Ok so I
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Ok so I
Ok so I love most of my RP's that I am doing but I want something different.
SOOOOO... here's my idea. Do any of you know fractured fairytales from Rocky and Bullwinkle? Well I'm thinking a sort of modern twist. Modern versions of Disney princesses who go to an all girls private high school, have super powers, are spies, and of course devote their lives to fighting invading aliens.
If anybody joins that would be great as long as you can take a few plot twists and even better... make them yourselves.
ps. Your personality and power should be a reflection of your princess (or other fairy tale heroine). OH! and if boys really want to join they can as a Disney prince or fairytale hero.
MY Charrie
Name: Snow Elizabeth Kay White (She is slightly embarrassed by her first name so everyone except her best friends know her as Elizabeth Kay White)
Age: 15
Apearence: Umm... if it's possible to add pictures please tell me how. if not... Medium length, wavy pitch black hair; yellow headband; gold ball earings; blue t-shirt with rose in middle, puffy, red, short sleeves, and a white collar; red silk bow around waist; yellow miniskirt; blue glovelettes; yellow purse; blue knee length socks, and red sneaker boots. She of course has black eyes, pale skin and red lips.
Personality: Kind, over trusting, sees the good in everyone, spunky and creative, passionate about eco system and nature, smart, great fighter, loyal, same backstory as real Snow White just switched a little to fit this century.
Power: can talk to, control, and transform into all of nature. Can also hypnotize people with her voice... especialiy men.
Weapon of choice for fighting aliens: space laser bracelets.
(February 25, 2013 - 7:38 pm)
I wrote write before yours so maybe L or Melody could.
(March 14, 2013 - 2:44 pm)
So, since this thread has sort of died, I'm just going to go ahead and post.
Gretel ~
I flopped into an armchair, legs hanging over the edge in the lounge. Cindy and Snow sat on the sofa. My whole body was sore, but I couldn't stop grinning like a chesire cat. "Well, that went well!" I said, grinning at the two. "Sure did," Snow replied, grinning back. We'd finally managed to infiltrate the Teacher's Lounge. Mostly cause Snow took out the dart despensers, and Cindy, being insanely lucky, guessed the pen number for the final lock. After that, it was mostly a matter of speed, and doing a couple back flips. Though, the reason I was sore was because Mr. Caprivalion decided to have a panel drop out of the floor as I was landing from a complex back flip, therefore causing me to fall in a painful manner on my back. I groaned. "This"basic" trainin is goin to be the death of me, dern it!" I said."When are we finally going to move up and start doing anythin that will allow us to really do somethin?!" Cindy and Snow just shook their heads. "Who knows?" Cindy asked. Then Miss Evangeline, the principal secretary, walked in. "Cindy Tremain, Elizabeth White, and Gretel Rose, the Principal would like to see you." The three of us looked at eachother and followed. "What did you get us into this time?!" Snow groaned at me. Unfortanetley, I was natorious for getting us, and mostly myself, into trouble. Almost all the time though, it was completely accidental. "Nothing!" I said. "Except..." Cindy and Snow groaned. "Well, ugh. Roselinda can be so full of herself sometimes!" I said, considering explaining. "I suppose they could have linked the mash potato bomb back to me. I caused it to blow up in Roselinda's face in the cafeteria last week. But I didn't think the Principal would take this long in questioning me. And certainly not you two. So it must be something completely unrelated." I could tell they weren't sure what to think, but I consoled myself with this backwoods logic. Finally, we arrived at Miss Hutchinson, the Principal's office. "Go on in, girls," Miss Evangeline said, turning on heel and striding away. One final look at eachother, and we pushed the door open, striding in.
Okay, so now what happens? Maybe some spy mission? Cappie says zcxv. Maybe it's code!
(March 16, 2013 - 5:25 pm)
Would it be okay if I'm new? Because it seems like Cindy, Snow and Gretal are pretty close already... So I'll just post like I'm new and if that's not okay, I can post something different.
Aurora Beauty-
"Here you are, Miss Beauty." Barry says, looking at me in the rearview mirror.
"This is a spy school? It looks more like a finishing school." I frown as the gates open to let us in. A long path leads up to a three story white building that sparkles in the sun.
Barry stops the car and holds open the door to let me out. A small woman is standing on the white steps of the school. She doesn't smile. She just stands there like a statue. Her clothes are all boring shades of grey.
"No fashion sense at all." I mutter to myself.
"What was that?" Barry asks as he hands me two of my four suitcases.
I shoulder my purse. "Nothing."
The lady on the stairs greets me curtly and then leads me inside. The school is spotless, which Mother certainly would approve of.
"Where is my room?" I want to know as we stand in the elevator, which takes us to the third floor.
"It is not my job to bother with students' sleeping quarters." The woman answers without even looking at me. It's almost as if she memorized that sentence. "I am to take you to the headmistress."
I roll my eyes. Great, I've landed at a robot school. We walk down the hall of the second floor, which is lined by wooden doors. At the end is one that is even bigger than the rest. The woman knocks loudly.
"Come in." A voice says.
Inside is a young woman sitting at a big desk and across from her are three girls. All three turn around when I enter. And as if on cue they all exchange looks that say it all.
"Why, hello. You must be Aurora!" The young woman at the desk stands up. "I'm Miss Hutchinson, the school principal."
"Hello." I curtsy and watch as the three girls exchange glances again. "You know, if any of you have some problem you can talk to me. I'm not blind or something." The girls just stare. One of them, a girl with chin length blond hair and bright blue eyes like sapphires, surpresses a giggle.
"Now, now. We don't want any fighting, do we?" Miss Hutchinson seems nervous about us fighting. "Aurora, why don't you sit down?"
I know it's not that great but I don't want this thread to die!
(March 18, 2013 - 11:03 am)
Aah! I posted before yours showed up! Just pretend Aurora was in the room while everything was happening.
(March 18, 2013 - 4:31 pm)
Miss Hutchinson's door is surprisingly squeaky for one so fastidious as she. The door lets out an ear-splitting shriek as it opens into the well-kept office.
She sits behind the imposing desk, fingers steepled imperiously over a manila folder. "Sit down," she says curtly.
Cindy immediately plops down into an overstuffed pink armchair. Gretel and Elizabeth find more courteous means of seating themselves, and while they are doing so, Miss Hutchinson continues.
"You have heard of the Vallin race, yes?" They nod. Who in the Academy hasn't? They're a rather violent species of alien life determined to bulldoze the Earth for its obstruction of their view of Venus. The only thing keeping them at bay were the Academy's graduates, protectors of the soil.
Miss Hutchinson draws in a measured breath. "Well, certain circumstances have made it obvious that we are, quite frankly, hilariously outmatched. Certain other circumstances have made it marginally less clear that you three are necessary in this planet's continuation."
Cindy puzzles through the principal's twisted maze of words. "Was that even English?" she mumbles to Gretel.
She raises an eyebrow and replies, "They need us for a mission."
"Oh." Cindy's face cracks into a daring smile. "I like this. Continue."
Miss Hutchinson pushes the file across the desk and lifts the cover open. In it are three pictures. The first shows Cindy, aged fifteen, shouting at someone off-camera. Her hand is raised, pistol in hand, and depicted clearly on the inside of her wrist is the Academy's insignia.
The same is for the other two pictures. Gretel at a very young age, her pale face drawn and gaunt, tear tracks running through the dirt on her face. On the side of her chin is the same symbol.
Elizabeth, or Snow as she is technically named, seems to be asleep in her photograph. Her eyes are shut tightly and her black hair spills over her face as if she had been laid there. The Academy's sign is in the hollow of her neck.
Cindy checks the inside of her own wrist. Nothing there but pale flesh. "What's going on, then?" she asked Miss Hutchinson.
The principal closed the file. "We have reason to believe that these pictures were taken at the time of a wave released by the Vallin forces, marking you as 'property' of the Academy. This is how we came across each of you.
"This is highly classified information, Cindy, Gretel, Snow." Elizabeth flinches as she hears her real name. "But you have an assignment. It will differ drastically from those you have received in the past. No more bouncing around trying to discover what certain teachers eat for lunch." The principal meets each of the girls' eyes, one by one.
"Miss Evangeline will lead you to the training room."
(March 18, 2013 - 4:12 pm)
So, keeping the thread going, I'll try and tie this all in.
Gretel ~
I despise the shriek that door makes. 'Note to self, if for some forbidden reason I take over the world, I shall be sure to destroy this door!' I thought this as we walked in. Miss Hutchinson sits behide her desk, staring at us intently. Dang! She only does that when I'm in trouble. Cindy plops into a pink armchair, and sit down in two office chairs that are not stable in the least, nearly sending me toppling over. "Did I do something?" I ask, wincing as I said it. "I'm really sorry! The bomb thing was only a gag!" Miss Hutchinson just sighs. "No Gretel, for once you haven't done anything. And the bomb, well, nevermind." A small smiles plays her face. "A little mashed potato doesn't hurt anybody." I grin. Suddenly, the door opens. Miss Evangeline walks in with a girl I've never seen before. Frankly, she looks kinda like me. She's short like me, except she's wearing high heels that make her taller. Big blue eyes, and long blond hair that would have made Rapunzel jealous. I exchange a look with Cindy and Snow that says; well now I know why we're here! Miss Hutchinson introduces herself the way she did to all of us on our first day, saying the girl must be Aurora. She curtsies, which makes me wonder where she's from, cause I'd never curtsied before in my life before coming here. We three exchange a look again. "You know, if any of you have some problem you can talk to me. I'm not blind or something," Aurora says, looking straight at us. Frankly, I'm taken aback, then had to supress a giggle. I liked someone who'd speak her mind. "Now, now, let's not fight," Miss Hutchinson said, waving for Aurora to sit down. She took another office chair beside me. I stared at her. It may be bad manners, but oh well. I was curious. Then Miss Hutchinson grew serious. She went on to talk about Vallins. I cringed, knowing exactly who they were. She then showed us, Cindy, Snow, and I, pictures of ourselves, each younger. Cindy, maybe a year or so ago. Me, several years ago, when I was maybe ten. The day Hansel died, three days after my parents ditched us. And Snow, asleep. It was hard to tell how old she was there, with her hair on her face, asleep. The rest of the meeting was kind of a haze for me. I wasn't really sure what to think, being "property" of the school. Since when was I property? "Miss Evangeline will take you to the training room now." We stood, each ready for the task ahead. "Then I turned and looked at Aurora. "What about her?" I asked bluntly. Frankly, I had taken a sort of liking to her, though we hadn't even talked to each other. "She will go with you," Miss Hutchinson. "She is like the rest of you." Aurora rose and looked at us. Then we all followed Miss Evangeline to the training room.
So this is RIDICULOUSLY long, but, I felt we should tie everything in, so. I hope it's okay I made Aurora one of us. Tweak it if you want.
(March 18, 2013 - 5:34 pm)
As we walked out of the office I began to introduce myself and the others.
"Hello, It's nice to meet you. My name is Elizabeth Kay White. I am rank 13 B and have 2nd level clearence. In exactly 2 months, 3 days, 9 hours, 46 minutes and 12 seconds I will be called over a small speaker in my ear to come down to level 47 A. I instead will pass the test by going to 47 B in which a trap door will open the second I walk throught the door which will deposite me in a maze filled with spy related obstacles. When I reach the end I will be blindfolded and taken to the real whitehouse. There I will recieve 24 medals for the mission I will have comepleted a month earlier and I will receive 1st level clearence and I will become a rank 12 A spy."
Aurora stared at my with an open mouth.
"Level C class Predictions and Variables. You"ll have it next semester."
I smiled.
" Now let's get started on destroying an alien speices! :)."
Cindy and Gretel raced to catch up with me.
"Jeez Snow," said Gretel. "You manage to make yourself and the school sound perfect all while stayingkind and polite. I wish I could do that. Think of all the teachers that WOULDN"T give me detention."
I laughed and walked on.
(March 18, 2013 - 7:02 pm)
Just a question, we all have powers, right? So do we know that we have them or will we find out later?
The girl with short blond hair slows down so that she can walk with me. "I'm Gretal, troublemaker and girl with the record for most detentions at the Academy." She holds out her hand for me to shake.
"Aurora." I attempt to smile, although I'm starting to feel a little nervous after Elizabeth's speech. Mother told me that this school needed me but, frankly, it seems like those girls are a lot more experienced.
We reach another big door with a sign over it, reading: TRAINING ROOM. A very tall, muscular greets us when we enter. She studies us all as if we're some sort of cattle and she's trying to decide which one to buy.
"You're not going to wear shoes like that here." She notes as she passes in front of me. I feel my face get hot. I've always been embarassed about my size.
"I can run in them." I blurt out.
She coughs, as if she's trying to swallow a laugh. "You're telling me that you're going to fight aliens with black stilettos? What if it rains, h'm? What if there's mud? Just take the shoes off."
"They're Prada." My voice sounds whiny and babyish. Pull yourself together, Aurora. Don't make a fool out of yourself, a voice in my head, which sounds a lot like my Mother's, warns me.
The woman hands me a pair of slick black boots to wear. I open my mouth, but shut it when I see her annoyed eyes. The woman clears her throat. "Okay, girls, you are here to train. Not your everyday training but real training. You are here to save the world."
(March 19, 2013 - 8:21 am)
Gretel ~
I introduced myself to Aurora proplerly as we walked to the training room. I made a point to tell her my social status here. She might as well know in advance what she was getting into being potential friends. She had to know about me first and what I was like.
My jaw dropped when we entered the Training Room. It was filled with everything you need to beome a spy from gymnastic equipment, to state of the art technology, to wardrobe, to camouflage. I muscular woman greeted us. She looked us up and down, and for once, I felt a little self-conscious. She stopped in front of Aurora, staring disdainfully at her feet. The two went on an argument about whether or not Aurora could wear heels. She claimed to be able to run in them, and again I stifled a giggle. I wished this woman would let her wear the heels just so I could see. She gave Aurora black boots to wear and continued. We would begin our training. "So, let's start," she said. "I'm Holly, and that is what you will call me." We nodded, not daring to say anything. She led us to the gymnastics area. "You'll begin with exercises of the body. You may think you're flexible, and quite good at this already, but you need your body to be pliable for whatever comes. You need to be ready to bend yourself to whatever the situation requires." She looked at us, and her eyes rested on me. She smiled in a way that made me groan. "Gretel, you first." I stepped up to the floor. She smiled again. "Do a routine across the floor, whatever you please." I got into postion, foot pointed in front of me, arms raised. I started off, when suddenly, a panel shifted under me, causing me to land with a very loud, very painful thud. I glared at Holly, who was grinning madly, and continued. I soon realized the entire floor was rigged to have the floor, move, disappear, or things pop up for you to dodge. After falling over 12 times, I finally made it across, and stood in line with the others, who looked at with wide eyes. "Okay, that SERIOUSLY hurt!" I said, rubbing my shoulder. I looked at them. "Get ready."
Okay, so spy training has begun!
(March 19, 2013 - 8:46 pm)
Yah we know we have powers.
Tell me if I'm wrong but:
Gretel= troublemaker
I=little miss perfect
Cindy=(because she never posts I'm going to make up her personality) stuck up, yet loyal
(March 20, 2013 - 4:09 pm)
Eeeehhh? I post!
And if you observe her profile, she is outspoken and blustery, yet loyal. Not really very stuck-up.
(March 20, 2013 - 8:57 pm)
kk sorry
(March 21, 2013 - 3:08 pm)
@Tovah L.- Yes, I guess you could say that Aurora is proper. She can be sort of critical, too. And sometimes pessimistic.
As I watch Gretel struggle across the moving floor I start to feel odd. The feeling is small at first so I can ignore, yet it keeps growing until my heart is pounding so quickly that I can hardly breathe.
But what is there to be afraid of? It's just an obstacle course.
You're going to fail.
I bite my lip and try to inhale slowly. I've never felt like this. At home during my private training sessions I did everything right. So why would it be different now?
Elizabeth gracefully prances, flips and rolls over the moving floor. Now it's my turn. I focus my eyes on my goal, the opposite wall, like my trainer always told me to do. I wait for a moment, then I break into a run.
I dodge a log that has suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I jump over a crack in the floor and balance across a moving plank. The feeling has almost subsided but then a board pops up. It's too late to stop so I end up smacking into the wood at full speed.
Failure, Failure. A voice in my head chants mockingly.
"No." I swallow, then get up, my head aching. The world around me seems to be moving but I manage to finish.
"Are you okay?" Gretal asks during Cindy's turn.
I nod, although I feel everything else but okay. My head pounds and my face is red hot from humiliation.
After Cindy finishes Holly claps loudly. "That was good. I see that you have all been trained well. That was just one of our many training courses. But now let us try something a little harder." I notice that Holly is holding four swimsuits in her right hand. "Change into these. We'll meet each other in the swimming hall."
(March 21, 2013 - 8:02 am)
A knot of anxiety grows in Cindy's stomach. We're swimming? she thinks, more than a little worried about the newest training exercise.
I'm very out and have much homework, so this is where I stop for now.
(March 21, 2013 - 5:39 pm)
"Exuse me, but are we allowed to use our powers in any of these exercises?" I ask. The response is what I wanted.
"Yes, but no human hypnotizing." She looks at me when she says the last part.
I dive into the water. I'm a great swimmer, but I feel restless and bored. The exercises are too easy. I make a small wave and I sit on top of it. I then dive of it, somersault into the pool, do some fancy swimming, and jump out using a platform of water to land perfectly on my feet.
(March 23, 2013 - 8:09 am)