Character conversations 2
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Character conversations 2
Character conversations 2! (if you don't know what this is, just keep reading, the rules are in there somewhere)
Sirius: Because our stupid owner (who stole my best friend's name, Tiffany W.) abandoned the old thread, and I like it even more than character lounges now!
Alexandra: Modesty, Sirius. You're odd. Another AP class perfect dude.
Draco: You know that some people have no idea what you lot are talking about, right? -reclines in couch-
Nox: Well, they can figure it out on their own. MWAHAHA.
Lupus: -comes into the room- Everyone SHUT UP.
Draco: Wait, your name is Lupus? Are you that dragon hater guy...
Lupus: No. Up until now, I have never been used on the chatterbox. Sirius, explain to everyone what this is all about.
Sirius: -mutters- bossy-face.
Lupus: worst insult ever. Now, come on. This is taking too long.
Sirius: Right. Character Conversations is when a person's characters are all in the same room and complain about their difficult lives. There's no limit to how many people are in it: you can use all of your characters if you like. The catch: you can talk to other peoples' characters and ask them questions about their life,but as far as controlling goes you can only control your own characters. Everything clear? Bye!
Lupus: Worst explanation ever.
Ohmygosh! Spamdragon says cbtv! Chatterbox television!
(July 31, 2012 - 10:37 am)
Sonny: *To Persephone* Hello, daaaaahhhhlink.
Persephone: Not again! I'd rather face the unicorn ten million times than be trapped in another room with you!
Leota: Great, I'm stuck in a room with two princesses.
Persephone: Technically, I'm the only princess.
Leota: She acts more like one than you.
Persephone: No, she acts like a spoiled brat.
Sonny: Darling, be a dear and get me some champagne and caviar.
Leota: Sure, because I'm a waiter.
Sonny: Thank you.
Leota: Do you need a lesson in sarcasm, Miss High and Mighty?
Persephone: Girls, calm down! Sonny, either get it yourself or don't get it.
Leota: Except for the champagne. No matter how old you think you are, you're still underage, hon.
Sonny: There is a new champagne that isn't alcoholic. It's top-secret. Not even being released until 2015. I'm important enough to have drank it.
Leota: *mimics her* I'm important enough.
Persephone: Why did Melody have to create characters with clashing personalities?
(August 1, 2012 - 12:59 pm)
Alex: Oh, I don't know. Possibly for the same reason K did it with me and Katharine and then told us to go save the sword together.
Katharine: Yes, I can not fathom why she did that. She's lucky when she pulls off a C in social studies! Not to mention Language...
Katharine: There's this novel idea, it's saying 'please'. People are saying it might get big in a few years.
Alex: Novel? Do I have to read or something?
Katharine: New-fangled. You should know that, you're in eighth grade.
Alex: Oh, yeah.
(August 1, 2012 - 1:26 pm)
Catrina *walking in and looking down*: What do you think you're doing?
Lena *looking up from her magazine*: Sitting here.
Catrina: Well that's obvious, but--
Everinne *sauntering in and pouring a cup of lemonade*: Hey you two. Any new fights or have you been abducted and replaced with peaceful people?
Lena: Ha ha, Ever, you think you're so clever.
Catrina: And Lena's a poet.
Finn *looking up from his desk*: Will you please be quiet? Sometimes I think I'm going to go deaf from hearing you bicker all the time.
Everinne: That's what you think, Finn-boy. Do you ever take your nose out of a book, or is it permanently sealed to a page?
Finn: I happen to be studying, thank you very much!
Lena: For what? We have to go save the world in about half an hour and you are studying?!
Finn: It calms my nerves!
Lena *rolling eyes*: Boys.
Finn: Anyway, we don't have to save the world; the world is never in danger, unless we happe to be hit by a comet, because then we're in trouble.
Catrina *sarcastically*: Thank you Professor.
Finn: You are very welcome.
(August 1, 2012 - 1:43 pm)
Rin: Ack, why does Daisy like giving us such "interesting" lives?
Ash: I think she delights in our hardships, she even sentenced me to 300 years of solitary confinement.
Jasper: rdzz (Really, it's so annoying. She named me after a deceased rodent and then forgot about me, and now she wonders why I won't go back to sleep in her head)
Rin: She gave me my parents.Why, does she torture me so! I would rather be like those other lucky sharacters in my RP and have none!
Ash: At least you will never have to see them again, all I have is a grandfather who, even though he is head of the council, couldn't stop me getting stuck in prison!
Jasper: drvt (Daisy really is very terrible)
Listening Daisy: Hi Rin, hi Ash
Jasper: wami (what about me)
Listening Daisy: You said you hate me on the self insert roller coaster and since you were in my head so long, she should know how long I hold a grudge.
Ash: Do you want me to go in your head and fix that?
Rin: Yeah, I can help since, I can control my head and I am an extension of you.
Listening Daisy: Ah, no, please respect my personal space *opens imaginary door, slips out and locks it*
Jasper: wwwd (what will we do, now?)
(August 2, 2012 - 3:30 pm)
Eli- Why can't we just play wallball, instead of sitting in this dumb room all day?
Ethan- I suppose you are the only one who doesn't need a break from death sentences, huh.
Adam- Swimming is relaxing.
Eli- Obviously, merman. You could float in the water at 45 miles per hour.
Ethan- Why does Gollum create all these sarcastic and argumentative characters?
Eli- Because Gollum is one.
*various titters among the people in the lounge*
Gollum- Ladies, ladies. Settle down.
Eli- Case in point.
Gollum- Be lucky I haven't abandoned you; remember Mikyo and D'Artagnan?
Eli- We remember, you posted once as them.
Gollum- Eli, remember how New Sydneton almost died?
Eli- I think I'll be quiet now.
Adam- Now why don't we all go for a nice relaxing swim to forget the argument?
*a collective NYARSH! from the crowd*
(August 3, 2012 - 3:38 pm)
Lena: Swimming?
Catrina *smirking*: Oh, right, forgot to tell you--Lena can't swim. She's scared of water.
Finn: Actually, fear of drowning is not that uncommon. You see--
Catrina: I don't see, Finn, and I don't want to.
Finn *to Everinne*: Why did you ever invent Catrina?
Everinne *smirking in the same way as Catrina*: Because life can't always be easy for you, Finn-boy.
(August 6, 2012 - 3:58 pm)
Dale: Lena's afraid of drowning? Oh, the irony!
Alex: What the heck d'you mean?!
Katharine: I beieve she's referring to Fablehaven.
Alex: *blank look*
Dale: You know. Fablehaven. The books? By Brandon Mull? (when Alex continues to look blank) Oh, forget it! It's impossible to talk to you about anything worthwhile! Have you read anything?! At all?
Alex: I've read The Hunger Games. It's awesome.
Dale: Why didn't you say so earlier?!*breaks into a THG rant*
Katharine: The Hunger Games is a pile or worthless, badly written, disturbing slush that deserves to be made into toilet paper. It's full of incomplete sentences, confusing, and badly organized. But you've never read real literature, so you wouldn't know.
Dale: Hey! Don't diss my favorite book!
Alex: So, guys, are you Team Peeta or Team Gale?
Katharine: *facepalm*
(August 6, 2012 - 8:59 pm)
Sorry it's long... I have too much fun with my characters.
Elyana: Wait, what? I'm supposed to go swimming? Who are all these people? How did I get here?
OSaHRA: You're almost as bad as the curiosity core.
Elyana: ...
Kala: Woah! Is that a dragon? That's so cool!
Denek: Umm... you might not want to touch that, Kala...
Kala: *rolls eyes* Stop worrying about it! And anyway, who are you people?
Elyana: Elyana Rilutdivene, dragon rider and catcher.
OSaHRA: Observation System and Human Replica Android. OSaHRA for short, if that's too many syllables for you.
Kala: I'm Kala. A6K42Z9 is my ID number, if anyone's interested-
Denek: They're not, Kala. Nobody wants to know.
Kala: And this is Denek.
Elyana: So, everyone here is one of Alexandra characters, right?
Denek: Kala and I are from a story contest she entered once. The entry was only about five pages long, though. She keeps saying she's going to write more about us, but she never does.
Kala: I know! It's so annoying! I just want to go smack her in the face or something. Be all like, "Come on, Alexandra, get your stupid lazy fingers on the keyboard!"
OSaSHRA: I can't say I've ever really wanted to say that... but something along those lines would be helpful...
Elyana: Really? She writes about me on the Dragon RP pretty often.
OSaHRA: ...something more like, "Hello, the enrichment center would like to remind you that failure to output words on a Portal fanfiction involving ME will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your testing record, followed by severe injury and possibly death."
Everyone: *awkward silence*
OSaHRA: Darn it! I can never say stuff like that right, it always sounds better when GLaDOS does it. *sigh*
Kala: Wait, you mean like the video game Portal?
OSaHRA: Yeah, why?
Kala: No reason. Just wondering. *coughoneofmyfavoritevideogamesevercough*
Denek: *facepalm* She loves Portal. It's super old-fashioned in our time, but she's still obsessed with it.
Kala: Shut up! I don't get obsessed with anything except being awesome. And, you know, trying to overthrow the government and stuff. But that's just kind of whatever.
Denek: Sure, Kala. Whatever you say.
Elyana: You're trying to overthrow the government?
Kala: Oh yeah, it's pretty easy, really. No problem. No big deal.
Elyana: Cool. I'm supposed to be stuck in a cavern right now with a bunch of enchanted dragon statues shooting flames, instructions to get across written in a language that only the dragon slayer who can't read would understand, some knights and the dragon slayer's traitorous sister coming in at any minute, and a lot of people who don't all like each other very much.
Kala. Oh.
Elyana: Yeah, I'm pretty much knee-deep in fewmets right now.
OSaSHRA: I'm not exactly sure what's happening in my story so far. All I know is that it probably involves romance, robots, quantum physics, and most of my friends wanting to kill each other.
Denek: Well, isn't this a cheerful conversation...
(August 7, 2012 - 10:41 am)
Lena: Oh, right, let me introduce myself.
Catrina *cutting in*: Allow me. Lena is the wimp who thinks of all the amazing plans but never takes part in them, Finn is the brainiac whose only real use is solving science problems.
Finn *indignantly*: Hey, if I hadn't realized that that potion was poisonous, you would be dead by now.
Catrina: And Everinne is the crazy nut that invented us and who spends most of her day listening to One Direction and Coldplay songs or putting us through these life-threatening situations.
Lena: Catrina likes putting us down.
Finn: And has no respect for people who aren't perfect with a sword.
Everinne *sternly*: Yes, Cat, and if you don't behave I might not allow you to survive your next battle.
Catrina *sitting up straight and smiling sweetly at the others*: Oh, Lena can make excellent hot chocolate and Finn is absolutely wonderful with magic potions.
Everinne: Yes?
Catrina: And Everinne is very sweet and hasn't decided to kill me off...
Everinne: Thank you.
Catrina: ...yet.
(August 8, 2012 - 5:40 pm)
Lupus and Obsidia: come into the room. Lupus is crying and Obsidian is holding his hand in why-am-I-here mode.
Lupus: -cries-
Alex: What happened?
Obsidian: -sits down on couch-Girl troubles, let's say.
Lupus: Ky and I had a -sniffle- fight.
Alex: Oh.
Obsidian: Yeah...we just came back from being RP'd with on Scratch.
Lupus: I'm K and her friend's tool in their ridiculous soap opera! I used to be a nice guy, until K heard of character development and turned me into some idiot who was only nice to Ky... And then me and Obsidian had a fight --
Obsidian: Sorry...
Lupus: And everyone got mad at me. And then I tried to talk to Ky but she made me mad and...and now she hates me even more. And she's crying. And I really don't know what to do.
Draco: At least she sympathises with you. When Ky got mad at you and you went all weird, she was all weird herself.
Kestrel: Yeah, I went into the stinking Hunger Games and she still doesn't sympathize with me!
Draco: Actually, she does. I'm all misunderstood here.
(August 8, 2012 - 7:03 pm)
Lena *to everyone: Do you really think the world will end in December?
Catrina *snorting*: No! The world can't just end.
Finn: That was the superstition thought by the Mayans many, many years ago. I don't really believe it.
Lena: What do you think, Everinne?
Everinne *smiling slyly*: I dunno. I'm the author. I can make anything happen to you.
Catrina: But what about you? If you die, so do we! All that work staying alive for nothing.
Finn *softly*: It wouldn't be for nothing.
*Catrina snorts again, a little less certainly.*
(August 11, 2012 - 6:11 pm)