Chatterbox: Inkwell



I wasn't sure to post here or in DtE because I had the strangest dream last night I'm pretty sure someone could write the screenplay for a movie based on it if they wanted to. It was way too long for me to post it all here, but it involved an underground city with a bunch of magical peoples, one of them who turned evil and was a witch, a 19 yr. old immortal version of moi, a prince who looked a little bit like Daniel Radcliff, (hehe) Embarassed a mineshaft, a lake, a family curse, and a dagger. It was the single weirdest dream I have EVER HAD!!!!!! made me sad. If more details are wanted I will gladly post them, and I want other CBer's to say a little bit about their own weirdest dreams.

submitted by Snake
(June 3, 2012 - 11:24 am)

Yes,details! All of them!

submitted by Maple
(June 4, 2012 - 2:18 pm)

Last night I had a nightmare that I was stuck in a house with a creepy old bald guy who can create whatever you (or he) wants. (I said something like "blue cubes" and there were a bunch of blue cubes on the counter)

I also went to a theatre camp where the counsellours were younger than me. 

submitted by Olive
(June 4, 2012 - 3:06 pm)

@Olive: that's awesome. XD


@Maple: Here is a short summary of my dream:


So I was like princess or dutchess or...some kind of leader...(?) of this big civilization (Clan) and our secret underground city was hidden in a mineshaft tunnel which was invisible to normal humans and all of us had minor magical powers, and we aged REALLY SLOwlY, like 30 times slower than normal humans. but one of us was a witch who had turned against the Clan years ago. For some reason I was 19 years old (well, 30 x 19, I looked 19) and was betrothed to a prince of another Clan and he looked a lot like Daniel Radcliffe did at age 19. There was an enchanted lake in the middle of our city, which is why I posted lake in the list of things involved. :) Also, the prince's family had a curse, that they not only don't have magic powers aside from aging slowly, they also are very vulnerable/corruptable when magic is involved. So long story short he got there, we bonded (big romantic walk-on-the-beach-mushy-lovey-dovey-movie-scene) then the witch attacked so there was this big battle then the witch pulled a Sorcerer's Apprentice move and tried to force her soul into the prince's body for some reason, then he used this enchanted dagger to take his own life to protect the Clan, and that is why I was sad when I woke up, because my own awesome magical prince charming DIED.


Now you may post on how weird my subconscious is. ;) 

submitted by Snake
(June 4, 2012 - 4:13 pm)

That is really weird. I had a dream where I was invited to my friend's birthday pool party,and when I got there,it was this really dark creepy place,and there were adults swimming and stuff. And it turned out the girl wasn't even there,because she had soccer practice. And then suddenly the party was at my neighbor's house,and there were chinese lanterns. The party wasn't over yet, but for some reason I went home for dinner,and it was lasagna. But it wasn't ready yet, my brother was setting the table and I told my mom the party wasn't over and she told me i could stay until it was over and then it got really dark and I woke up.

submitted by Maple
(June 5, 2012 - 5:53 pm)

I used to always dream about a little,what it was was that my family went some where and there was this room were everything was red.there was a man and he had crazy curly hair and crazy eyes

submitted by ~Blue Fairy~, age 11, Flowers
(June 4, 2012 - 5:35 pm)

I had a dream that my brother was flying a plane with me in it and I parachuted to the ground before he landed and snuck into disneyland. then there were these Velociraptors (like the ones from Jurassic park 2 ) that were chasing me and some other people, and we had to run away from them.  And we hid in an office up like four flights of stairs- and the only thing that could keep the velociraptors at bay was stuff that had been through time-travel, and whatever really old junk we could find (because the office was full of old junk) So we put the old junk (like a CD-rom and some pins) on the stairs and it kept the Velociraptors out.

submitted by Emily L.
(June 4, 2012 - 6:11 pm)

A few nights ago I had a dream that I was in a movie and I was a stowaway on a ship and then I started dancing with this adorable guy :). A few years ago I had another really interesting dream that I met this guy in the middle of a dark, creepy wood. Dreams can be really cool and weird at the same time.

Snake please post more details about your own dream! It sounds so cool!

submitted by PiperC., age 13, Atlantis
(June 4, 2012 - 9:07 pm)

I have really weird dreams too.  Last year, before I went on pointe, I had a dream about trying on pointe shoes down at the beach. I have alot of strange Harry potter dreams. For example: I was looking at this moving picture of Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione and all their kids. then I was in the picture playing with their kids. I asked Hugo if his dad , Ron, had a mustache. Another:  I was stuck in Malfoy manor with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, we escaped, and had to climb up this hill with lava. We came out on the street I live on, and Harry/ Daniel Radcliff goes up ahead, and Emma Watson and I start to follow, but a gardener starts atacking us, and we have to fight. We escape and keep going, then it changes, and Daniel is now my cusin.  I had a dream about The Mysterious Benedict Sosiety that would take a really long time to tell so I'm not going to. That was probably super confusing.

"Don't worry, your just as sane as I am." ;P

submitted by Ivy, age 12
(June 4, 2012 - 9:59 pm)

Ivy/Luna!!! Haha, just saw that.

Well, these are all better than what I've come to call the Bouncing Elephant Dream.

So, what would happen is I would dream I'm waking up. There are these weird bouncing noises like somebody being mean to a timpani, and my whole family and I have to go outside. When we get there, there are these elephants FALLING OUT OF THE SKY and bouncing off down the road - completely normal, right? :) We all grab a corner of this trampoline (we don't even HAVE a trampoline) and we have to go and bounce the elephants back into the sky. Apparently, once they go up they don't come back down.

This is a recurring dream- I would describe it in detail to people I knew, and then the day after I had this dream again I would go up to my friends and say "I had the Bouncing Elephant Dream again!" and they would say Ash you're ridiculous. 

There's another thing about trying to write a poem and ending up rhyming "ski" with "trilobite" and spelling it "triiiiiiiiii" that I can never get away from- someday I'll actually write down this poem so I can laugh at it later.

Chickuu says wpry.

~Ash out~

submitted by Ash, age 14, A galaxy far away
(June 5, 2012 - 3:28 pm)

Ash, that made me laugh. :D

submitted by Emily L.
(June 5, 2012 - 7:12 pm)

...Um, glad I could help? People usually respond to my level of insanity with "What are you doing and where can I get some?"

~Ash out (Chickuu's in time-out. I have received news that (he?) and the other captchas are trying to take over the world.)~

submitted by Ash, age 14, A galaxy far away
(June 6, 2012 - 2:53 pm)

@Ash: that elephant dream sounds SO funny!!! 

submitted by Snake
(June 6, 2012 - 10:38 am)

I have this recurring dream. I fall down and I try to move but my legs are stuck in some sort of goo. I try to pull myself up but an invisible weight is pushing me and I get really scared. And this goes on until I wake up and bang my head on the wall. :) 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 13, Germany
(June 7, 2012 - 1:43 am)

Maybe you should sleep further away from the wall.......

submitted by Maple
(June 8, 2012 - 7:07 am)

Yeah... I think I should try that too. ;) 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(June 9, 2012 - 11:43 am)