Editing things!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Editing things!

Editing things!

Geh. I've been gone too long. Things are happening in profusion.

Anyway, back to the actual topic: I'm editing my NaNo from November right now. It's currently title-less, so I'm calling it MITWITCH. Stands for Manuscript Is Truly Wicked If Titles Can't Happen.

How do you guys go about editing? I've separated my process into several different "rounds": First-round involves reading through the original document and making notes with red pen in the margins, filling up plot holes with skellies and marking passages that are redundant or just plain silly. Second-round is typing it up, incorporating the edits, printing it out... etc. etc.

So far I'm a quarter of the way through first-round edits and things are not looking good for MITWITCH. Thankfully, it doesn't need a revamp, but there's still a lot of things about it that need a lot of fixing.

Ideas? Questions? Whateverisms?

Yava: xybh


submitted by L
(May 12, 2013 - 5:09 pm)

I need to finish my April NaNo and edit my November NaNo.  My editing process is pretty much:

Read through and change bad things and take them out as you go along.

Repeat as necessary.

I haven't actually finished a lot of novels, and haven't completely edited all the way through any of them, so this is kind of what I've done for my other things.

submitted by Gollum
(May 13, 2013 - 3:46 pm)

I pretty much do it the same way and I always have a thesaurus and dictionary on hand in case I want a more descriptive word somewhere. After editing once I type it because then I can see each word individually and determine whether it fits or not. I also like having my mom or a friend read over it since they can often find a mistake I missed.

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(May 14, 2013 - 5:52 am)

Yeah, my Dec 1 copy is the sole occupant of two entire notebooks that I'm currently going through with a red pen, realizing that all of this is Very Very Silly and that the final result is probably going to be much less than 50k words.

Also, I just awkwardly figured out that my antag's name is a French swear word. Yeah... that's not happening. 

submitted by L
(May 14, 2013 - 6:45 pm)

That's where I am, Gollum. I haven't even finished my novel. And when I do, I'll probably do just that, go through and read it, take out and add as necessary, repeat. We'll see how that goes, since I've never edited anything before.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, Writing a Novel
(May 14, 2013 - 11:54 am)

I am terrible at editing. For example: I have one story on the line for publication, but I haven't edited it in a million years and that line seems to be slipping away. It's about robots. (Of course)

submitted by Theo W.
(May 14, 2013 - 6:53 pm)

I love editing. I really do. It is my passion. Writing isn't half as fun as editing to me.

How I edit depends on what I'm dealing with:

Short story, written by me: Write. Throw out and rewrite differently. Throw out and rewrite differently. Repeat until the idea I actually started with is only a vague memory. Experiment with all kinds of different things. Change tenses, person (you know, first, third, etc.), character's names and details, locations. Fiddle until I have something that I think I could like in ten years if I worked on liking it and squinted at it a little. Attack it. Cross things out, rewrite, cross out the rewrites, cross out the cross out of the rewrites, change, change, change, fix, fix, fix. And by then it's time to turn the darn thing in. I don't write that mcuh for fun.

Longer thingymajig, written by me: Write. Change. Change some more. Add, erase, change, throw out whole sections, write new sections, change the theme or the plot in major ways...

Essays written by me: Write. Proofread. Turn in and promptly forget about it.

Something written by someone else: I take a pen or a keyboard and make annotations across the whole thing. Then I hand it to the person and say these are my thoughts. And then they cry, "Why are there so many things? My friends/mommy/teacher lying through their teeth say I'm a good writer!" I say, "You are a good writer, but even the best authors can improve their work."

I haven't had anything to edit in a couple of months. This annoys me. 

Captcha says anpo. Great, now the song Sanpo is stuck in my head. 

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Editor's Office
(May 14, 2013 - 7:19 pm)

Our editing styles are very similar. Especially when it comes to other people's work. I try to force my stuff on other people so they can read it but I only end up with little comments in the margins that don't really do anything for me, but when I try to edit theirs (even when they ask for critique) ALL HECK BREAKS LOOSE.

@Everrinne: the Admins would probably edit it out, but it starts with an M. 

submitted by L
(May 16, 2013 - 5:43 am)

I used to hate editing with a passion. I hated everything I wrote the minute I reread it and wanted to throw it out.

Ergo, my system was write a story, leave it for a month, THEN edit it. It doesn't sound so terrible after I've left the darn thing for a while.

The only problemo with this is that during the month in between I get a new idea and the old one immediately loses its lustre, and I no longer want to make it better.

So I have taken a leaf out of Nero's book and have locked myself in my room for half a night and forced myself to edit my stories, and not give up amid the tears and the desires to tear the pages in half.

After doing that, I type in the new and much changed draft and smile when I realize that the story is not so terrible after all.

That is an example of my mercurial writing tendencies. I couldn't live without writing, but I nearly die in doing it.

@L: What was the French swear word/character's name??

submitted by Everinne, age 14, R.M.S. Titanic
(May 15, 2013 - 2:28 pm)

YAY! I have just been chosen to write and read the farewell address at 8th grade graduation! The speech consists of the teachers, new students and memories from preK to this year. It will be tough to make the speech flow, but I think I can do it. I hope it is good and interesting; at least others can edit it. Wish me luck!


Congratulations, Teresa! What an honor. You might ask your classmates to submit memories for you to include.


submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(May 16, 2013 - 1:29 pm)

Congratulations, Teresa!

We have 6th grade graduation next month.  The ceremony is pretty much all awards right after another.

submitted by Gollum
(May 16, 2013 - 4:37 pm)

Congrats! And good luck!

submitted by L
(May 16, 2013 - 7:56 pm)



My class is working on making giant sticky notes with all their memories on it, so I will have their memories to help me.

@ Gollum

What type of awards does your class get? We have outstanding male/female, academic awards, music awards, band awards, sportmanship awards...  

submitted by Teresa, age 14, Michigan
(May 17, 2013 - 5:54 am)

At our old school, there were fifty billion awards that were mostly unnecessary.  I'm not sure what they do here, what with redistricting and all...  Probably more of the same.

submitted by Gollum
(May 17, 2013 - 3:32 pm)

I can edit other people's stuff just fine. However this is how I edit my own:

1. Spellcheck.

2. Read through and check for things spellcheck didn't pick up on, like "bad" instead of "bed."

3. Forget it, I'm lazy and I'm not editing this.

End. Then I go make myself a cupcake and congratulate myself on a job well done.

I don't think I'll edit my April Nano, just because I want to leave it the way it is. I really love the plot and everything, but it's more suited to a decade long, serialized manga (and I can't draw people. I am a marvelous colorer, but I can't draw people) I don't want to shrink it, so I'll read it over in six months and then decide. My November Nano was awful, so I really should go back and basically rewrite the whole thing, but... finals. Art foundations summer school. Tennis. Piano.

I'm lazy.

submitted by SC
(May 17, 2013 - 5:30 pm)

Huh. I'm the opposite, because I really see November's going somewhere, and I want to throw April's notebook at the wall.

There. I just did. I feel so much better. 

submitted by L
(May 18, 2013 - 8:37 am)