NaNoWriMo is ne
Chatterbox: Inkwell
NaNoWriMo is ne
NaNoWriMo is nearly here!
Sorry I have not been posting for a while! Well I am now and so I wanted to say NaNoWriMo is coming! I am doing the younger one, (not being 13 yet) but I am doing 50,000 words. If anyone wants me as a writing buddy then my username is: pinkpuppy102. I got that name when I signed up for an online game, and I now use it for almost everything (not for the Chatter Box though).
submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(October 16, 2013 - 8:59 pm)
(October 16, 2013 - 8:59 pm)
Hmm. . . I could put it in Recess? Or would it go in Groups? I'm not really sure. . . any ideas? Otherwise, I'll just put it in Recess.
(November 7, 2013 - 3:41 pm)
I would put it in Groups.
(November 7, 2013 - 5:41 pm)
Okay, I'll make it in Groups, right away!
(November 7, 2013 - 6:23 pm)
Got it!
(November 7, 2013 - 7:12 pm)
I'll be keeping an eye out for it!
(November 8, 2013 - 2:12 pm)
@ Corina: Did you start the thread yet?
(November 10, 2013 - 10:12 pm)
Wow, i haven't been on in awhile. I've been writing my novel. So, what's this thread we're talking about on the YWP? I'm on NaNo and YWP.
(November 11, 2013 - 7:29 pm)
It's there! If you check her recent forum posts, then you should be able to find it...
(November 11, 2013 - 7:40 pm)
Oopsy, sorry haven't been on this thread for a while.
Anyways, our thread is in Video Games and Websites, placed by the mod. And if you look on my recent forum posts, as True said, you'll find it. It's name is Cricket Chatterboxers~ Okay?
(November 12, 2013 - 4:17 pm)