Funny Stories

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Funny Stories

Funny Stories

Okay, this is the new idea here.

We combine three things into a story. We can all suggest our own three things we can combine. I'm going to start us off with these three things:

1. A disastrous rocket launch

2. An angry cow

3. A toothpaste commercial

All these things must have a significant role in the story. I'll write my own later, cause I need to think of a good way to mix these together. 

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 13, Falling in deep pits
(March 19, 2013 - 8:44 pm)

GOOP it up already! GOOP!

submitted by Goop, Goopworld
(March 20, 2013 - 4:25 pm)


submitted by Goop, Goopworld
(March 20, 2013 - 4:39 pm)

Oh, man! This is going to die if we can't top it back up! TOP!!!

submitted by Top, Topworld
(March 20, 2013 - 4:49 pm)

Whew! Forget the comment about how I hoped the story would get through. It all worked out and now this thread is at the top again and my story is posted. Now let's let this thread live out its dreams of glory!

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 13, Forgetting things
(March 20, 2013 - 4:55 pm)

It appears that one of the Admins is online as I type this.


Yup, I'm on, posting as fast as I can.

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 13, Forgetting things
(March 20, 2013 - 4:59 pm)


submitted by Goop, age Gooped age, Goopworld
(March 22, 2013 - 2:49 pm)