A chair in
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
A chair in
A chair in my house seems to hate me.
I was listening to music on my ipod when an earbud wire caught on the chair. When I continued to play the song, music only came out of ONE ear. Now I'm currently using old earbuds that are decent but a bit uncomfortable. But I'm just glad both ears work.
Does anyone know good earbuds that don't break easily? I heard Skullcandy was good but they're $30 at the cheapest.
Then there are the Beats. (:DDDD) But those are expurnsive. (as in $200-ish)
submitted by Olive
(February 7, 2012 - 8:47 pm)
(February 7, 2012 - 8:47 pm)
I use earbuds from Apple, and I'm very happy with them. But then, they're probably expensive. I don't know, since although I have one ipod and one shuffle, I have never bought anything from Apple in my life. All hand-me-downs.
(February 7, 2012 - 9:15 pm)
And *ugh* I got my report card today. Apparently the highest you can get is a 95.
(February 9, 2012 - 4:18 pm)
There are sweatshirts with built-in ones now. I have them, and they're pretty good.
(February 9, 2012 - 7:55 pm)
Every single pair of earbuds I have has that problem. I believe the first one to break was my Skullcandy pair (but those were rather old), then the free pair that came with my Sansa clip, then my dad bought me a cheap pair from Half Price Books ($5) and they broke too. Now I just borrow my brother's :P I think the earbuds hate me, in this case.
OTC says yutk. Yuck...?
(February 10, 2012 - 1:45 pm)
I don't like Apple earbuds because they don't stay in my ears. I like ones that came with my MP3 player because they have these rubber thingys that you can change to differint sizes, and they stay in your ears.
(February 10, 2012 - 6:00 pm)
I use Skullcandy, and they usually last me about five months, but I paid an extra $5 at Best Buy when I bought them for a two-year warranty. Definitely worth it; if you like earbuds, then they're perfect.
(February 11, 2012 - 12:02 am)
All my earbuds break. I use Zune ones, but I need a new pair. They started to pull apart since Zune earbuds are designed weird, and they get stuck in my computer. DX
(February 11, 2012 - 12:23 am)
I use Apple earbuds, too, but they seem not to fit in one ear... Do you use your Ipod all the time for music, Olive? If so I think it might be worth it to get really expensive earbuds because you'll use them for a long time and it's a thing you really want.
(February 11, 2012 - 3:01 am)
@Kenzie: Yay! I'm glad that they're good! I'm trying to decide between Smokin' Buds and Ink'd but am leaning towards the latter because of the specs (which I finally understand thanks to Google). Which earbuds do you have?
@Elizabeth M.: I listen to music on my iPod or from my laptop 24/7 unless I'm playing it myself. :) And I would get durable, amazing-quality earbuds but I'm not the one paying and I don't think my parents would be too keen on giving a 13-year-old girl $50 earbuds. And re: use them for a long time: Skullcandy has a lifetime warranty and replacement thing and I hear, depending on the situation, (I think item malfunction not breakage) is free.
I'm using Apple earbuds right now. And my ears hurt. Luckily they can take a lot of pain (from earbuds). :)
(February 11, 2012 - 7:10 pm)