
Chatterbox: Inkwell



Hey dudes and doodetts! Let's talk backstories! All about backstories! 

Questions about backstories!

What is your favorite backstory?

Whose backstory do you want to know the most?

Write your own backstory!

Backstory challenge: I will make up a character. Your challenge is to write his backstory.

Name: Dr. Scrunkool

Occupation: Thief, Evil Doctor

Home: A secret lair with an entrance hidden in an unmovable trash can behind a pizza parlor. 

Pet: A cat, with the specialty of always being ready to be stroked on someone's lap

Relatives: A twin brother who does not share his passion and works at the pizza parlor, where he cooks pizza

Fun facts about backstories!

George Lucas will not reveal Yoda's backstory and won't tell us why.

That was the only fun fact about backstories I could think of.

Comments about backstories are as follows below this post (once you write them): 


submitted by Joe Dosie Do, age 13, In Civilization
(March 5, 2013 - 8:30 pm)

I have a better backstory to write about one of Harry's relatives. Here I go...

Finn "Scary" Finkleberry was Harry's uncle. His brothers were Larry, Mary, and Perry Finkleberry. All those names rhymed with "berry". But his name didn't. When he was six, he asked his mother why.

"We were going to have six kids," she said impatiently, flipping the pancakes she was preparing for breakfast on the griddle. "Your father was going to name three of them, and he preferred names that rhymed. Along came you, the fourth, and it was my turn. I named you Finn." While flipping a pancake, she flung it behind her and it landed on the framed photo of her dad, Finn's grandfather, that was hanging on the wall. She went to get it off.

Wiping batter off her dad's face, she continued, "So then, we were going to have two more, but I told your father, 'You know what? Four is more than enough. Let's just stick with what we've got.' And so we did."

Finn didn't like his name. He wanted a rhyming name like everyone else. So he conceived the nickname "Scary".

But every nickname has to come with a reason, something as to why the nickname is asocciated with the person. So Finn, or "Scary", as you may now think of him, declared, "Call me Scary Finkleberry, cause I'm gonna have the scariest costume Halloween night!" This was the middle of March, and everyone laughed. Finn was the center of several mean jokes for months, but he lived up to his words, spending months preparing his costume for Halloween night.

And the months later, Finn/Scary seemed to have given up his phase, and everyone had forgotten about it. So they all just prepared their costumes like normal. If he had made the announcement, say, a week, ahead of time, everyone would probably be trying to beat whatever he might have up his sleeve.

And so Scary came out of his house, and he had the SCARIEST costume of all! You wanna know what it was?

Well, I'm not going to tell you!

And so, Scary Finkleberry is still known among the family by his nickname, and every year, he always has the SCARIEST costume of all!


submitted by Joe Dosie Doe, age 13, An Unknown World...
(March 10, 2013 - 6:55 pm)


submitted by TOP
(March 9, 2013 - 3:31 pm)


submitted by TOP
(March 10, 2013 - 6:30 pm)


submitted by TOP
(March 10, 2013 - 6:31 pm)


submitted by TOP
(March 10, 2013 - 6:31 pm)


submitted by Top
(March 11, 2013 - 4:34 pm)

Top. Aghgh! This thread is dying! TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Joe Dosie Doe/TOP
(March 11, 2013 - 7:27 pm)



submitted by Top AND Goop
(March 11, 2013 - 7:49 pm)