New RP. 
Chatterbox: Inkwell
New RP. 
New RP.
Because I forgot which ones I'm currently part of.
I think we should do one about this group of kids who go to a boarding school. This boarding school's normal, except for the fact it's on a spaceship. And the kids are kept so isolated for a reason...
The school's called the Space Shuttle Education.
Name: Gemma Donner
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Country she's from: USA
Family: Mom (Kristin), Dad (Marc), Brother (Nick), Grandma (Freida)
Reason she was sent to the SS Education: At the age of three, she taught herself to pick locks. At the age of seven, she taught herself to crack safes. She got sent to the SS Education her freshman year because she started utilizing these skills when she was ten, after her dad lost her job.
Other: Plays drums.
My grandma's name (on my father's side) was Freida! She ran a German bakery in Chicago.
(July 11, 2013 - 9:07 pm)
Ignore the last paragraph. Turns out Noah has Health first thing in the morning.
(July 17, 2013 - 3:09 pm)
Okay. He had health. I myself wasn't sure for a moment. Though I liked that scene more than my own.
(July 17, 2013 - 6:17 pm)
Satellite zoom zoom.
Rings aren't strictly necessary, if we're not using centrifugal force for artificial gravity.
SC, you previously said "I am going to draw the space shuttle, so I assume this is your drawing. But please, everyone, when you submit art, tell us right along with it that it is your own work. We can't risk rights violation by posting anything we don't have permission to show.
(July 16, 2013 - 8:25 pm)
Will do. So yeah, this is mine, and I've tried resizing this so you can see the whole thing.
(July 17, 2013 - 9:23 am)
So. This thread was updated quite a while ago by Writing Warrior and a few seconds ago by SC, but I can see neither of their posts. Since I'm an impatient and impractical person, I will go on to write a post from Noah and give apologies. (You'll see what I mean)
Almost to health class, the gravity controls are set off, and we all go floating. Since the teacher, three other students and I are the only ones in health, we decisivly wait, hovering above our desks. The teacher groans but I don't much care. It wasn't me. And techincly it's a problem. Maybe class will get delayed.
I look at the front cover of my yellow notebook, labeled "Notes" innocently. If you write in it in any class and show the cover to the teacher, they're sure to give you extra credit points. Not that they actually look at what you're writing. It gives me time to plot.
Today, instead, I write what the principal said to me. I remove a pencil from the secret pocket inside my vest, I keep a couple of useful things in there, and write the date at the top of teh paper. The the first disturbing thing the principal told me.
I want you to make friends.
I shudder. It's not that I hate other people, I'm a people person, really, it's just I'm at a point here where friends, comrades, allies, whatever, they'll all bring me down. It's not like I haven't had friends in the past. I have. It's just, a friend is a person to distract you, for you to grow attached to, someone who if they don't escape SSE you might go back for them. And now the principal was going to give me a dorm mate. I didn't know what to think. I frown and write the next thing.
You can't go to space alone.
I think I perfectly understood what he meant and didn't get a word of it at the same time. One of the kids in the class intruped me thoughts. "Hey! How do you take notes and float at the same time?"
I look up at them, smile, and shrug. "Can't you?" I ask. They make no comment, but instead opt for staring at me as though I were some sort of circus freak.
You can't go to space alone.
Was the principal supporting me? Did he want me to over throw him, to make friends and escape SSE?
I stared at the words in my notebook, nothing making sense.
Sorry for being off subject. You can't deny it, my comics kind of are! It's hard to keep up, and often times I will draw out the panels and the storyline will change. Also, the background characters, and everyone's characters in advance. If I draw your character, I'll try to make a profile and ask you about it first so you can tell me what I got wrong. I don't want to shape characters. That's why background characters and teachers are so plain.
You may have noticed the yellow stripe on the teahcer's shirt. I thought maybe it could be a sign of teacherdom. I don't know.
Also, yes, that's a Twin Spica referance, You can't go to space alone. I like that. So some of this isn't apologies. Still.
Zaga says "Ring!" Zaga's been thinking about the doorbell. When're you going to ring it? Ha.
(July 16, 2013 - 8:51 pm)
Okay, what sites do you people use for image hosting?
(July 17, 2013 - 11:06 am)
I'm using photobucket. Making an account is free, and so are the first 1000 pictures. Then I go library, highlight it (this usually takes a few tries), then copy and paste. I also edit the pictures, because usually when I scan them in they're oriented the wrong way and are too big to fit into the Cricket box (see example with satellites above).
(July 17, 2013 - 1:33 pm)
@ Teresa: That works fine for me! I've been kinda at a loss as to what to do with Charlie anyways.
Charlie ~
I sat class, Celeste going off in Italian again, and the new girl, my new roommate, laughed, which me wonder what Celeste was saying. I stared off into space, randome thoughts flitting through my mind. So my own, many from the random students around me. I started mumbling under my breath, which was the only way to keep me from going mad.
"Wondering what's Celeste is saying, planning to smuggle something to the boy across the isle, Teacher losing it with Celeste," I mutter. Gemma, sitting behind me, laughes, evidently having heard me. I lay my head in my arms, thinking of a way to leave. Though I have no idea how.
(July 17, 2013 - 4:56 pm)
Wordpress. I put all of my images up, copy, paste, and take them down.
Also I realised I back tracked one day in my last cartoon. Living in the past. Sorry. And he went to health. Sorry. So Pretned he when to chemistry. Pretend.
(July 17, 2013 - 5:08 pm)
Theo: Your Twin Spica reference elevates you to new levels of awesomeness in my eyes. Carry on.
Class work stuff: I really think we need a basis of what we're going to do. For instance, how many classes do you want to have a day, and should the students have the same classes every day or switch (and if so, how should they switch?)? Is it okay to base it off of the IB program? My idea is this:
1. Social Science every year. World History or Econ.
2. English every year. This is is an English speaking school, right?
3. Mathematics every year. We can all kinds of advanced math courses.
4. Science ever year. Required two years physical (Chem, Phys) and two years life (Bio).
5. Electives: An art class (Drama, Music, Visual Art) ever year. Health... two years? Physical Education should probably be every year. (In my district, you're supposed to have it every day, but you either had it every other week or every other quarter in middle school. That's IB for you.) Then we can add other random classes... Computer Science, maybe. Oh, TOK! That'd be fun!
Is that okay with you guys? Or do you want weirder classes?
Is anyone in IB here? Did you have to do the Personal Project? What kind of stuff qualifies? I've been considering learning Korean, but it'd be hard to learn to speak a language fluently within two years. Also, do you know what the difference between HL and SL testing is? Oh no! I just realised, you have one and a half years to complete your Personal Project! I'm doomed! No! It's even shorter! You begin in the spring of freshman year and it gets graded in the winter of sophmore year! *crawls under a desk and dies*
(July 17, 2013 - 3:59 pm)
Ideas for more classes (or, I pull out my highschool class catalogue):
1: Social sciences: World History, Government, American History, European History, African History, Asian Studies, Civil and Criminal Law, Psychology, Philosophy.
2: English: Maybe some specialized literature classes as well? I know we have a class at my school (one semester only) that's just for Shakespeare's works, and another for sci-fi/fantasy, another for journalism, etc. I don't know, because I feel like the SSE is more of a science/math oriented school.
3: Math: MATH MATH math math
4: Science: Maybe an experimental class? They've got all this stuff to work with that they wouldn't have on Earth, so a class where they do experiments!inspace. Probably would require previous classes (maybe all biology, chemistry, physics) so this would probably be for the older kids, and the kids who have been there longer.
5: Electives: Yeah, that sounds about right.
6: PE: Every year, and probably every day, because they're in space, and even though they've got artificial gravity, they'd probably want to avoid any side effects.
(July 17, 2013 - 6:02 pm)
I like the idea of the different history selections! And English selection as well. BASIC MATH! Like, nothing beyond, Algebra 2! For science, I agree the whole creative license thing.
For electives, maybe even instruments, like piano or guitar, and foreign languages, comme le Français (like French).
I'm game for whatever.
(July 17, 2013 - 9:40 pm)
Ugh. SC, your high school has amazing courses. Can I just move to your high school? Please?
Basic Math? Why? Andrew's probably going to be in Algebra II cause that's what I'm going to do this year (I'm sorry. I feel so stupid.)
We shouldn't do foreign languages, because this is an international school and we have a bunch of polyglots anyway.
(July 17, 2013 - 10:34 pm)
My high school's got 3300 students, so we've got a lot of choices (also known as two different wheelthrowing classes and a wheelthrowing club) which is pretty awesome. We have this class called Investigative Biomedical Research, where you basically create this enormous lab report the entire year. This one girl created a pointe shoe that could be easily machine made and would be a lot cheaper. I know I'm going to end up with 6 years worth of Science credits by the time I graduate, which is pretty awesome.
On Math: Firstly, we should do Algebra I- Geometry - Algebra 2 - Pre Calc- Calc A - Calc BC because Algebra 2 should be taught before Pre Calc, not Geometry. Also, I agree with Ruby: why would we not have anything beyond Algebra 2? I turned 15 this month, and I'm going to be taking Pre Calc next year, and that's not completely out of the ordinary at my school. I was going to have Concord take Algebra 2, having already done Geometry and Algebra I.
Foreign languages: It's a international school, so shouldn't a variety of languages be taught? We don't have to, but I thought it might be nice. Concord is mostly fluent in Chinese because of her mother, but not like a native speaker. I think it would be a good idea- more exposure, and easier communication with classmates who don't speak English as a first language and/or aren't very fluent.
(July 18, 2013 - 3:30 pm)
Okay, suddenly I feel a lot younger. I'm in middle school and I'm taking Algebra 1/2. (Is everyone here in high school?!)
(December 1, 2013 - 1:48 pm)