I was thinking

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I was thinking

I was thinking of doing a thing were we all say what our favorite school subjects are, what we are wearing (and/or what we look like), and what our least favorite school subject is. Oh and it would be cool if admin can answer too (to let us all know about the admins). 

My favorite school subject is English.

I am wearing a white shirt with green stripes, pink pants, five braided bracelets, and a watch. I have sort of dark skin (being part Indian and 5% African), blue eyes, long, flat, light brown hair, and I am tall (around 5 feet 4 inches).

My least favorite subject is math. 

I am a home schooled Christian and I have three siblings and a two year old fish (over two years old now). Sadly where I live we cannot have pets which means no dogs (if we could have pets a golden retriever would be first on my list). My favorite things to do is write, read, listen to music, play mine craft, learn, and write some more. And just to add to my list of things I am studying for a science test tomorrow and listening to Never Gone (my favorite song) by Colton Dixon on Air1. 

I better get back to my school work.


Favorite school subject: English and music (I know that's two, but I like them both.)

Least favorite: History, when I was in school, because there was so much to study and learn, but now I like reading about history.

Wearing: Garden of the Gods (Colorado) T-shirt and khaki shorts


submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(September 19, 2013 - 4:50 pm)

My favorite school subject is science (I took physical science last year, but this year I'm taking biology)

I am wearing my school uniform. =)

I have brown, uncontrollable, curly hair and bluish-gray eyes. 

My least favorite school subject is history, just because it's harder for me than other subjects. 



submitted by Blue Moon
(September 19, 2013 - 6:53 pm)

Favorite subject: English and Spanish

Least favorite subject: Science

Wearing: A dark red leotard and black dance shorts.

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(September 20, 2013 - 4:42 pm)


My favorite subjects are English and History. I understand why many people don't like history. I just like knowing about the people and events that shaped this country, and it makes me prouder to be an American, and it gives me someone to look up to. Like Susan B. Anthony, Sybil Luddington, Abigail Adams, Paul Revere, the WASPS...

Least favorite: Science and Math (they tie. Definitely.)

I'm wearing my pjs. I like to be comfy.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Town that Never Was
(September 20, 2013 - 6:30 pm)

Favorite school subject: I like them all, but it would have to be English or History

What I'm wearing: An empire waist top, that is purpley blue on the top, and a lighter version of that on the bottom. Denim shorts. My hair is in a loose ponytail, and I have pearl stud earrings in.

What I look like: I have long, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and I'm about 5'5" 1/2.

Least favorite school subject: Like I said, I like them all, but Math or Science I like less.

submitted by Ivy
(September 20, 2013 - 6:03 pm)

I am so glad I am not the only one who does not like math! Science is okay but if I am going to do a job in science I better learn those terms! Right now I am wearing blue pants, and a white, black, and pink striped sweater (it is getting cold now!). I still am wearing my watch and braided bracelets (I never take those off unless I switch my bracelets). Right now I am listening to Air1 (like I always do.). Oh and I am making a paper video game. I made the introduction to the game on my computer (about 16 pages long) and now I am making the game (just on paper!). So (yawn! I am so tired) I guess I don't have anything else to say minus that me and my family is going to some farms tomorrow for an event. Apple pie, apple picking, corn mazes, hay mazes, apples, apple everything! So as you can tell (I think you all can tell) that I am going to an apple event! Right now Boasting by Lecrae is on (I hope I spelled his name right, and I don't like this song, not really anyway). I do recommend listening to Air1 someday (no commercials on Air1!). Sorry if I sound like I am advertising for Air1 but that is all I listen to so I sort of enjoy talking about Air1. Anyway I have said what I wanted to say (before I fall asleep typing!) and good night all!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(September 20, 2013 - 11:40 pm)

Favorite school subject: English and American history. And British history. And mythology.

Least favorite subject: Trigonometry! I have met my Waterloo at last.

Wearing: Return of the Jedi T-shirt, blue sport shorts, orange Nike shoes.

I'm not going to put what I look like because I like reading what everyone thinks I look like on the guessing Chatterboxers appearance threads!

submitted by Everinne, age 14, Asgard
(September 21, 2013 - 2:57 pm)

Favorite subject: Orchestra or maybe Language Arts because I'm Mr Doherty's favorite student

What I'm wearing: a really big t-shirt and gym shorts

Least favorite subject: Latin

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(September 23, 2013 - 7:30 am)

Favorite School Subject: Varies. Mostly Art though, I love drawing, painting and coloring. Plus all my sisters do too, so art class is usually a wonderful affair. Also, it takes place every Friday afternoon, so when we have art class, it means we are two hours to freedom!! Or at least for the weekend.

Least Favorite School Subject: Varies between Math and History. I'm sorry, but I just can not stand my History textbook. I love learning about it elsewhere, but the book is such a bore. And Math. Ew. Horrible. All I need to say.

Wearing: A white summer dress, white leggings and a gold hair clippy-thingy with white crystals on it. My dress reaches to just below my knees. *sigh* it used to go down to my ankles. Until I grew to be five feet three inches. Now it doesn't. Oh, and my gold glasses, which I always have on, so I guess it's not much of what I'm wearing. And I have rug burn on my knee. I have no idea where I got it. I also have like ten black-and-blues on my legs and arms. Also have no idea where they came from, though I usually have more. And two paper cuts on my left pinky.

submitted by Corina, age 11, Sitting on a bed
(September 24, 2013 - 2:33 pm)

Favorite Subjects: Band, Creative Writing, any type of Science

Least Favorite: PE and Health *shivers*

Wearing: Jeans, purple Converse, black and white argyle socks, pink Disney World t shirt, orange Virginia Beach sweatshirt

Looks: super pale, short light brown hair with natural blond highlights, blue-grey-green eyes, tall-ish

submitted by Melody, age 15, Disney
(September 25, 2013 - 7:58 am)

Corina I also don't like math and history is not really my thing either. I do like science but I don't really like the science I am doing now. But for me school is going to go two grades harder next year because I am skipping 8th grade and going into my first year of high school. And the song playing right now is Hello My Name Is by Matthew West (it is playing on Air1).

I am wearing blue jeans, blue shirt that has a blue and white striped coat thing sewed to it, my watch, and three braided bracelets (I am wearing my fall color ones). I am also sick and my house is freezing. I have a math test today to make things worse. The math I am doing now is about the same level as algebra (or close to that). And now that it is fall it has been getting colder (where I live summer is very hot and winter is very cold) and sooner than I know it I will be a frozen ice cube!

Well I better get back to math, then science, then my writing class, then so much more!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(September 25, 2013 - 12:16 pm)

Melody I have to agree PE is horrible! For me I don't really do PE but I will next year. I also like creative writing (I am taking two college classes in writing) and science minus the terms. Well I now have to go (my math test awaits me). Let's keep this thread going because it is so fun learning about all the CBers!

submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(September 25, 2013 - 1:02 pm)

Now that I have a formulated opinion on school this year, I can answer this accurately. 

Favorite Subject: Science or Social Studies.  It really depends on the teacher, though.  Everything depends on the teacher.

Least favorite subject: Home and Careers.  Why do we need to spend a quarter of the year on organization?  That makes no sense.

I'm wearing a long-sleeved pale green shirt, blue jeans and turquoise/blue fair isle wool socks.

submitted by Gollum
(September 25, 2013 - 6:17 pm)

@ Everinne: I love American history too! My favorite periods are the American Revolution, and the 1940s! Also, I have not even attempted trigonomety yet, and honestly, I don't plan too. If I don't need it to graduate, I refuse to do it!


Seriously, why is PE considered a subject?! I'm sorry, but that's like one of the dumbest things ever to get passed as a school requirement! You can get PE at home! If schools didn't give SO MUCH blasted homework, and took PE out of the subject agenda, then MAYBE kids would actually have more time to go outside and play! I swear, kids today have to spend more time sitting at a computer or writing instead of being outdoors and given more of an opertunity to be "physically fit." And seriously, the standards today of being "fit" are ridiculous. We need to just get rid of PE. Besides, you spend most of the time sitting there, getting the instructions for what you're going to do. And being graded on it?! Plus, kids can get SO mean and competitive in PE! It does nothing but humiliate the less sport gifted! Okay, there, I've had my say.


And I am wearing my pjs again. So comfy...

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Armageddon
(September 25, 2013 - 8:33 pm)

I agree with you BHR. PE is terrible.

submitted by Maggie, age 12, Charlotte
(September 26, 2013 - 3:00 pm)

Blonde Heroines Rule and Maggie I do agree PE is horrible but it might have a place in schools. Yes, young kids are active and run around and play but not many older kids. Unless they play a sport then I doubt they get enough exercise. Most kids (this is just my guess) don't do anything active at home or at school. PE is needed so the kids that don't exercise or do a sport (people like me) can get some exercise. And about PE being competitive, I think that maybe the people who do sports and stuff like that maybe should not do PE and for the more not active kids have them do PE. I know you might say this is unfair but it is not because active kids exercise, not active kids don't. If we get the kids that are not active doing PE then they will get their exercise just like the kids that do sports. I am not really sure if we should be graded on doing PE or not because being graded in PE lets us see how much we improved but some scores are worse than others and that can make other kids upset. This is just my opinion on PE (I know I talk way to much).

submitted by Ashlee G., age 12, Washington
(September 26, 2013 - 5:53 pm)