" he asked. "Will you please stop throwing fire balls at my friends and I so that we can pass?" I ask calmly. "I can't. When I sense fear in people, it creates fear in me for my life. I'm just protecting myself," he says. "So, if we stop being afraid, you'll stop throwing fire balls at us?" I ask, hoping it will be as simple as that. "Yes," he answers. 

"Gretel tell the others to stop being afraid of the dragon. He said that our fear makes him throw fire balls at us," I whisper.

"Dragon?" the dragon says. "Yes," I say. "People always assume the worst about me when they see my dragon body. They don't get to know me. I'm really friendly and generous on the inside," he says, hurt. "I'm sorry. We shouldn't have assumed you were bad. Can I make it up to you by asking you to help us find the next place on our list?" I ask. "Sure," he said. He was smiling now.

I filled everyone in on what happened, as the dragon walked over to us. He stopped when he saw Elle and Jasmine. He licked his paw and touched them. Elle and Jasmine were now humans again.

"Great job," Gretel whispered in my ear.


submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(November 24, 2013 - 5:34 pm)

Okay. Let's see if I can do this and still have it make sense.

Except my scanner's broken. Darn. This may take awhile....

Okay. There we go. I kind of drew a page of comic to go along with this one. It's just a rough sketch, but I liked it, so I thought I'd include it.


We walked down the corridor for awhile before stumbling upon it. It was the girl who I think was named Elle who spotted it first.

"What was that?" she asked.

"What?" Gretel asked.

"I... something was moving."

We all saw it this time. Someone gasped. We had gotten close enough that we could all see what it was.

"No.... they wouldn't dare," someone said under their breath. Mordified, I didn't remember who it was. Fire.

I can barely remember what happened next. Someone yelled scatter, and thankfully I moved. I wasn't sure I was going to, but I did.

It was a dragon. A firebreathing dragon.


I shook the thought away.Not time to think about stuff like that.

Man, I really hated fire.

Most people say cats are scared of water, but that's not true. Well, at least not for me. Fire is more terrifying, more deadly, the foe who you can never defeat with a foil and smarts.

"What the...?" Gretel whispered to me. I snapped out of my thoughts. Elle hadn't run from the dragon! I shook my head and was about to reply but my words seemed to swallow themselves down my throat. Why is this happening? I thought. This has gone beyond ruining my day!

Two people. That dragon's turned two people to stone. He's going to turn all of us to stone. There's no way we'll get out of this alive.

Fireballs were flying everywhere. Over the loud crashes the fireballs emited when they hit the walls, people were shouting about what the dragon's weakpoint might be.

"Under it's stomach?" I suggested, wondering if anyone could hear me anyways. I felt like it was something Mr. Mundane might've dropped in one of his lessons.

Just as we were about to attack, Rose Red stopped us. She informed us she could talk to animals with her mind, and tried so with the dragon. Apparently, he was just infuried we were scared of him. Fire, I thought. I'm not scared of you, but rather the weapon you yeild.

I went with it anyways.

It was time to move on down the cooridor. It turned into more of a room where the dragon had been.

"What now?" I asked.      


If you can't read the text on the comic, that's okay, it practicly says the same thing again and again. And I've completed Ash's backstory in my head, which actually makes me really happy!                                                     

submitted by Theo W., age 13, Dark, poetic places
(November 25, 2013 - 5:35 pm)

Yeah, only a bit of it was cut off. It doesn't take away the effect. And all it says is "Fire." Here's a smaller one so you get the idea:


submitted by Theo W., age 13, Dark, comic places
(November 25, 2013 - 6:42 pm)

Whoo! Back from the dead! Nano kept me busy, but I'm taking a months break before finishing and editing, so I'll catch up on RPs!

@ Theo: That is so cool! I LOVED your dragon!

Gretel ~

"Great job," I whisper in Rose Red's ear as I pass by. We enter into a large room, just behind the dragon.

"What now?" Ash asks. There was seemingly nothing special about this place. Just an ordinary, cement room.

Rose Red was looking intently at the dragon.

"He says, 'Things are not always as they appear.'"

"Well what does that mean?" Jasmine asked. As a sort of collective group, we walked slowly into the room. 

Not as it seems, not as it seems.

We were nearing the center of the room, each of gazing intently at the walls. My eyes drifted around, and something shifted, ever so slightly.

"Not as it seems," I mumbled, and before I could scream for them to stop, the floor beneath us vanished and we plummeted. My thoughts as we fell were,

How many freaking twists can they put into one mission?!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(December 1, 2013 - 7:38 pm)

Top! Toppity top top! Up, go! NOW! TOP!

submitted by Top
(December 5, 2013 - 8:35 pm)

TOP! Might as well write while I'm here.


I let out a high pitched scream as I went tumbling down, down, down, head over heels. The sound of it was lost in the yells, exclamations, screams, and shouts of our group. 

"Oof." We landed in a heap, elbows in ears, feet in other people's mouths, and bodies over bodies. 

"Ow." That landing - even with the straw to soften it - was a hard one. I felt like I could never walk again. But I could. 

We managed, somehow, to pick ourselves up. Then we set stood up, and looked at our new surroundings. They were nothing amazing. Stone walls with paintings of those "great"  professors that won awards for boredom and stupidity, in my opinion.It was dark, but a fresh breeze gave me energy.

"That was refreshing," I said, as another puff came along. 

"Mmm." ost of us were enjoying the coolness of the wind, and trying to dust off and improve our rather grimy appearance, but one of the boys, Ash, was it? frowned.

"What could the reason for the breeze be?" he wondered aloud.

"What?" Gretel asked, distractedly. 

"Where is the breeze coming from?" he asked.

The realization jerked me awake. Breezes didn't just appear in the dark corridors of a castle.

"Let's go!" I cried.

submitted by True
(December 10, 2013 - 8:06 pm)


submitted by Top
(December 12, 2013 - 9:38 pm)


submitted by Top
(December 14, 2013 - 6:11 pm)

Gretel ~

At this point, I didn't really care whether or not we finished the challenge, I just wanted to get out. We ran down the corridor, following the breeze which got stronger as we ran. A light appeared at the end, which made us strive all the harder. Finally, we emerged outside, sunlight stinging our eyes after so long in complete darkness.

"Where are we?" Jasmine asks, squinting and shading her eyes. I step back and turn around. The school sat a little ways farther up the slope.

"We're just outside the school," I answered. It seemed almost unreal after all that to be just a few hundred yards away from the main building."

Without another word, we started making our way up to school.

"Where have you been?" cried Mrs. Lanie as we came in the door.

"Uh, on a challenge," I offered. Mrs. Lanie snorted. "Really?" she asked sarcastically. "All the others came back over an hour ago!"

"Well I know we were gone for awhile..."

Mrs Lanie cut. "Yes, and I'm sure you have an elaborate excuse involving disappearing floors and dragons, Gretel, but that doesn't change the fact you each of you have missed class, not to mention you whereabouts were unknown to the faculty."

No of course not. If it were anyone else giving an "elaborate excuse" they'd totally believe it, but because it's me, I thought grumpily, but I didn't say anything. Instead, I allowed Mrs. Lanie to lead us all to the Principal's office.

"Enter," said Principal Edith. Mrs. Lanie swung the door open, motioning us inside. Principal Edith looked up.

"Oh Gretel, what now?" she asked as soon she saw me.

"Wha... why do you always asume me?!" 

Principal Edith raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, okay, this time it wasn't me! Honest!" I added emphatically at her questioning look.

Mrs. Lanie hurried around the desk and whispered to Principal Edith. Her expression changed to a very serious, even grave, look. She nodded at Mrs. Lanie, who quickly left the office.

"Now," Principal Edith said, giving us her full attention. "What exactly happened on your challenge?"


So, this is just a thought, maybe we could be heading toward some really big mission that only certain students are chosen for? Since we're alien fighters and all... Maybe something a little like Race to Witch Mountain? (I LOVE that movie!) Thoughts ya'll?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(December 14, 2013 - 7:31 pm)

Hi!!!! I haven't been on in a while, but I noticed this thread and of course I had to join. Is it to late?

submitted by Tovah. L, age 12, Massachussetts
(December 17, 2013 - 9:02 pm)

Of course not! I always welcome new people to help keep the thread alive! You can make a new character, or you can use your character from your thread. Whichever!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(December 17, 2013 - 10:24 pm)

For those of you who didn't join the last one.

Name: Snow Elizabeth Kay White (She is slightly embarrassed by her first
name so everyone except her best friends know her as Elizabeth Kay

Age: 15

Appearence: Umm... if it's possible to add pictures please tell me how. If not... Medium length, wavy pitch black hair; yellow headband; gold
ball earings; blue t-shirt with rose in middle, puffy, red, short
sleeves, and a white collar; red silk bow around waist; yellow
miniskirt; blue glovelettes; yellow purse; blue knee length socks, and
red sneaker boots. She of course has black eyes, pale skin and red lips.

Personality: Kind, over trusting, sees the good in everyone, spunky and
creative, passionate about eco system and nature, smart, great fighter,
loyal, same backstory as real Snow White just switched a little to fit
this century.

Power: can talk to, control, and transform into all of nature. Can also hypnotize people with her voice... especialiy men.

Weapon of choice for fighting aliens: space laser bracelets.

submitted by Tovah. L, age 12, Massachussetts
(December 19, 2013 - 7:33 pm)

@ Tovah: If you like, you can go ahead and introduce your character to ours. We just got through with the whole mission thing, and we're currently in the principal's office, but you can bring in Elizabeth (do you mind if I call her Elizabeth since we have another Snow?) and have her join if you like!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Fairytale High
(December 23, 2013 - 12:11 pm)