Some people around

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Some people around

Some people around have been wanting a dragon RP, so I am going to start one.(And the other one's been going for a long time.)There are lot of different ideas of what dragons actually are,and this is not really my idea of what they are,but I think this will fun. 

There will be five different types of dragons:sun,moon,water,fire,ice. These different types will live in hoards, of their own kind.

River dragons are the gentlest,and live in,well,rivers.

Sun dragons are the nicest, and REALLY prefer to fly by day.

Ice dragons are the mean,cold and vain. They live in cold, isolated areas.

Moon dragons are very mysterious and also vain. They REALLY prefer to fly by day.

Fire dragons are the meanest and sneakiest. They love to live and play in fire.

Each of the dragons colors look well,how you would expect their type to look. You are very welcome to make more than one dragon. The main thing will be that there is a five-side war.

I will post my characters later, I'm very hungry....... 

submitted by Maple
(June 4, 2012 - 2:39 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top, Tippy Top
(June 11, 2012 - 9:40 pm)

@ Mayple, will you start the role play?

submitted by Saz
(June 13, 2012 - 2:17 am)

@ Maple, would you please start the Role play?

submitted by Maple? Will , you start the RP?
(June 13, 2012 - 8:26 pm)

Sorry,I was out of town! I'll start it in a tiny bit.

submitted by Maple
(June 15, 2012 - 1:10 pm)

This sounds really cool, but I won't be able to post all next week, just so everyone knows.

name: Saffron

gender: female

type: Fire dragon

personality: despite type, is not mean or vain because of strange coloration; brave; prefers to work from the shadows; 

appearance: albino, so pinkish red eyes, white scales, pink at some parts of the neck, silvery spearhead at end of tail

other: is extremely fast when flying, does not have the usual albino trait of getting sunburned, breathes blue fire

submitted by Blue Moon
(June 16, 2012 - 5:09 pm)

Cool. I'll join.

Name: Liana

Type: Moon Dragon


Gender: Female

Appearence: She's dark blue,about the same color as the night sky, except for the bottom of her wings, which are silver. She has dark brown almond-shaped eyes, flecked with silver.

Personality: She's mysterious, and does not like to let others see what she's thinking. She doesn't talk much, but is watchful and knows a lot about everyone else. She uses her knowledge to secretly help those she likes, but if she doesn't like you, beware. She knows a lot about her enemies too, and uses it to her advantage.

submitted by Sally
(June 16, 2012 - 8:40 pm)

I surface the water to gaze at the lights in the sky. A moon dragon once told me they were called stars.I could not be lazy for long. Every year, when the first leaves appear, all dragons gather together. The first leaves were appearing.

Uncomfortable. We were supposed to be diplomatic and stay out of the water.

"I can't possibly be diplomatic when I'm dry," I grumbled. I made my way to a tree that looked like it was damp, and barely missed a spurt of flame. 

"Oops," the fire dragon snorted and flew away. But I knew better. Fire dragons hated us water dragons. I passed by an albino fire dragon, that was actually sorta reasonably nice! I could not help staring. I finally made my way to the tree, but then discovered a moon dragon under it, desperately trying to block out the sun. Like us, they were probably expected to be diplomatic and not sleep during the day.

I will not be able to post for the next week, so it is up to you guys. 

submitted by Maple
(June 17, 2012 - 8:11 am)



Today was the gathering day.  I swooped down from my nest to meet with the others.  Nodding toward another moon dragon, I found a place under a cliff.  That way, I would not be seen or heard until I wanted to be.  


The Supreme Dragon came up to the center of the lake.  She was our wise and noble leader because she was all types of dragon.  "I now call this gathering of dragons to order," she said. "Is every dragon of every type here?"


All the dragons glanced around to look for their brethren.  I sent out a moonbeam to let the others of my kind know I was here.  All the moon dragons would be doing the same, as we were all hidden.  


When we were sure no one was missing, the meeting began.  "All right, first order of business.  There are complaints from water dragons that the fire dragons are drying up their lakes.  Since this is a constant complaint, there will now be a punishment lasting five decades for every fire dragon caught doing this.  Next, there are complaints of water dragons..." the Supreme Dragon droned on.  Suddenly, an ice dragon came plummeting from the sky.  There was an arrow piercing through his back.  All around us were knights with arrows and swords.  


Shrieks sounded through the meeting area as every dragon fought for their life and the Supreme Dragon's. 

submitted by Melody, age 13, Just being awesome
(June 17, 2012 - 6:23 pm)

Is it to late to join?

Name: The Anlat Bartok

Dragon: Fire

Coloration: Red of the redest hue, almost black around the eyes which are a glowing scarlet 

Basic Info: The Anlats are the 5 spirit dragons that represent the 5 elments of the soul. When they come together, the war of the worlds shall occur and one of the anlats must have their spirits sealed away forever.

River Anlat: Glacidia, kindness

Sun Anlat: Runil, compassion  

Ice Anlat: Kripske, mischeviousness

Moon Anlat: Harice, vanity

Fire Anlat: Batok, EVIL


Hope this works out, I'm not trying to change the story to much. I don't care if anyone else becomes an Anlat. 

submitted by Sakura C., age 12, Volcano
(June 22, 2012 - 7:11 pm)

Can I be the Sun Anlat: Runil, compassion?

submitted by Saz
(June 25, 2012 - 9:43 pm)

I'll change my character to the Ice Anlat, Kripske, mischeviousness

Her albino-ness helps her to blend in with the snowy landscape and cause trouble.

New bio:

name: Kripske

gender: female

type: Ice dragon

personality: Loves to poke fun at authority and play practical jokes on other dragon; she is always hiding something and she is very brave; unlike other ice dragons, she hates to be alone; she is not mean or vain (but she likes to tease other ice dragons who are);

appearance: albino, so pinkish red eyes, white scales, pink at some parts of the neck, silvery spearhead at end of tail

other: is extremely fast when flying, does not have the usual albino trait of getting sunburned, can freeze objects near her at will

submitted by blue moon
(July 6, 2012 - 10:01 am)


submitted by top
(June 25, 2012 - 5:22 pm)

Is anyone else going to run with the Anlat idea?

submitted by Saz
(June 28, 2012 - 12:31 am)

Hi, I know it's been a long time but this RP looked so promising so let's do it, kay? I really really really want to be a part of this with Bartok so please let's do this. 


submitted by Sakura C., age 13, In a volcano
(August 19, 2012 - 9:55 am)



submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(August 19, 2012 - 10:04 am)