Shapeshifters Roleplay!
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Shapeshifters Roleplay!
Shapeshifters Roleplay!
I'm not sure what the storyline should be so feel free to say some ideas, but I think that shapeshifters would be fun to write about. Here's my charrie:
name: Kimya (keem-ya)
age: looks 14
gender: female
favorite form: winged serpent
appearance (in human form): very long, curly, jet black hair; dark purple eyes; pale skin, never wears makeup; long legs
appearance (in favorite form): not so much like a snake as a Chinese dragon-type thing; black, feathery wings; patterned scales; around 3 yards long; keeps deep purple eyes but pupils turn to slits; scales are reflective
weapon of choice: spear
other: knows little of the location of other shapeshifters, is still getting accustomed to living around humans after centuries of being a feared fighter, has a dragon for her best friend, the dragon is also currently inhabiting a human form
(June 10, 2012 - 7:48 pm)
@ Gigi, I like it but I can't post at the moment because Joy is half dead.
(June 24, 2012 - 8:58 pm)
Matthew Wang
I didn't really trust Lanni. She probably didn't inform on us or anything, but the facts were: she worked for the CIA. The government started shooting at us. Those are some pretty suspicious facts. On the other hand, she did have a lightsaber and she offered to get me one. So, while the facts don't favor her, my instincts do, because they're like: LIGHTSABERLIGHTSABERLIGHTSABER.
Plus, she knows someone who can get a bullet out. Joy's unconcious, so she can't change into some other form. I don't know about the others, but I've been shot at with an arrow/dart/bullet/pointy object, and I just transform into a cloud, float away, and I'm pretty much okay. But she's unconcious, so she can't change, and if that bullet stays in she'll loose a lot more blood than she's already lost, and she might die, and that would be bad.
"Where's Kimya?" Aranel asks.
"She went back to give us time. She's fighting them," Rastus said.
"Oh gosh," Malva says. "She'll be killed."
Lupa smiles slightly, a smile full of teeth that seem to be just a bit too pointy. "I don't think so."
"Why not?" Lanni asks.
Lupa snorts. "Oh, you know, because the gunshots have stopped and the ground was shaking like something big was stepping on it. Oh, and because Kimya's standing right there." She points at the door.
And there stands Kimya. "They're retreating, but you can bet that they'll be back. And with bigger guns." She sees Joy's prone form. "She get shot?"
Lanni nodded. "We're taking her to somebody I know."
"With the feds?" Kimya asks. Lanni nods.
"Don't bother. We just need to raid the nearest pharmaucetical. I can take it out myself."
"You sure that it's safe?" Rastus asks.
"Honey, I've been pulling bullets out of people since they invented the gun in China in the 1300s." Wow. She's old. "And pulling sharp pointy objects out of people since people started wars." Wow. She's really old.
"Let's go raid a pharmaceutical," I say.
(June 24, 2012 - 9:03 pm)
I should wake up after you fix up the bullet, right?
Tobi says hapn. happen. Nothing is happening.
(June 25, 2012 - 9:51 pm)
just wanted to add to Kimya's bio:
Kimya is one of the oldest shapeshifters and has been featured in mythology and legends. Her lifelong friend has been a dragon, whose name roughly translates to Ash. Kimya speaks many languages, including elven, dragon, and dwarfish. She can perform some really cool spells and her secret fear is chimeras. She is careful and strategizing, but if it means saving a friend, she will sometimes take unnecessary risks.
(June 26, 2012 - 12:47 pm)
I stand behind the group and swing my bow behind my back. Matthew looks behind at me, "You coming?" I nod and start walking, but staying a safe distance away. I don't trust them. And I can't trust them, if I want to keep on searching for my dad. I can't get too attatched, or they'll never forgive me for having to leave right away. I check my phone, and the time says it's 10:58 in the morning. I check the countdown clock. 23 days until I have to leave for a new town. Great. I get a running start and transform into an eagle, flying above the group as a lookout. The wind ruffles through my feathers and it feels great. All around me there are ruins of the fight, with burning trees and giant craters in the ground. Whatever Kimya becomes, I never want to have to see it. She's the one I trust the least. The older ones are always the trickiest to understand, and I hate that. She's leading them to a clearing in the woods. Even from here I can see that Joy's life is fading. If we don't get that bullet out soon, she's dead. I land in a tree and watch from above. Kimya stands over her and mutters some words that for some reason I can understand perfectly, but I couldn't tell you what language it was to save my life. "Oh spirits, protect the fatal wounds that this girl has been cursed with." I don't see how it's helping, but Joy's skin seems to be slowly returning to it's normal color. Kimya opens her jacket and pulls out a pair of tweezers, and I turn away so I don't have to watch. Soon there's some cheering and clapping, and I fly down and return to human form. "You did it," I said to Kimya. She nods and grins. I still don't trust her.
(June 26, 2012 - 8:59 pm)
Tiffany and Blue fairy haven't posted once...
I never knew there could such darkness… I never knew the pain could be as bad as this… I didn’t even know how to leave the darkness… I feel the pain become numb. I wonder what air is like to breathe… Light flickers and I feel as though I’m falling…no being pulled…Air…
I gasp for breath and my body is flung forward. I hear cheering all around me; I look around squinting in the bright light. Someone hugs me and other person thumps me on the back. “I knew she’d pull through…” someone else cries. The world swirls and I have to lie down again, “what happened?”
“You were hit by a bullet,” Someone tells me. I think it’s Kimya, “And Rastus carried you here and I fixed you wound.”
So that’s who it was… I had vague memory of black hair and the feeling of being safe, despite the pain of the bullet and the sound of guns.
“Thanks,” I crock, hoping they know I’m saying this to both of them. I hear a faint sound of a gun and shudder. I hope this doesn’t mean I’ve got a new deep fear of guns. That would be bad, considering the resent events...
“So what do you do now?” someone asks, while I lie with my eyes closed.
“Well, we’re all on the run now so…I guess we should get all our belongings and think of something.”
“Like how the government knows about us and what they want from us.”
I’ll have to get my bow and arrows from home, plus some clothes and technology, I think, letting the others voices wash over me. I feel queasy and start imagining all of us, dress like true warriors with a weapons ready… What am I doing?
“You okay Joy?”Oh I hate my name,
“please…don’t call me Joy, its Raven from now on.”
“Okay then…”
I slowly stand up, “okay then. Does anyone need a phone? I’ve got heap at my place and I’d really like it if someone could come with me, I’ve got to get my bow and stuff.”
“I’ll come with you,” Rastus and Malva say at the same time.
“Thanks.” Shaking slightly, I slip into raven form, and start flying towards my basement with Rastus and Malva behind, not that I can see Malva.
We fly nervously into the busy part of the town, even though on one would know who we are. I lead them to my door, glad someone came with me.
As I land and finish changing back into human form, I feel light headed, and stumble. Rastus catches me; I give him a tiny smile and hide under my hair get out the key and turn it in the lock.
Inside I point at the box full of stuff, “the phones in there.” And go to my bow. It’s only then that I see the blood all over my shirt, great. I pack some clothes and grab my bow and arrows.
“Cool!” Malva exclaims somewhere in the room, “I can do research whenever I like!”
“Where did you get all this?” Rastus asks.
“Oh here and there…” I wonder if they ever steal. I had too, how else was I going to get food.
Rastus nods, “you’re good.”
I laugh modestly, “not really-”I break off as I feel new energy…bad energy of a shape shifter.
“Let’s get out of here,” I whisper.
We’re all in a new form when a person appears at the door.I flap at their face and they step back, covering their eyes.“Run guys…Fly!”
We all break out, the stanger running after us and take off. The stranger turns into a hawk and feel my blood run coldm but Rastus and malva diver at them, now also birds ofprey and fight the stranger. they fall from the sky and we turn and race through the sky the way we came .
“That was a shape shifter!” Malva calls.
“Yeah… do you think they work for the government?” I ask.
“I don’t know…But I think I’ve seen then before,” Rastus answers.
“Whoever they are, they aren’t on our side…”
It's not very good, know/
(June 27, 2012 - 5:00 am)
TOP! and please post someone.
(June 28, 2012 - 1:42 am)
"Alright, so, I'll be alright back, I've got to get some stuff from" They nod and everyone sort of transforms into a bird to get their belongings. I ran forward a few feet and jumped, spreading my wings and catching a gust of air. I flew forward three miles, left another five, and through the twin cliffs to the abandoned mest I'd taken up. It was about 8 feet in diameter and 5 feet deep and covered with candy wrappers and old clothes. I grabbed my duffel bag and started shoving clothes and food into it. Grabbing some shedded feathers and sticks from the nest, I got enough materials to make more arrows later. "So, do you always live in old eagle nests?" Instantly I grab my bow, load an arrow, and turn around, aiming at the person who said that. It was Lanni. "What do you want, how did you get here?" She put her hands up in surrender. "I followed you here. Pretty easy, really." "Well, what do you want here?" "Nothing, really. Is this where you always stay?" She picked up a pair of old jeans that I've had for years and looked at them disgustedly. "No, I'm here temporarily. And give that back." "Well, don't you have a house? Parents?" "My gone. I travel around trying, find him." "Oh. So that's why you're here? To find your dad?" "Yeah, but that kind of got messed up, seeing that now I've got every federal officer down my throat." "Yeah, I could see how that could get in the way." "Look, as long as you're here, could you help me get my stuff?" She nods and grabs another duffel, stuffing my things in it. We zipped them up and changed into large birds, clutching the bags in our claws and flying back. I guess I didn't exactly make a friend, but at least someone I might be able to trust.
(June 28, 2012 - 4:59 pm)
*Makes sad face* I really like this RP but I really haven't
got any ideas unless you'd like me to kill Joy/Raven... I'll try and post now,
but...not being rude or anything... I wish we'd finish some the RPs we start
(yes I’m guilty too). Oh I’m sooooo tired; I was up late last night. Not reading.
tried counting everything one I got to bed... *face palms*
After stopping by Rastus and
Malva’s houses to get their things, we arrive back at the clearing. Everyone
but Lanni and Aranel are back.
Rastus and Malva talk with
the others about what happened while I check I’ve got everything.
Technology, clothes, weapons, boots, pictures, a book,
a blanket, water, no food (I didn’t
have any anyway) and...I look back at
the others to see if they’re looking, they’re not. I pull out a floppy rabbit
with longs ears. Nutty, I’ve had him
since forever and I guess he was already in my bag, thank goodness. I stuff him
deep in the bag and leave it with the others’ bags, and walk over to the
“We’ll have to find a place
to camp, we’re too close to everything here and it won’t be long before someone
finds it,” Kimya is saying.
“So we need a cave of some
sort?” Matthew asks.
“A cave with no entrance-”
Malva starts.
“No big entrance,” Lupa puts
“Where no one with find it
and blow it up,” Rastus finishes.
“There would be caves like
that near the ocean,” I say.
“Yeah...” Kimya muses.
“But we’d be too far from the
trouble with the government to find out what’s going on,” Malva says.
“Trouble will follow you
anywhere,” Lupa sighs, rolling her eyes.
“But how is anything going to
help anything when we don’t know anything or what to do about anything?!” I put
my face in my hands, embarrassed. I just sounded so stupid.
“We might find dragons in the
cave...” Malva shrugs
Something flickers across
Kimya’s face, “will at less give us some time to plan.”
We nod and stand there.
Somewhere near by a bird sings briefly.
“Where are Lanni and Aranel?”
Matthew asks.
We look around and shake our
heads or shrug.
I’m feeling drained. I step
back from everyone and sit on the grass with my eyes closed.
“I’m sure they’ll be back
soon, they probably live far off,” I hear Kimya saying. “I think we should
camp here for the night, the police aren’t going to come again too soon.”
I open my eyes slightly and
see people go off to collect sticks for the fire and food.
I stand up and follow Matthew
and Malva into the forest, picking up wood as we go along.
No one says anything, but I
can tell that they see how tired I am. I hate it. I hate feeling so helpless,
but I know it’s true. I would be dead if it wasn’t for Rastus and Kimya.
We finish gathering wood and
return to camp. Kimya sees us and pulls out a box of matches from her duffel.
“Just dump it over there,” she points to a circle of stones.
We work without talking,
except for Kimya giving orders. We all seem to sense her authority and obey.
Once the fire is lit and the
food cooking, sending out wonderful odours, we all sit down and begin friendly
conversations. I found myself laughing as Rastus tells me and Malva a story of the
things he’s done in the past.
Lanni and Aranel get back
just after dark. I can tell by the way they’re standing next to each other that
they’ve been talking and getting much more acquainted, Aranel isn’t standing as
far away now, but still isn’t too friendly. She takes the food that is offered
to her with thanks and goes off to sit on her own. Lanni follows after awhile
and I hear them laugh every so often.
We laugh and talk like we’ve
known each other for ages, not just one life threading day. Lupa is the only
one who really stands out, she sat by the fire for awhile, but snapped at
anyone who talked to her and then wandered off and seem to curl up to sleep. I
wonder what exactly happen to her...
“Tomorrow will be great I’m
sure,” Malva murmurs beside me.
Right now it seems like
“Would you please tell us
more about your old lives Kimya?” Matthew begs.
Kimya begins to tell us about
what it was like to Joan of arc.
I close my eyes, listening to the incredible
tale. It becomes a hum, and I grow sleepier until at last, I’m asleep.
(June 30, 2012 - 3:36 am)
Lanni and I get back and we're handed a Cliff bar and a bottle of water. It's not much of a dinner but we split the energy bar and pour the water into cups, so we're alright. We sit down next to the fire and talk for a while, then start to listen to Kimya as she talks about being Joan of Arc. I'm not that interested so I give the rest of my bar to Lanni and lay down on my pack. The second I close my eyes I'm in a dream. I'm standing in a horribly familiar cave near the ocean. I've camped there before, it's not too far from here. "I knew you'd come back here, sooner or later, my little bird." I clench my fists and turn towards the voice. "What do you want, Kuruka?" He chuckles and steps into the dim moonlight. He's grown taller since I'd last seen him, with greased back hair and a sharp, pointed face. He holds out his arm and a hawk flies towards him. No doubt another shapeshifter. "Ah, that is no way to treat family." I grind my teeth and it's all I can do not to punch the little jerk. "You're. Not. My. Family." "Debatable matter. But I know that he is your family." He opens his palm and an image appears in the air. It's my dad, looking beaten and worn, tied up against a rock. He tries to shapeshift but there must be some spell on the chains that forbid him too. "Dad..." I loosen up and almsot sink to my knees. It's been so long since I'd seen him, and Kuruka knows it. "I know where he is, and I can get you to him. I know that that's what you want, little bird. Only one condition, one little condition, and you and your father will be reunited once again. Isn't that what you want?" I nod and I feel like I can't breath. Whatever he wants, it won't be easy to get, and certainly it would be life threatening. "Oh, no, but this is an easy task. You merely have to lead your little...friends, to this cave. Easy enough, am I correct." I look to the ground. "What will you do to them?" "Nothing you have to worry about, my dear. Just bring them to me, and your father will be yours. Do we have a deal." I think about that. I don't want to jeaprodize them, but my dad...maybe I could find a way to get both...? "Fine. I'll do it. When's my deadline?" "By June 30 you must be in this cave, willing to hand me over those children. Alright?" "Alright." He chuckles deeply and disappears, along with his hawk, and I'm left trying to figure out how this would work.
PS. Kuruka is Aranel's brother, in case you were wondering.
(June 30, 2012 - 2:29 pm)
I curled up into a ball and tried to go to sleep. The laughter of the others drifted over to where I was lying, but it didn't really bother me. They were lucky, I realized, that they could talk and act normally with each other. I, on the other hand, couldn't.
Maybe because I couldn't trust anyone anymore. Maybe because everyone was afraid of me. Or maybe, the tiny little voice in my head whispered, I'm afraid to get close to anyone and lose them again.
I sighed and tried to let sleep wash over me, but it wasn't that easy. Soon, the camp became quieter and quieter, until it was silent exept for some deep breathing. A few snores came from here and there. I rolled and tossed until all my clothes had tangled around my body. Finally, I gave up and walked a little deeper into the woods.
It was a beautiful night. The stars were glinting, and the moon was full. And no, I did not feel the urge to howl at it. That's only a myth. We really don't care what kind of moon it is, as long as we can see well enough to hunt. I leaned against a nearby tree and let the wind play through my hair.
"Nice night, isn't it?"
I grabbed my knives on instinct and spun around to find Malva leaning against the tree opposite me. She must have followed me here in her invisible form.
"Oh, uh... hi. Yeah, nice night," I said, slightly embarrassed that my ears hadn't picked up her following me. "Why aren't you asleep?"
"Couldn't. Same as you," she said mysteriously. We sat in silence for a minute.
"So... how come you're on your own?" I said finally to break the silence. She looked suprised, then stared out into the distance. "I was orphaned as a baby. My parents fell off a boat, and I can't remember what happened to them." I nodded. "So you're on the hunt for them?" She nodded. "Yeah. I know it's stupid, but I think they're out there somewhere." I nodded. "I know how you feel." She looked suprised. "You do?" I nodded. "Yeah. I was abandoned, and after my pack died... I keep hoping that I'll find my parents and have a family again." She gave me a sad look. "I'm sorry." I shrugged. "It's..."
Suddenly, I stopped and pricked up my ears. There was a sound coming far away, getting closer. Something like...
Oh no.
Malva gave me a puzzled look. I nodded towards the sound of clumping feet. "We have company." She paled and nodded. "Let's go get the others." We got up and as fast as we could, ran to tell the others.
(July 1, 2012 - 10:11 am)
Guys, I'm really sorry I haven't posted at all. I wanted to let you know I'm alive, and I'll post as soon as I catch up.
(July 1, 2012 - 11:52 am)
Okay, I suppose I have to post now. Serves me right for not posting until now. I am still brain dead. Think. Think. Tink.
Okay... I'll just try to write something... And if Gigi intended the noise to be something else, then I guess I'll rewrite it when I get back from camp... Sigh. I'm such a wonderful person.
Malva and Lupa ran into where we were staying. "Wake up!" they called at the same time. Groggily, I opened my eyes. Great. Just great.
"What is it?" asked Joy immediately. Kimya had stood up too, already ready to fight anything that's coming. Joan of Arc. Argh.
"Whaaat?" I moaned.
"Something's coming," Lupa said breathlessly.
Then I heard it too, the rhythmic thumping of feet. "Not good," Matthew said. "Actually, terrible. Get up, Ras."
"Don't call me that, it's ridiculous," I complained. But I got up. I really don't get the point of being a shifter. Mabye it's cool if you have a light saber, or we're some sort of legendary fighter, but I'm just some guy who looks thirteen and acts even younger. And the only role I've played in history is some sort of servant during some revolution or other that wasn't even that long ago. Eurgh.
And the government is now after me, thanks to some stupid wolf girl. Mehhhh.
Lanni had drawn her lightsaber, and even though it sparkled, it was amazing. Just like the real thing.
She saw me staring, and rolled her eyes. "Great. Now two boys will beg me for lightsabers. What am I, the Lightsaber Provider or something?"
I made a face. "I'm not going to beg you for anything. In fact, this is boring."
That's when the group of humans marched in. "Thank you so much for holding us up," said Joy sarcastically, to me of course. "We could have fled, if not for your brilliant--"
Matthew then set an example by turning into a sparrow and flying off among the people's heads. They tried to swat at the tiny bird, but it didn't work out well, and it provided the diversion we needed. All of us somehow escaped and ended up in the sky.
The airplane was waiting for us.
Sorry, it's short and terrible... I'll post more often when I get back from camp, hate day after tomorrow.
(July 1, 2012 - 1:44 pm)
name: Ash
age: looks ageless
gender: female
favorite form: well, let's see she has a human avatar, but she is really a dragon and that is her favorite and real form
appearance (in human form): Glowing green eyes, white hair, a wrinkless face, of short stature, but some how, when she moves it looks like she isn't really there at all, like a ghost, she wears a dark green cloak with jeans and a black t-shirt, she also wears heavy emereld necklace
appearance (in real form): She is a dream dragon, which means she is long like a snake, silver grey like smoke and can have the appearance of smoke, she goes into peoples ears in this form to access their thoughts and ride their dream waves. She looks more like an eastern style dragon than a western stlye dragon.
weapon of choice: herself
other: She is the dragon that Kimya mentioned.
(July 2, 2012 - 4:37 pm)
I slowly open my eyes and look up. I have to leave this cave now, or Kuruka will catch up to me. He is always looking, and wants me to become his eyes, so he can manipulate people to do his will using my power. Last time he caught me, I got this emerel necklace and a nasty cut that wouldn't heal for months. I get up and start walking, my emereld necklace weighing heavy. I wish it were gone, so I could go back into my real form. But I am now, so weak, stuck in my human form. I need to find Kimya. I need to warn her that he is after her, and he has Silent Eagle, that merciless shape-shifter who holds the same grudge as Kuruka. They both want her dead.
I may not have my true form, but I still am able to ride the dream waves, albeit for only a short time and a big cost of energy. I try to look for the thread. The thread of the dream that Kimya has had over and over, for hundreds of years. It's always easy to find her using that. I find it and tug, it is suprisingly close by and I begin to run towards it (I can't ride the waves with this accursed necklace)
After hours of running, I reach a single pine tree. It is up there I cut my connection I wonder why she has not contacted me in so long.. I begin to think, as suddenly, a host of birds fly down and then I hear a thud and they are replaced with an odd assortment of people. A brown haired, violet eyed teen, a black haired, hazel eyed boy, a figure, shimmering like water (she is invisible to most eyes), a korean boy, a carmal haired girl with canine like teeth, a dark haired girl, that looks a bit emo, a hawklike girl, and Kimya.
Kimya runs over to me and we embrace. "I missed you" I begin to say and then, I stop. She is starring at my necklace, a look of anger clouding her face. "Who did this" she begins to say and then I tell her, "I have seen Kuraka, he is after you, with Silent Eagle and he says that with his connection he will catch you soon and kill you once and for all." "He and Silent Eagle have teamed up?!" she says. Then, she turns around and looks at her group and says "This bad, it is worse then I feared, we better head to the cave and find the council of shapeshifters." "The council of shape-shifters?" the emo girl says. "Yes, if it was Kuruka by himself, not that he is not to be feared alone, I would not worry as much. But since he has teamed up with Silent Eagle, who is also known as the Chimera, and the public enemy #1 in all denizens of the non-human worlds' eyes we are in trouble, we don't just need a dragon, we need the councel."
After that she introduced me to everyone and we set out towards the sea, in hope of finding the home of the councel before it was too late.
(July 2, 2012 - 7:14 pm)