There are a

Chatterbox: Inkwell

There are a

There are a lot of RPs going on right now, and since I'm not part of one and it would be too late to join, I thought of making one. It's about magical/mythical beings who fight the opposing team. If you join please make a bio like the one I am about to do.


Name: Alyss-Mae Whitestorm (Alice-May is how it's pronunced)

Gender: Girl

Kind: Witch

Which side(good or bad): Good

Age: 17

Aperance: butt length Curlyish blond hair , purple eyes. Wears dark red lipstick, casually wears a yellow sundress, wears when battling black short skirt, and a pink shirt.

Powers: pretty much everything, since she's a witch 

Other:parents are queen and king of witch world and she tries to hide it, lives with her aunt in this world since parents are trying to protect her from the bad side theyre fighting with at her real home, but goes back in middle of story.

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, Neverland
(March 17, 2013 - 7:03 pm)

I could believe that.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 19, 2013 - 1:56 pm)

Name: Strobinof

Kind: Small elf creature with wings and dark magic corssing through his veins

Side: Bad

Appearance: As I already said, Strobinof is a small elfish creature with dark draginiod like wings as well as black eyes, black hair, and dark green skin.

Powers: Well, obviously flight (what are wings for?) but also as I already did say Strobinof posses a certain amount of dark magic. And since I'm not quite sure what that means, he doesn't exactly know how to control his powers. Usually bad things happen around him, and people have a tendency to laugh evilly when he stares at them, which, frankly, freaks Strobinof out.

Other: Strobinof's parents were both elven, and he was utterly disgusted by his good-doery parents. He soon left them, joined the bad side and through time was possed with dark magic and grew dragonoid wings. Once on the "dark" side, Stronbinof was trained to act on impluse, and turned into a military machine.

His only weakness is his sister, Trillion, whom he loved dearly, the only regret he had of turning against his family is that Trillion would not join him in the rebellion.

Also, he eats pencils as one might eat potato chips.

Yes, pencils. 

submitted by Lexi, age 12, Diabolical Plans!
(March 18, 2013 - 8:30 pm)

I so very much wish to join.

Name: Avis Westerly

Age: 14

Kind: Were-bear

Side: Nobody's but her own.

Appearance: Curly brownish-red hair that reaches about to her shoulders, brown (almost black) eyes. Fairly tall and solidly built.

Powers: Like a werewolf. Except she's a bear. Which is cool. She is accomplished in the way of Fighting With Sharp Pointy Objects Or Anything Else You Might Find and is very good at being a bear.

Personality: Pestersome, kind of obnoxious and must always have the last word. Nice to most people she meets but if you are not part of her master plan you must be trying to bring her down and she will do anything she can to get you out of the equation. Intelligent in the way that 14-year-old-girls can be intelligent.

Other: Being a bear = ouch for the first ten minutes, then OH YEAH EVERYBODY!! I'm a bear and yous all have to deal widdit! Muahahaha... *glerk* Ahem.

submitted by Quintus, Calveicia
(March 22, 2013 - 5:19 pm)


I think that you can use whatever worlds to serve your purpose.  I don't think there's a limit.  Blu just confirmed this.  She said she's waiting for one more person to join:) 

submitted by Melody, age 14, Backside of water
(March 19, 2013 - 1:09 pm)

I'll be evil.  Because I write it better and Blu thought it would be interesting if we were on different sides.  :P

submitted by Melody, age 14, Backside of water
(March 19, 2013 - 1:21 pm)

Name: Annabell (Anna)


Gender: girl


Kind: Mermaid/Witch (she can be in water and out of water)


Powers: turn into any animal, anything that has to do with water and the weather


Which side: Bad


Age: ageless looks 18


Appearance: Long shiny jet black hair, wears a dark purple and green dress when on land, when in water has a shiny dark purple and green mermaid tail with pearls and seaweed on it

Other: Mother is queen of bad people and is a witch, Father was king of bad and was merman but died so now stepdad is a werewolf. Anna does not like stepdad.

I hope you will let me join!! 

submitted by KingdomKeepersRule, age 14, Disney
(March 19, 2013 - 3:46 pm)

Hmm. Well, then maybe I'll be good, since it doesn't seem there are many goods. Less means more creative ingenuity. So... Still, may flip sides. When do we start?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 19, 2013 - 5:23 pm)

Anyone can join!


And I forgot to do this.

Personialty: nice, funny, friendly. Can be bossy, can be mean when people don't do what she wants, devious, determined

Other: She has a bad past because all her life people have been fighting, has been kidnapped for ransom many times, has been poisoned many times because some people hate her family, many people like her, many people hate her.


Oh, and I'll start it soon!:) 

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, Neverland
(March 19, 2013 - 5:43 pm)

Name: Elexhiia

Age: technicaly 2888, appears to be 16

Side: Bad then good

Kind: (ok so I relize this is sort of un-orthodox given the thread but I just read this really great book called "The Looking Glass Wars" so...) Wonderlander

When in power mode appearence: Long golden hair that changes color in light as if it can't make up its mind, silver skin that is made up of swirling energy that
sometimes glows green and yellow, eyes that show the entire universe in
them, blue lips that make it look like I'm always cold even though I'm
made of energy.

Human appearence: Auburn hair that crackles with electricity (though
most people don't notice), tan skin, bright green eyes, always wears
raspberry lipstick,
a long red coat, turquoise leggings, a camo top that they would wear in the army, and long black boots, also a necklace that has on it a key, a heart locket, an acorn locket, and a magical dagger.

Power: Can control time and energy. (Can I also talk to animals? PLEASE!)

Personality: likes to be in charge though is very loyal and caring to
the people that are close to her, overprotective of those she care about
(dark past), spunky, creative, and laughs at everything to show she
will not be brought down by sadness, rarely gets close to anyone,

submitted by Tovah. L, age 11, Massachussetts
(March 20, 2013 - 4:18 pm)

To keep this straight...

Good: Alyss-Mae (Blue Fairy), Elexhiia (Tovah), Holly (BHR, only good at first...I see betrayal in the future...), Alcea (Melody)

Bad: Wren (Ruby M.), Janus (L), Strobinof (Lexi), Anna (KKR)


The good side has a distinctive lack of boys.

Name: Dari Cercilsson of House Esteranc

Age: 13 and 7 months and three days.

Gender: Boy

Appearance: 5'3", healthy weight. He had brown hair until someone dyed it blue a few months ago. He's still trying to figure out who, because no matter what he does, he can't undo the enchantment. Blue eyes. He wears the blue and silver apprentice sorcerer robes of the Order of the Grand Mage. In other words, he's very blue. He's a staff user, so he carries around a staff with an (occasionally) glowing sphere on the top. The sphere is- wait for it- blue.

Powers: He's a sorcerer. Well, an apprentice sorcerer, but he's pretty darn close. He can cast a variety of spells and enchantments. Some verbal, some nonverbal, some with the staff, some without. It depends on the spell or enchantment. Sometimes he needs a sorcery circle. He was a triplet, and by some basic rule of magic, if one twin/triplet/quadruplet is a sorcerer, then the others are too. However, after he was born, his mother and his two siblings were killed by an assassin from House Tykrone. The rest is theorized by one of his teacher, who is also his doctor. Dari probably recieved the sorcery power his unborn siblings were supposed to get, and thus is three times as powerful as he should be. His teacher also theorizes that having magic not his own is the reason Dari occasionally coughs up blood. This gives him an enormous amount of magic unprecedented in a thirteen year old, but it's hard for him to actually cast a spell that requires such a level of magic.

Personality: He's a good person in general, polite, kind, but with a very interesting sense of humor. He has the right goals and morals, but he might use some less-than-nice methods to destroy evil people.

Other: House Esteranc has been destroyed except for Dari, and he's on the run.

submitted by SC, Camp
(March 20, 2013 - 9:30 pm)

Umm, ADMIN why is my post not there? please explain.

Admin: Do you still not see it? There's nothing left in the queue. 

submitted by Tovah. L, age 11, Massachussetts
(March 21, 2013 - 3:09 pm)

I see it now. Thanks, Admin.

submitted by Tovah. L, age 11, Massachussetts
(March 22, 2013 - 4:34 pm)

Are we starting soon?

submitted by Ruby M., age 13, Somewhere
(March 23, 2013 - 4:06 pm)


submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 23, 2013 - 5:24 pm)

I want to quickly change Alyss-Mae's casual dress : Red leather jacket, black shirt with sliver sequins, black jeans, black knee length all star sneakers with multicolor laces


And for battling: Wears the same shoes as says above, outfit as mentioned in the first post, puts hair in messy braid.


OK! Let's start!



I was sleeping, and in my dream I was in a long dark hallway. "Alysssssss-Maeeeeeeeee," a voice chanted. Something scary poped up, and I started running. I woke up, in a sweat. My mouth weirdly felt like my last poisoning: Death by Choclate ice cream--no pun intended. I got changed and went downstairs. 

"Good morning Auntie Kathy!"

"Good moring Alyss!"

Today, Auntie Kathy had her long black hair up in a neat bun, and was wearing a blue suit with a pink shirt.  

"What are you doing today?" I asked

"Just business at the restaurant," she said

I had breakfast and left for school. I was walking to the bus stop and saw my crush, Ben. He was talking to his friends. I was walking up to him when something pulled me back, put my head in a brown bag, and knocked me out.


Sorry it's short, I have writer's block...hehe.....

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 12, NEVERLAND!!
(March 25, 2013 - 4:33 pm)