Chatterbox: Inkwell
Okay, I know there's already a bunch in Inkwell right now, but I needed something new. The other ones are not moving or are too developed for me.
Here's my character: Nathaniel
Age: 13
Appearance: Normal looking by regualr standards, with plain brown hair and a gaunt look on his face.
Nathaniel was filled with a fiery rage. Why was it always HIM they decided was nothing special? He would show them! Nathaniel walked away from the building, not believing he had been rejected. It's not like EVERYONE can turn invisible! He filled out about fifteen applications, did one thousand pushups for them, and turn invisble. He couldn't believe they wouldn't let him into superhero school. Just because he couldn't fly.
Nathaniel didn't want to feel the rejection. He was not normal. He did not fit in with normal people. The truth that the people at Shane's Academy, also known as Superpoweed School, were telling him was that he didn't fit in with them either. He didn't fit in anywhere. He felt himslef unwittingly turn invisible and stalk down the road.
Don't feel afraid to use someone else's character or add something that doesn't really have anything to do with the plot!
(January 19, 2013 - 11:23 am)
@ Theo: Thanks. That day we'd been doing everything under the sun, and when I got home, I was tempted to flop onto the bed and die (okay, not really), but writing calms me, so I hopped on here to finally write that piece I'd started three times.
Brooke ~
He'd barely been gone half an hour, but I was already up and pacing.
"He'll be back," Elexhiia whispered.
"I know," I sighed. "I just don't trust John." I stopped abruptly stopped pacing. A swirl of emotion over took me again. This was happening with alarming frequency, where as, it never used to happen. Or, hardly ever.
"I'll go get us something to eat," I said without facing Elexhiia, and pushed out the door. The bell above the bakery door jingled as I entered.
"Hello, and welcome to..." Mrs. Herman started, then looked up and saw me.
"Oh, Brooke!" She said, running around the counter. "I was wondering where you'd gone off to!"
I smiled. Mrs. Herman was about the only person besides Nathaniel and Elexhiia that cared what happened to me.
"I've been, uh.. busy. But listen, I've got a friend out back, so I was wondering..."
"Say no more," the woman laughed. She hurried into the back, coming back with some rolls of dinner bread. She didn't have a whole lot, the bakery didn't bring in much. But she was always caring. She felt very much like a grandmother to me. I smiled, then headed back around back. I knocked open the door with my hip, and lay the loaves down.
"Brooke!" A voice said behind. I shrieked and spun around. It was Nathaniel, yet, not Nathaniel. My vision was always sharper than most. He was slightly blurred, and if you looked carefully, you could vaguely see through him. He held a bottle in his hand.
"What happened? What happened to you? Why do you look like that?"
He glanced down at himself, the back at me.
"First, let me give Elexhiia this. It's her powers." Without another word, he walked over to where Elexhiia lay asleep, and gently poured the contents into her mouth. A moment later, the color returned to her cheeks, and she breathed deeply, though remained asleep.
Nathaniel turned back to me. "As to your other questions, I don't think I can tell you."
No, he can't. John spoke in my mind. I wanted to scream. This was crazy. My closest friend who currently looked like one of John's illusions just saved my other friend's life, and he couldn't tell me anything, I had a phsychopath talking in my mind, and I was being kept completely in the dark about everything!
"I'll be back," Nathaniel promised. "But I've got to get back. John said just two hours to get here and back."
I curled my hands into fists, and blinked back tears of fear.
"Fine," I said, my voice gruff. "But I'm still waiting."
John, I thought, my voice brimming with venom. You'd better have a good excuse for this. If anything happens, I'll find you, believe me.
John didn't reply for several moments, then he said, I know.
So, I guess a little dark for Brooke, but she can be a dark person.
(September 2, 2013 - 9:42 pm)
Okay. So I have ten minutes to write this. Here goes nothing. Nathaniel. Hurry up. You're on.
Brooke was not happy with the current devolpments. Nathaniel could tell. There was nothing he could do, really, unless he wanted to be dead.
Elexhiia was better. That was obvious. She'd live. But Nathaniel, he wasn't so sure if he would live right now.
He ran to the apartment. The exit John had provided him with in the illusion was the alley entrance way.
"Just come back this way," he said. "I'll make sure no one else uses this entrance."
Nathaniel really didn't know what to think of that.
I can't believe I'm doing this, he thought to himself. He ducked past a lady walking her dog and almost crashed into a bussiness man with a purple tie. Nathaniel frowned and kept moving. The apartment was so close...
Nathaniel ducked in the alleyway, panting. He opened the door and ran in the door.
"So you're back," smiled John. "I was a little worried for you."
"You don't care what happens to me."
"I'm afraid, Nathaniel, that I do care what happens to you quite a bit, and that is a problem."
John grinned and closed his eyes. Oh no, thought Nathaniel. Oh no.
Pain. Nathaniel wasn't sure if he cried or screamed, though he might've done both. His head, which had been torn apart, was being put back togheter with glue that could sustite in a sciene experiment as acid.
"Calm down," John said. Nathaniel opened his eyes that he hadn't even realised he'd shut. "It's not that bad. You get used to it."
"You mean," Nathaniel was back, tied up in the chair, "you mean I'm going to have to do that again?"
"It's possible."
Nathaniel's head throbed, still aching from the process.
John smiled again, and Nathaniel winced. "Ready to go find the fifteenth element?"
That's all I can write for now. It might've been slightly over ten minutes... who knows?
(September 3, 2013 - 8:15 pm)
Brooke ~
I sat beside Elexhiia's bedside, lost in thought. She was still asleep, though she looked far better. Her breathing was normal, and the color had returned entirely to her body. I assumed her body just needed the sleep to gain back her strength. I stared out the window. Wind blew through the cracks in the door. The weather had started to get colder. I got up to pace again, sure if I couldn't wear through the floor, I'd wear through my shoes. But I didn't care. I glanced outside. I couldn't tell exactly what time it was, but I figured it was mid to late afternoon.
"What happened?" Elexhiia asked. I turned around. She looked so much better I could have cried.
"Nathaniel came through," I said. I explained everything that had happened.
Suddenly I heard a series of loud voices. I recognized one immediately as the officer that had started ranting and yelling.
"The police!" I hissed at Elexhiia, panic stricken.
@ Red: Totally side, random thought. You and Ruby are into anime, right? Do either of you by chance remember the ORIGINAL Yugioh? I was (and still am) nuts about that series. I was just curious.
(September 5, 2013 - 10:27 pm)
is it too late to add a character? sorry :( Also, what is cappie?
Name: Amber Reynell
appearance: amber colored hair, blue jeans, grey tshirt, light blue hoodie, eyes change colors, but they are usually gold.
powers:can make things appear from thin air, and she can also heal. However, it makes her tired and weak. Normally, she can duplicate without becoming tired.
Cappie is one nickname for the code you are required to enter before you can submit a comment to Chatterbox.
(September 30, 2013 - 6:28 pm)
I'm really busy with school so just bunny her till I can get back.
(September 11, 2013 - 4:50 am)
Top! We can't forget about this thread! TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP!
(September 13, 2013 - 4:42 pm)
DON'T FORGET THIS THREAD! KEEP THIS GOING! Starting tomorrow evening, our internet will be down, so keep writing people! PLEASE!
(September 13, 2013 - 6:22 pm)
Okay, even though I'm not a part of this thread, I am sweating because I don't want this thread to
die as much as any of you do. So, keep writing!!! (that's an order!)
Cappie has nothing to say......
(September 14, 2013 - 3:08 pm)
Top! I don't want this to die either! TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP TOP!!!! Come back everyone!
(September 22, 2013 - 3:29 pm)
(September 22, 2013 - 8:34 pm)
For once I agree with top!
(September 27, 2013 - 8:06 pm)
Come back everyone! DON'T LET THIS DIE! TOP!
(September 28, 2013 - 6:41 pm)
Okay, okay! I'm coming! Jeez! I've been really busy, and I meant to type on Sunday, but I had too much homework. (Conscience says: You also played Pokemon.) Just for half an hour! That's all! Anyway. I'm getting around to posting as all six of my RP characters (six. Six. Oy vey.) and Storm, you'll be up first!
Trains are as a rule mind numbingly slow when you're in a hurry to go answer the call of a mysterious person who sends you floating letters. (AN: Oh gosh, I just wrote 'call'! The Hero's Journey is infecting my brain!) Still, it was better than flying because Shane's Academy was too far for me to carry Catherine and remain undecteted the whole while. Her parents weren't happy to let her go but they seemed to accept that if you send someone to a superhero school, they'll gain certain annoying habits like wanting to save the world. I bounced in my seat nervously. I didn't know much about these people we were supposed to be helping. I flicked through my iPod and settled on my favorite- Operation Mindcrime. The train ride passed in angonizing slowness, no matter how many times I listened to "The Needle Lies". The minute the train creaked into the station, Catherine and I hopped off. Shane's Academy was only about two miles away and we ran most of it. We spotted the bakery before too long and Catherine nervously peeped into the shop.
She emerged a few minutes later. "They're in the room in the back. The lady at the counter said I could just go around." She grinned and put a mock-idiot voice on. "Um, I'm a friend from school? And Brooke, like, forgot her homework?"
The back door to the bakery was awfully shabby looking. It was also unlocked and I didn't think its lock was all that great, anyway. Who lived back here? Catherine opened the door to reveal two very scared-looking girls. The younger one let out a little scream. "It's okay!" Catherine said. "We're not here to hurt you!" I walked into the small, dark room and noticed that the two girls sitting on the bed both looked tired and vaguely familiar. Were they some of the kids on the HUNT base invasion?
Catherine prattled, "I'm Catherine, and this is Storm. We're students from Shane's Academy, like you. We've been sent here to help you out, long story there. So, what's the problem?" She sounded like a handyman.
The younger girl said tentatively, "I-I'm Brooke... I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but as far as I know, there's an item called the fifteenth element that can sap superhero powers permanently."
The other girl, who I assumed was named Elexhiia, added, "I had a temporary version used on me. I nearly died."
"Anyway," Brooke continued, "there's a boy named John looking for it, and he's a psychic and really dangerous--" I snorted.
"What?" she asked.
"Is he Number Four?" I asked sarcastically.
Brooke looked more confused than ever but Catherine looked worried. "What if they've learned how to jump? It could be a Legacy-"
"How old is John?" I asked Brooke.
"I'm not sure. Perhaps thirteen years old," she said. "However, he's such a powerful psychic that he could be any age. I don't know his motives, but he's... with Nathaniel. Nathaniel was ordered to go meet with him last night but he didn't come back. I'm really worried about him. I don't know what happened to him, and..."
"I can't sense him," Elexhiia said. I threw her a strange look. What was up with her?
"We nearly ran into the police again," Brooke explained. "Apparantly, Shane's Academy has been burned down. They don't know who did it. I bet John has something to do with this."
Suddenly, I remembered a file that I had found a few months ago in HUNT headquarters. Project Locke. A plan to create a number of psychic golems designed to turn the world into a better place. The golems would take over people's minds and make them turn the world into a paradise for HUNT. That's what the fifteenth element was for. To destroy the powers of superheros that would reverse the plan. I only remembered the file because of its similarity to Operation: Mindcrime. My mind whirled faster and faster. A prototype of golem was created and how would it best be tested? By putting it out in society. If the fifteenth element, a central piece of the plot, went missing, the golem could be programmed to retrieve it. Project Locke. John Locke.
I was dimly aware of Brooke mentioning that she had found The Looking Glass Wars somewhere and Catherine embrassedly taking it back from her.
We're fighting against a psychic golem. Impossible. Unless- could we reprogram it?
(September 30, 2013 - 8:15 pm)
Haha! We back in business! So, I'm thinking a view point from Brooke is in order for all of this.
Brooke ~
My nerves were totally shot. I'd had WAY too many run-ins with the police for an entire lifetime. Elexhiia and I sat together on the bed, waiting to see what would happen. Suddenly the door swung open, and my nerves fried entirely. I screamed. Two people entered, a boy and a girl. After a moment, I realized they were vaguely familiar, probably from Shane's, though that didn't boost my confidence in the situation.
"It's okay!" the girl said in a calming voice. "We're not here to hurt you!" She went on to introduce herself as Catherine, and the boy was Storm. She explained how they were both Shane's students as well, and they were here to help.
I nodded slightly, still dazed. "I'm Brooke," I stammered. I went on stammering out the whole story, with inputs from Elexhiia. A few times, Catherine and Storm lost me completely, frying my brain to the point I thought I'd never be able to think straight again. I told them about Nathaniel, who I was now immensely worried about. I then mentioned finding The Looking Glass Wars. Catherine vaguely told me about her power of entering books, accepting the book back. I sat silent for a moment, having explained pretty much everything in a nutshell. Storm was evidently thinking.
"What now?" I eventually ventured to ask. Storm seemed to finally be aware of his surroundings again, and looked at me.
"We need to find John and Nathaniel," he said.
So, I know this goes nowhere, but before we can go anywhere, we need Theo to write something.
(October 2, 2013 - 7:48 pm)
At this time, what would the other superhero schools be doing? It doesn't make much sense that the other superhero kids wouldn't be doing anything while the other school is being burned down, kidnappers are running all over the place, and multiple police chases occured.
Would it be okay if I joined? Say, mabye Brooke, Storm, and Katherine come across people from the other schools somehow? Or maybe John has more people held captive...
(October 3, 2013 - 6:56 pm)