HypQuests 6!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

HypQuests 6!!!

HypQuests 6!!!

1. What would you do if you were managing the ticket stand at a movie theater, and a five-year-old boy with a suit and sunglasses walked in, gave you his credit card, and said in a REALLY DEEP VOICE, "One ticket, please!"

I would say, "Uhhh... okay. You are awfully dignified to be in kindergarten... sir. Which movie?"

2. What would you do if you saw a house across the street on fire, and then a giant ogre in a fireman suit came and dumped a bucket of water on the house to put it out?

I would think, "Wow, the fire department must have a big budget" and go ask the ogre where he came from and how he happened to become a firefighter.

3. What would you do if you saw two trash cans having a conversation about how much garbage had been thrown into them lately?

Wonder if I was in Oz and the trash cans had had Powder of Life applied to them, then go ask them if this was so. 

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 14, HypQuester Vortex
(June 4, 2013 - 7:07 pm)

1. Say, "How do you do? Are you perhaps an actor from Men in Black 2?"

2. Ask the ogre if he happened to be transported from Middle Earth and if he liked just plain Earth.

3. Go get my hearing checked.

submitted by Everinne, age 14, R.M.S. Titanic
(June 6, 2013 - 2:51 pm)


submitted by Goop, age Gooped age, Goopworld
(June 6, 2013 - 8:09 pm)

I delayed my answers a bit cause I though I would seem weird to be first\only post on every one of these:

1. Go with the flow. Give him the movie ticket. If he's runaway, good for him! I wouldn't want to spoil anything for him!

2. Be surprised! Grawp? GRAWP!!! It must be. Well, if it's not, I'll name him that. Take him as a pet.

3. Go chat with them. Sure it's odd, but so is me talking to them. They sure had some frightening ideas. No, I don't think we should eat it ourselves.. 


submitted by Blackberry E., age 13
(June 7, 2013 - 8:49 am)

Grawp is not an ogre.

submitted by Daffodil
(June 7, 2013 - 8:44 pm)

1: I would ask him for a photo ID.

2: I would think he/she was a  highly effective fire fighter. Nobody needs a big budget to hire an ogre; wouldn't he get paid the same as anyone else? However, he might be paid a bit more for aforementioned reason. 

3: I would assume I had been magically transported to a skit on the muppet show. 

Squishy says omha. I do not live in Omaha.

JDD's Comment: Rodney says omha. Hey, Omaha is where Oscar Diggs, the Wizard of Oz, comes from in the Oz books! (Not the new movie, though. In Oz the Great and Powerful, they changed to Kansas for the purpose of opening the movie in a way faithful to the '39 Judy Garland version.)

Daffodil: Rodney & Squishy are 2 different captchas.

It all depends on how you look at it, Daffy sis.

submitted by Daffodil
(June 7, 2013 - 8:56 pm)

Daffodil??? Doing a HypQuest???? Wow.. you must be glad to be back.

submitted by Blackberry E., age 13, Michigan
(June 9, 2013 - 5:19 pm)