Aw, so many

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Aw, so many

Aw, so many good memories of the Chatterbox!:) I probably don't know anyone here anymore except for the Admin! How are you, Admin? You guys are the greatest. :) Miss talking with you!

Anyway, I wanted to ask the current Chatterboxers if any of them have heard of/travelled with/or know someone who has travelled with People To People Student Ambassador Program? It's an organization that takes middle and high school students on trips to other countries to represent the U.S. and learn about other cultures. I got invited a little bit ago to go to some meetings with them for information about being an ambassador with them on a trip next summer to Italy and Greece (well, it's actually the Italy, Sicily, and Greece trip, but I don't say that, since Sicily techincally is Italy..). I went to my interview with them yesterday, and a few hours ago I got a phone call confirming that I can travel with them! I'm going to Europe! :D One of my best friends is actually going too; and that's especially great because I haven't been as close with her recently, so this will definitely help our friendship haha. There's going to be about 40 high schoolers going on this trip! SO MUCH FUN.

I'm studying the history of the church all year in school, so this trip will actually be perfect. I'm going to actually go to the places that I'm reading about in my history books! Like, until I got the invitation in September, I've ALWAYS hated anything related to Rome. But suddenly, with the possibility of going there, it's become so much more interesting, knowing that these aren't just old buildings and places, but things I'll actually get to see. I have a weird obsession with Roman history now.

And OH MY GOSH, this will be amazing for photography too! I absolutely cannot wait to take pictures.  

Okay now that I've rambled on and on about how excited I am, I was wondering if anyone's had any experience with People To People before? I feel like people on this website probably have.


Hi, Paige/Kenzie! It's so good to hear from you! We think about you and other early Chatterboxers often and wonder what you're up to. I've heard of People to People, but don't know any specifics about it. However, I had the good fortune to live in Italy for almost three years and I loved it! We lived in Arco Felice (the Happy Arch), a small coastal town just south of Naples and had time to travel all over the mainland, but not to Sicily. We lived within walking distance of Lago Averno, the mythological entrance to the Underworld. The old things in Rome (and Pompei, etc.) are so much older than anything in the US/New World. The countryside and little villages are beautiful, and the people were so friendly and happy. And the food . . . REAL Italian pizza made with fresh tomatoes and fresh, juicy mozarella. Fresh bread and rolls from the bakery. And we'd get great doughnuts each Sunday morning after church (due grafe, per piacere). I'm so happy for you!

Please remember to tell us about it when you get back!


submitted by Paige/Kenzie
(December 1, 2011 - 10:58 pm)

Paige/Kenzie! I hope you remember me [I've been on the CB for about 2 years almost!] Anyway, I was invited by the PTPSAP to go to Canada in 2010 in the summer for a month I believe, but my dad didn't want to spend the money so I didn't go! But, I have heard of it and was invited!

Have a good time!

submitted by Vida, age 12
(December 2, 2011 - 12:21 pm)

That's cool! Too bad you couldn't go. :/ Hopefully you'll get the chance again!:) And yes, I remember you!

submitted by Kenzie
(December 2, 2011 - 8:28 pm)


I'm homeschooled, so they probably couldn't find any school records of me!

But I am saving up just in case!


Mr. Spam says: "nnop" = "nope"?? You dont want me to go Spammy Spam?

submitted by Vida
(December 13, 2011 - 2:27 pm)

I'm homeschooled too actually! I'm not really sure how they got my name. :)

submitted by Kenzie
(December 16, 2011 - 4:40 pm)

To Admin who was online late last night ~

Oh whoa, that's cool you lived in Italy! I haven't gotten the itinernary yet, but I know we're going to Naples at some point. That would be such a beautiful place to live! I can't wait to visit Pompeii. Did you ever get around to going to Rome? And if you did, did you go to the Vatican? I'm can't believe I'm going to see the Sistine Chapel. It just seems so unreal! I know we're also visiting some of the smaller towns too, which sounds so lovely. And I can't wait for the food! Every time I go to Boston, I have lunch in Little Italy because the food's so much better than Italian food in Maine, but I can't even imagine how incredible this food will be! This is one of the first times I'm really disappointed that I'm vegan, though. :/ Because of my health I can't start eating dairy or anything again, but I'm so upset I won't be able to eat the fresh cheese or anything (..gelato, especially haha). I actually know of other vegans/vegetarians who've traveled with People To People before, and the organizaiton will call ahead to the restaurants and everything to tell them to make special food for me. So I won't starve, but it still won't be the same. :/ Oh well. 

And don't worry, I'll definitely tell you all about the trip when I get back!:) I'm going to find some free photo sharing website (I need to find one like Flickr, but with unlimited photo uploads for free..) that I'll post my pictures on to share with family who don't have Facebook, and I'll definitely make sure you get a link!:)

Wow I'm talking a lot. I'm a bit excited I suppose.

Also I realized I used the word "actually" a lot in my original post. 


Yes, we went to Rome several times, including the Vatican, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's. We loved the Piazza Navona, too. It has a beautiful fountain. Trevi Fountain is nice, too, but we were very surprised that it seems to be tucked away between tall buildings on a side street. I'd expected it would be in the middle of an open piazza.

Where we lived (and I think all over Italy except maybe in the north where we didn't go much), the people did not eat much meat because meat was expensive. Pasta al pomodoro (fresh tomato sauce) was very good. Can you eat pasta with gluten? I could live on the bread! Pizza with just tomatoes would be good, too.

Can you eat eggs? Omlette with tomatoes is good, too, at any time of day.

 We loved all the little towns.


submitted by Kenzie
(December 2, 2011 - 5:13 pm)

@Admin, oh my goodness, that all sounds so lovely! I can't wait to go! I can eat pasta with gluten, so I'm definitely looking forward to that! I don't eat eggs though, so no omlettes for me. But I'm sure they're delicious!:)

submitted by Kenzie
(December 2, 2011 - 8:44 pm)

Hi! I don't think I was on the CB when you were, but I have seen some of your posts. Hi! Time sure does fly, doesn't it? :)

It's so awesome that you're going to Italy! I've always wanted to go there. And you're right; the photography possibilites!

@Vida: YEAH! CANADA!!!!!! *is Canuck* What province and cities did you visit? 

submitted by Olive
(December 2, 2011 - 8:04 pm)

I remember you!:)

submitted by Kenzie
(December 2, 2011 - 8:27 pm)

Kenzzzaaae :)  I've been invited practically every year but never wanted to go.  It's cool- just I don't like the fact of going with a bunch of random people.  But since your friend is going that'll make it 10x better! 

submitted by R~D~, age 15
(December 2, 2011 - 10:25 pm)

Are you kidding? That's one of the things that I think will be the most fun! Maybe some day you can go with someone you know. :)


I remember having a twinge of homesickness as a teenager after my parents left me at a camp several states away from my home for a summer job. I didn't know anyone there and I felt so alone. The feeling was very short-lived, however, because I had a wonderful time and made many friends there, some of whom remain in my life today! I'm so glad I went there. 


submitted by Kenzie
(December 3, 2011 - 1:24 am)

Ha :)  Could be.  I just mean COMPLETELY random--like, I don't even know much about the whole program and for all I knew it could have been a scam.  Obviously, I didn't really look in to it.  I hope you have a great time!

submitted by R~D~, age 15
(December 3, 2011 - 2:47 pm)

Yeah, I know; we thought it was a scam too! But I applied for the meeting anyway, because I figured it didn't hurt to try. :) And thank you!

submitted by Kenzie
(December 9, 2011 - 5:56 pm)

My sister got invited; but she didn't go because it was too expensive.

submitted by Emily L.
(December 19, 2011 - 8:08 pm)

No, I didn't go. I was invited.

submitted by Vida
(December 13, 2011 - 2:27 pm)

Paige!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know me!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs* How are you doing? :):):)

submitted by Emily L., age 16, WA
(December 2, 2011 - 10:06 pm)