Hello Chatterboxers! I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hello Chatterboxers! I&#3

Hello Chatterboxers! I'm new here, recently introduced by my friend.

So just wanted to say hi!


Welcome, Artemis. We're glad you're here!


submitted by Artemis
(March 25, 2013 - 8:52 pm)

Hey Artemis! Welcome to the CB! I'm Ivy. I am obsessed with BBC Merlin, Once Upon a Time, Harry Potter, and a lot of other things. I love to read and write. I'm getting ready to do Camp NaNo in April. I also love to dance. I dance Ballet, Jazz, Tap,  and Contemporary.

See you around!

submitted by Ivy
(March 25, 2013 - 9:52 pm)

Hi Artimis! I'm Theo, but I also post as Lexi, I could also say I'm Lexi but I also post as Theo. This makes me remain genderless, which was intended to confuse people. 

Who was the friend?

Anyways, welcome to the chatterbox, Artimis! 

submitted by Theo W.
(March 27, 2013 - 9:15 am)

Welcome Artemis! :) 

A few things that you might want to know. If you're confused just ask. :) 

RP (Role-play): In an RP you create a character and then write in their perspective. Role-plays are often based on books (for example, The Hunger Games) but they can also be made up. Check out the Graceling RP or the Princess RP on Inkwell.

RR (Round Robin): On a RR someone starts a story, the next person continues and so on. It would look something like this.

Person 1: Sandra walked down the hall.

Person 2: The walls were covered in rainbow colored streamers.

Person 3: Suddenly a unicorn appeared.

Person 1: Sandra screamed.

Usually you post more than one sentence. I think there’s a RR on Inkwell.

SI (Secret Identity?): Here you make up a person and act like that person until the given deadline. On the deadline people try to guess who you are. There are quite a few SIs on Blab About Books.

Top, Poke, Kick, Tickle…: When a thread seems to be dying people post short things like “Top!” to push it back to the top. Also the first person to post on a new thread always sends the thread to the back pages for some unknown reason. That’s why the second or third comment on a new thread is often “Top”, “Poke”, “Tickle” etc.  

submitted by Elizabeth, age 13, Germany
(March 27, 2013 - 12:55 pm)

JDD says Goop too. Which I guess is pretty imaginitive.

I am L, the only Chatterboxer whose name is one letter. Which is pretty cool if you think about it, because there can only be 26 of those, really. *ahem* Rambling. I write a TON (no really, just ask the people inhabiting my brain) and I'm doing Camp NaNo in OHMIGOSH FOUR DAYS.

I'm not doing a very good job of introducing myself. I live in Michigan and like cars and anime and other things too. I'm a Nerdfighter like Gollum and do homework most of the time.

Yava: zzfi. (Another thing you will notice, people occasionally post what the Spam-Checking Device says to them. I named mine Yava).


submitted by L
(March 27, 2013 - 4:11 pm)

I also introduced a new thing called Add-on. It's a game where we come up with a bunch of features for a character, draw pictures of that character, and then post them. The threads where we play Add-on tell you more plus instructions for posting an image on the first one (there are two now), which can come in handy everywhere.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 13, Chicago, not Chicago
(March 29, 2013 - 6:08 pm)

Salutations, Artemis!  I am Gollum.  I like to read, write, read, play the viola, read, act, read, swim, read, draw random things, read, be a Nerdfighter, read, hike and read.  Also reading.  I read a little, too.  Oh, yes.  I read.  Plus a little reading here and there.  I forgot that I read as well.

Chatterbox Dictionary Time!

Lightning Round!

Let us begin!

Lettuce begin!

We're beginning now!















I also like to procrastinate!

I should just slink away and go read. (That's also something I like to do.) 

Spamster in his spamster cage says cfcb.  Count Frankenstein lives in the Chatterbox?  No, that's Count Dracula.

I should just go slink away awkwardly...



Welcome.  Seriously.  And DFTBA. 

submitted by Gollum, River City, Iowa
(March 27, 2013 - 1:17 pm)

Hello, Artemis! I am Quintus, recently returned from the doldrums known as the Canadian school systems. My current claims to Chatterboxian fame are my partaking in the Lemming War (but on the losing side, however) and my strange obsession with Hetalia.

I hope you stay!

Garthwumpian Flopp says rkpw.


submitted by Quintus, Calveicia
(March 27, 2013 - 2:35 pm)

Hi Artemis! I am Blonde Heroines Rule! Writing Fanatic, participant in Camp Nano as well which *gasp* L is right! Is in FOUR DAYS! Excuse me while I go on a very excited fit with lots of screaming.

I am psychotic, am prone to write random things, sometimes in French, which Ivy will back up (hehehe!). I am no Doctor Who, Sherlock, or Merlin fan. But an EXTREME British Top Gear fanatic! Also, Peter Pan. 

Btw, I love your name! Did you pick it for the Greek Goddess?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, Never Land
(March 27, 2013 - 5:34 pm)

Hello, Artemis! I am Red, if you couldn't tell by the name on this post. How to describe me? Well, let's start by seeing what things I like. I like lemmings, a band called Rush, cats, video games (especially Pokemon), reading, and this jar of mixed nuts I just found in the kitchen. They're quite tasty (the nuts that is, not the lemmings, Pokemon, cats, Rush, or books). One thing you'll notice quite quickly: everyone around the Chatterbox is slightly odd. Some more than others. 

submitted by Red, age 13, Elsewhere
(March 27, 2013 - 6:23 pm)

*gasps and looks around*


*goes to hide in a corner*

submitted by L
(March 28, 2013 - 3:00 pm)

Oh dear. Red, I do believe you have scared L into hiding in a corner.

submitted by Theo W., age 12
(March 28, 2013 - 5:26 pm)

There is now an odd person hiding inside me. Odd.

submitted by Corner
(March 28, 2013 - 8:21 pm)

I live in corners.

submitted by L
(March 28, 2013 - 8:47 pm)

I read in corners.

Also, I am doing Camp NaNo, which is in TWOishpossibly DAYS!  French the llama.  I still need to name my main character. *goes off into frantic novel research* I like name generators but it would be very helpful if while they're at it, they'd just make a gypsy name generator?  Or a vagabond generator?  Or a snake-oil saiesman generator?  Yes, I'm looking at YOU springhole generator.  Yay.  Now we have a Nadya.  And a James called Jay but Yosha by this old Russian dude.

submitted by Gollum
(March 29, 2013 - 8:45 am)

Hello Artemis! I'm Teresa! My hobbies include ballet, reading, writing, drawing, cooking (mostly desserts) and making crafts. See you around the Chatterbox!

submitted by Teresa, age 13, Michigan
(March 28, 2013 - 3:31 pm)