Discworld RP time!!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Discworld RP time!!
Discworld RP time!!
I know a lot of CBers have read at least part of the Discworld series, and it's just such an amazingly huge and unique universe that it would be perfect for an RP. So who's with me?
Here's my charrie:
Name: Kallyia Ludd
Age: 16
Occupation: Apprentice to the Thieves' Guild
Appearance: Looks vaguely Klatchian. Kind of short, thin, darkish skin, short black hair, brown eyes.
Personality: Sly, but very chatty and friendly. She'll strike up a conversation with you, and you'll never notice that your wallet is missing until she's gone. She was dropped on the doorstep of the Guild as a baby (hence the last name Ludd).
Religion: None, but respectful to gods in general. You never know.
Special abilities: None
P.S. Spamdragon says "cppc". It's a palindrome!
(July 28, 2012 - 2:39 pm)
I might join. But be warned: I do not know much about Discworld. I really don't, I haven't even read all of the series yet. Currently, I'm reading Thief of Time.
Is this set in Ankh-Morpork? Pretty please tell me it is, though it probably is since she's a Thieves' Guild apprentice.
Yeah I guess I'll join, though I'll probably end up making a huge fool of myself. I have not read any of the Watch books (yet) focusing mainly first on Witches, then Death, then Wizards. Wizards/UU is favorite right now... ARGH OFF TOPIC.
(July 31, 2012 - 3:32 pm)
(August 1, 2012 - 5:25 pm)
I haven't read them all either, but I'm trying. :) I've read the entire Death series, the Tiffany Aching series, a few Watch books, a few Witches books, and a few Rincewind books. Oh, and Where's My Cow?, of course. You don't really have to read them all to get the general idea of Discworld, though, so don't worry about it.
(August 2, 2012 - 9:46 am)
I've read all the Death books except Thief of Time, which I'm reading right now, all the Witches books, most of the Rincewind/UU books, all of the TA books and... None of the Watch books. People tell me I'm missing out, but I'll get to them eventually.
(August 2, 2012 - 7:42 pm)