
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



How's school going for y'all? I moved from a private Christian one to a public one and, well, there are a lot of differences:

1) Way more homework. Oh, and half of it's in French. Joy.

2) No uniforms!

3) I'm not on the bus for an hour anymore! Yay! 

4) Wordy-ness

5) Dances. I swear, we haven't even had it yet (it's for Halloween) but all the guys've been acting all annoying and stuff... long story.

6) Way more school spirit. :D

7) Oh, and my old school was JK-grade 8 whereas my current school is 6-8 (mostly 7-8 though; there're only two-ish grade 6 classes) Yeah...

8) And the education isn't biased. (Seriously. Last year, Science class became Religion...) 

submitted by Olive
(October 14, 2011 - 8:15 pm)

I'm in college! :D

Which is INFINITELY better than high school, I might add. Probably because I'm paying 36k/year with scholarships to be here. :/

Although my roommate got pneumonia and had to go home for the block D:

Everyone is incredibly nice and intelligent here. And I'm in German! next block so yay! 


Sehr gut, TNO. Sie werden viel umlaut haben! Es tut mir leid über ihre zimmermate.


submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(October 14, 2011 - 10:11 pm)

You're in German? Awesomeness! The only German I know are "Ja, Gutentaag (sp.?), Frau, Fraulein, and Aufviedershien".


Guten Tag, Auf wiedersehen.


submitted by Olive
(October 15, 2011 - 1:12 pm)

I'm not in German yet, and I won't be until November. Cornell has an odd schedule. Right now I'm in Financial Accounting which is dreadfully boring since I haven't learnt anything new in the two weeks I've had of it (out of three and a half total). C'est la vie.

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(October 17, 2011 - 11:22 am)

Guten Tag, TNO.  Ich heisse Analesia.  Ich tanze gern.  Tchus! XD

School's... well school. And none of my friends are in my core classes *sighs*  Though, I have been making new friends.

I'm taking ninth grade level algebra, but it's super easy.  And I made jazz band.

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(October 16, 2011 - 10:39 am)

Meh. It's going meh. I moved from a school that I've been at since when I was a little midget baby to a different campus of the same school, and I loved it there, then right when I felt awesome my parents shipped me off to an all girls private Catholic school. It's okay, I guess. Differences:


1. No boys. Not that I'm sobbing or anything, but some of my best friends have always been boys, becuase there's way less drama, easier to talk to and they're really open, you don't have to figure out what a comical laugh is, or a simple glare. It's just easier.


2. A serious let-back in foreign languages. I've been learning Spanish since I was a midget baby, but now I'm taking super beginner Spanish, that's really easy for me. And I'm also taking French, but that's next quarter.


3. A Religion class. That sure is new.


4. MUCHO harder classes, plus more homework=MAAAD SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


5. And my mom keeps on badgering me to eat lunch with some friends, because I read while I eat during our lunch period, but I'm all like "Mom. Then I'd be missing 45 perfectly good minutes of reading." So we compromised, somedays I eat with friends, others I read.


6. It's 7-12, so there's A LOT of girls, young and old.

submitted by ZB ☮
(October 15, 2011 - 11:24 pm)

I think I know what you're talking about when you say science became religion.  I'm homeschooled and we use a reaaaaaally weird book for science. Well, not that weird, but some sections talk entirely about God. I'm like, COME ON God is everywhere and in everything but can't you just mention Him and not lecture about Him? Also I'm Catholic and the lady who wrote it is...not. I'm NOT INSULTING anyone who isn't, I'm just saying that to us some of what she says seems a little weird. Like when she's talking about caterpillar metamorphasis and then suddenly starts going on about "this happens to us too when we become Christian...". Or when she 's explaining how bright the sun is and then says "but God's light is Brighter! Once when Moses went  up on a mountain..." You get the idea. I mean, if she wants to talk about religion, why not just write a separate book about it? And the way she talks about God seems a little pushy, like "you better believe this!"

In case you're wondering why we're using the books if we don't like them, well, the information is good, but sometimes she goes into a matter of opinion. And we're doing a co-op that's using the Charlotte Mason methodology, and this series is pretty much the only one that focuses on one subject for the entire year with a Christian perspective.

Oh, she also believes in the Young Earth theory, and got a little pushy about that. Her books that we've done so far are "Flying Creatures of the Fifth day" and we're working on the Astronomy one.



submitted by SusyQ
(October 16, 2011 - 3:42 pm)

School's pretty good for me, but it's... ya know, school. I finally got Drama as one of my electives, and it's super-duper fun! I got to a public school, by the way. We have 6th-8th graders and everyone calls them pixies, sevvies, and trolls. I don't know why. I also got into advanced math (!) and the teacher is really weird and strict. He says stuff like, "You are in Math AB, so no talking or you will get a double penalty, triple penalty, quadruple penalty, etc." and "Here is the classwork, ready, set, GO!!" Most of the time, we can't even see the work on the projector when he says that... o_o


Oh, I had some memorable teachers, too (math and other). One of my classmates kept a notebook full of all the characteristic things each teacher would repeat. I still have a copy of this list of quotes, which Don so nicely duplicated for all of us. It's called it Don's Familiar Quotations.


submitted by Alexandra, age XII, Does it talk?
(October 16, 2011 - 4:20 pm)

Wow. Interesting that I see this today. About half an hour ago I was sobbing my eyes out just about this lovely little subject titled school. Yes, I'm in a new class which might not sound that awful but it is. My other class is in another town. 

1) Seven girls (counting myself)

2) Two groups of girls and one outsider

3) Group 1: They've been best friends forever and are really nice but I always feel like I'm interrupting them.

4) Group 2: Giggling, laughing, boys boys boys... I like them and they like me but if I go around with them I don't feel like I'm in the right place.

5) Outsider. She likes me and I think she's okay. I go around with her in every break. My problem: I don't have any other friends. 

6) I don't have any friends at all. No one to talk to. No one to share stuff with. NO ONE.

7) I'll just concentrate on my grades. And that's my cue to burst into loud sobs and sniffles.

8) I'm feeling miserable.  


Oh Elizabeth, I'm so sorry. Small groups can cause hard feelings. I'd say that everyone experiences something like this sometime. I know I have felt left out by others at times and had hurt feelings. You do say that Group 1 is "really nice," Group 2 likes you, and Outsider is okay. I'd suggest you just be yourself, join activities you enjoy, and get along with everyone. Maybe think of another nickname besides Outsider. Try to think of people as individuals or as one whole class/group to which everyone belongs. There may be other new people from time to time who you can welcome. And I'm sure other Chatterboxers will have some advice for you. And talk to your parents or teacher. There may be things they can to do help you, and I'm sure they'd want to do that. Things should get better.



submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 17, 2011 - 1:26 pm)

Aw, it's okay, Elizabeth! You always have us! :) And I agree with what Admin said, just be yourself! You're a wonderful and awesome person! Also, it's only the start of the school year; there's a lot of time to bond with your classmates! And are there any other classes in your school? Do you take the bus? Extra-curriculars? Those and more give you lots of opportunities to make a bunch of friends! One of my best friends and I live in two different towns and have never gone to the same school. And what about cousins? :)

submitted by Olive
(October 17, 2011 - 7:42 pm)

Thank you. It's true that I have all of you as friends. That's why I like the Chatterbox. Everybody basically likes everybody. No problems. It's virtual. ;)

I take chorus and have met people through that but they have their formed cliques. There it's not that bad though because I chat with a girl from Group 2 who normally ignores me. She's very nice...

Other than that, dance with my two very best friends. Sadly, I only see them once a week.  

My cousins are awesome, though I can only chat with her when I get onto the social network and she has to be online... Other than that, I only see them at family reunions.

I'm doing my best, being myself. :) Being myself can make me seem pretty dorky, though... Dorks rock! :) 


In the whole scheme of life, the most popular people in school may not have the happiest, most successful careers and lives. You learn more and develop better skills if you don't have everything handed to you. I can think of several examples from my classmates. One who became one of the most highly teachers in the country was below average in school years--a successful late bloomer!


submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 18, 2011 - 11:05 am)

Elizabeth M. : Have you tried the boys? I don't know what they're like in your school, of course, but in my grade, there's a bunch of good ones who I hang out with. But that might have something to do with the fact that I like football and four square and think skirts and dresses are the most ridiculous pieces of clothing ever...  ;)

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 18, 2011 - 5:30 pm)

As so many people have said, school is... school. I have a wonnnnderful band teacher, my math and health teachers are pretty good, my P.E. and English teachers are okay, and my science is TERRIBLE! The science and English teachers are disappointing because those are some of my favorite subjects, but oh well... Being new at a school (freshman and just moved to CA) is weird!!! I'd gone to school with most people in my old school for at least 3 years (a lot of them for 8+ years), and I knew them all super well, but now I know very few people!! Actually, now I know a pretty good amount of people, just not as much as I'm used to. I lovvvveeee band because in a month we had all become a super tight family. We're a crazy, strange, nerdy, and weird family, but it's a ridiculous amount of fun!!!!!!

I definitely agree that boys can be awesome friends! I get teased occasionally about "liking" them or whatever, but they're so much more simple than most girls!!

Oh, and TNO, I'm insanely jealous you're in college already! :P

submitted by Emma, age 15, CA
(October 19, 2011 - 12:31 am)

@Admin- Thank you for the great advice. You've really made me feel much better. :)

@SC- Yes, boys. In my other class I was on pretty good terms with boys and had/have a few as friends. Sadly, I feel way too shy to talk to a boy in my class and plus they're all two years behind in maturity. I've talked to them before but only quick exchanges about computers in homework. I know, *dork*. 

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(October 19, 2011 - 11:08 am)

Hmm.. yes, there are the boys who are, ah, shall we say, low, in maturity levels.

submitted by SC, age 13
(October 19, 2011 - 4:44 pm)

I agree totally. That's what my class last year was like. :)

This year, the guys are really funny and know... a lot more. But some of them are nice. :) 

submitted by Olive
(October 19, 2011 - 7:57 pm)