
Chatterbox: Down to Earth




I saw it and I thought it was good! A lot of people are complaining about it being bad, but... It was so cool watching it in 3D. I thought the scene where Harry was "dead" was the most accurate by far.

Some things that were wrong: Harry's eyes are green, not blue. Aberforth has piercing blue eyes. Malfoy goes into the room of requirement with Crabbe and Goyle. Snape is killed in the shrieking shack (I thought). I don't think Snape ever went to Lily's house after she was murdered; I might be wrong. Didn't James have black hair and glasses? And Lily's eyes are also green... And Albus (Harry's son), isn't he almost a mini Harry? 

Another thing. Harry pops in with Aurors all of a sudden and Snape flees. Did they take something out? 

Except for that, I thought the movie was well done. It was dark, though, very dark. And I don't think that Ron and Hermione should be together. Ew.

Did Rupert Grint put on weight? And does anyone except me think that Bellatrix is absolutely beautiful? 

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(August 4, 2011 - 8:06 am)

I think they did the thing with Harry and the Aurors because it's a lot easier to explain. And where would Warner Bros. get a mini Dan Radcliffe?

The reason Malfoy went into the Room of Requirement with Blaise and Goyle instead of Crabbe and Goyle is because the actor who plays Crabbe has to pay community service hours or something like that, so they had Blaise fill in for Crabbe. Yeah...

They messed up Snape's death because the Glass House (or whatever it's called) would be more "dramatic". And it would be easier to see into, camerawise. And we wouldn't have to see Nagini attack Snape but just a shadow of it. (I could stomach seeing him attacked though.)

I don't think they took out anything in the scene where Snape flees. They just changed it. (And does anyone know why Cho was there? Wouldn't she have graduated the year before? And yes, I'm aware she was there in canon as well. (I don't consider the movies canon.))

Haha on your thoughts on the Ron/Hermione pairing. Do you ship Harry/Hermione (or Draco/Hermione, my** OTP*) or something completely different like Snape/Hermione *shudder*?

I don't know if Rupert Grint put on weight, but if he was any skinnier, he'd look pretty weird IMO. And HBC is pretty, yes.

The movie wasn't that dark. I haven't seen darker (I think) but I have seen trailers of darker movies. (Orphan, HSM, the Never Say Never movie :P) 

*OTP: One True Pairing

**My OTP: Actual, I just ship DrM/HrG because they have some pretty good fics. (And some pretty disturbing ones *cough*Hysteria*cough*) I think Ron/Hermione are cute together. :)

submitted by Olive
(August 4, 2011 - 4:37 pm)

The Harry-and-the-Aurors thing replaced Harry bursting in on the Ravenclaw common room, nearly giving McGonnagal a heart attack, torturing one of the Carrows, and Voldy being summoned, if I recall correctly. I think it made the movie a tad more streamlined, because what works in books doesn't always work in movies. And vice versa.

re: Snape's death: Again, I think the decision to switch from the Shrieking Shack to the boat house was for purposes of convenience and streamlining rather than anything else. Plus, it made for an artsy death shot without having to resort to lame discretion shots.

re: Cho: I think she came with the rest of the graduated DA members, like Fred and George et cetera. Or at least that's how it was in the books, I don't know what was going on in the movie, maybe the filmmakers forgot she was 18?

re: Hermione/Ron: I ship teenage!HxR and adult!HxD. Because while Ron and Hermione are adorable together, I don't think they would have lasted. Also, SnapexAnybody but Lily is weird, no exceptions.

re: HBC: Yes, she is gorgeous. They totally messed up her death scene though. Not just because she, um, disintegrated (What. No seriously, what.) and it was weird, but because Voldemort didn't see it. Nor did Voldemort fly into an unstoppable rage and fling three immensely powerful witches/wizards into a wall immediately afterwards. Yates why must you insist on destroying my only shred of evidence for a canon!OTP?! WHY MUST YOU WRONG ME SO?!

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(August 4, 2011 - 9:22 pm)

re: Cho: She was in the Great Hall with the students not the OotP when Snape was interoggating them.

re: Bella's death scene: Voldy was too busy chasing after Harry because the movie's too cool to just have one epic showdown between Harry and Voldy so they had to have an entire dramatic scene in which Harry and Voldy fall off a cliff-thing. -_- (though that might have just been to change direction)

And. They. Didn't. Fix. Harry's. Wand. 

submitted by Olive
(August 5, 2011 - 8:46 am)

re: HBC: I thought she was utterly brill as Bella!Hermione. And yeah, she's pretty darn gorgeous. She used to be my Dad's favourite actress when he was younger. 

re: ships: I unabashedly support NevillexLuna, but I'm against HarryxHermione AND HermionexRon AND HarryxGinny, but I don't have any good ships to replace them. (Well, KrumxHermione is still a very real possibility from where I'm sitting, and I like that relationship a lot.) I support RemusxLily sometimes and then the rest of the time SnapexLily. (Actually I'm comtemplating an AU where Lily marries Snape; the point of divergence would probably be either him not saying "Mudblood" or her forgiving him for doing it (because seriously how do you ditch your best friend since you were like TEN over ONE WORD and then he APOLOGISES PROFUSELY SINCERELY AND HEARTFELTLY and you're like, "nope, we're over and even though you love me like crazy I'mma gonna go on to marry your worst enemy who's made your school years a living hell and now you're going to be miserable the rest of your pathetic little life ta-ta!" because seriously THAT WAS KINDA CRUEL Y/Y?)) I like BellaxVoldy (thanks to TNÖ), and I still believe that Pince and the Librarian had an EPIC L-SPACE ROMANCE and TRUE LOVE THROUGH THE DIMENSIONS AND THE LIBRARIES. Also, I read an epic fic where Hermione runs into them having tea together and THIS IS MY PERSONAL CANON AND HERMIONE IS A LIBRARIAN OF SPACE AND TIME NOW THE END BYE BYE NOW. 

Am I the only person who found herself trying not to laugh when all the Death Eaters were laughing? I know it's awful, but there were all these people laughing and not even evilly, they sounded so cheerful, and for me it was a tension breaker and made me want to laugh with them. I'm a dreadful person.

submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(August 5, 2011 - 4:00 pm)

Of course, HBC is always utterly brilliant in everything she does.

*cough*HermionexDraco*cough* I am also a fully and unabashed shipper of SnapexLily, LibrianxPince, and VoldemortxBellatrix (OTP <3). LibrarianxPince is fun, because unlike most crossover pairings they actually have a canon method of communication, namely the L-Space. I've been trying to slip as many subtle references to this as possible into my current HPFF, it's fun.

re: The Death Eaters laughing: That whole scene was just rife with unintentional hilarity, I think. The only thing that got me more was the whole "Let's end this the way we started! [flings arms around neck] TOGETHER!" debacle (why why why WHY would they replace the canon! sort of! BxV moment with, of all things, a creepy sorta-kinda  HarryxVoldy moment?! WHY DAVID YATES, WHY?!). 

submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(August 5, 2011 - 6:19 pm)


submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(August 6, 2011 - 7:24 am)

Ah. Ron and Hermione. Looking back, I think there was a lot of evidence for R/H, but I completely missed it until I was 11. I thought they didn't like each other and that their friendship would end. I was really, really shocked when Harry thought about the possibility of their getting together, and even more so when it actually happened. I also shippped Neville/Ginny at the time. :) My knowledge about that sort of thing is still based solely on what I've read tends to happen in romantic relationships, and at that time, I'd read nothing, so...

I'm currently anti H/H and anti Neville/Luna because that's also too neat. I do still ship Neville/Ginny, but i know now that it could never have actually happened.

I agree with TNO about Snape.

submitted by Ima
(August 4, 2011 - 11:12 pm)

I liked it very much, but I don't feel like going into the details.

submitted by Ima
(August 4, 2011 - 11:13 pm)

re: Mini Radcliffe: Well, he doesn't have to look exactly like Harry, but didn't he have black hair and green eyes like Harry? Maybe I'm wrong. They could also make a marrionete of Harry, put him on strings and say he's Albus. ;) 

re: Snape's Death: I guess you're right, though (as Olive said) I could also stomach the blood. I don't know if they would've had to change the rating because of that scene...

re: Rupert Grint: He got uglier over the years. I guess I'm the only one who thought he put on weight. :) 

@Olive- Okay, maybe it wasn't that dark. I've seen darker. Watch To Die For. It's really dark and almost scary. 

What does "I ship teenage" mean? 

submitted by Elizabeth M. , age 12, Germany
(August 5, 2011 - 9:01 am)

I cried when Harry was looking at Snape's memories, and I think everything HP is awesomely awesome, but the DHp2 movie wasn't super accurate.

submitted by Kim A.
(August 5, 2011 - 6:35 pm)

re: I ship teenage: Where did I say that? Anyways, by I ship, I meant I support the relation ship of.

Oh! I think TNO(umlaut) said I ship teenage R/Hr. :)

re: ZNZ's ships: What about DrM/HrG?

re: Crying: My eyes got wet during the Hospital Wing scene and they showed all the dead people. (Fred, Lupin, Tonks...) And during that part, my friend who was watching next to me was like, "*. I'm crying."

Does anyone besides me ship Scorpius/Rose?

submitted by Olive
(August 6, 2011 - 12:40 pm)

Re: DxH: I don't know much about that ship, but I've never really been a fan of it. It seems a little farfetched, doesn't it, seeing as they hate each other? And I've never liked evil characters shipped with good ones.

submitted by ZNZ, age 14, Thulcandra
(August 6, 2011 - 3:04 pm)

Maybe the shippers think they only pretend to hate each other to mask their love like Ron and Hermione did? Well, no, not like Ron and Hermione; most people seem to think they somehow like arguing or something. I've never understood either. I can tell now that they do like each other because of the things they argue about, but still...

Detc says vcik. He wants to kick Vicky. Is he Ron?

He also says ehat. Is he ordering a hat online?

submitted by Ima
(August 6, 2011 - 7:04 pm)