sad sad sad
Chatterbox: Inkwell
sad sad sad
sad sad sad flipnote has ended.
now my dsi is boreing once again.
all of my memorys,well my sd card is lost.
anyways back to the story.
when we left of steve had just killed some sheep,made a bed,and slept.
now he has taken a risk and is cave diveing.
tonk.tonk.tonk. You are a prety bad shot skelly. Clank.Clank.poof!
look an arrow! pop.pop.pop. Found some coal. This is why you bring a crafting table. Bang.bang.bang. made some torches!
to be continued in part 3 (more soon than this time)
submitted by steve
(June 1, 2013 - 10:36 am)
(June 1, 2013 - 10:36 am)
Hmm. Stevie - may I call you Stevie? What sort of animation do you make on your DSi? And what is with the lack of proper spacing and capitalization of letters? And do you want to play Add-on with me and your bro?
(June 4, 2013 - 12:54 pm)
Steve! Do you realize that skeletons are made of bones? IF YOU DO, YOU WIN HAPPY GOLD WHICH IS FROM THE CLOUDS!
(January 5, 2017 - 1:17 pm)