Ways to get

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Ways to get

Ways to get stared at!


WARNING! Do not use these instead in jest with your family and friends unless you like getting thrown out of Walmart, Target, the library, etc. In which case, go ahead.


This is where we post the funniest, goofiest, strangest stuff we can come up with to use that would definitely get some stares!




-Start dancing to a song-that's playing in your head. REALLY get down and groove. Try some breakdancing.


-Whenever someone asks you, "May I help you?" shout at the top of your lungs, "AAAAAAAAH! STALKER! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!"


-While in the bathroom, start making faces in the mirror, picking at your teeth, etc.


-When someone is looking at something, grab it out from under their nose and say, "I want that!"

-Variation: Start going on and on about how you used to have one, but you had to get rid of it. Say it very loudly. This works especially well if it's food.


-Walk back and forth in front of the dressing room stalls and say, in your best posh voice, "No, daaah-ling, that doesn't suit you at all, dahling, red just isn't your color," etc., etc.



-Run from one side of the store to the other, yelling, "I HAVE BEEN BITTEN BY A VAMPIRE! EVERYONE RUN FOR THEIR LIVES!"

-Variation: Do the same thing, only this time shout, "I HAVE BEEN BITTEN BY A WEREWOLF!" When you reach the other side of the store, grab someone, shake them, and say, "Is it the full moon yet?! Is it?!"


-When someone is in front of you and behind you in a line, shout your favorite slogan at the top of your lungs, i.e. "DRACO MALFOY ROX MY SOCKS!" "WATCH THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME!"



-Find the loudspeaker in the supermarket. Yell into it, "DOES ANYONE WANT TO DANCE THE FUNKY CHICKEN???"

-Paint "Googleberrywhackaboinklepotatoblopfollyudderscentitivereilizationquirks...." on the walls.

-Sing opera in the bathroom.

-Say, "HIYA, GEORGE! IS YOUR NAME ELMO???" to everyone.

-Suddenly dance ballet, or dance a romantic dance with someone you don't even know.

-Say, "Plop? Plop plop plop? I plop plopnet plop. I ploke plop plop. Plop plop plop." (which means: "Hello? Is anyone there? I from planet Plop. I speak only plop. How dya do?")

-Say, "I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN YEARS!" to everyone you meet.


Admins, you too! Sorry if it's long (and loud).


Andy P. C. (and Vick) say xpap. Papillon? Papaya?

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.


submitted by Wolfgirl67/NDT, age 12/9, DtE!/NC
(September 22, 2010 - 12:09 am)

Love those, WolfGirl67!  Mom and Lona go to the fabric store alot ~grins evily and rubs hands together~

submitted by Charlotte, age 12, Hogwarts
(November 10, 2010 - 12:35 pm)

WolfGirl, these made me laugh SO HARD! :D I totally love the shaking hands one. :)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 15, USA! :)
(November 17, 2010 - 9:42 pm)

@Kimberly: Yeah, you could totally get stared at by doing that.


Here's a couple more:


-Dance around singing, "There's a tarantula/rattlesnake in my socks, in my socks, in my socks, get it out, get it out, get it OOOOOOOUUUUUUUUT!"


-While standing near a lot of people, say in a loud voice, "Has anyone seen my pet tarantula/rattlesnake? He's about this big (make a huge amount of space between your two hands). He would never hurt anyone unless he got scared. Then again, he's probably terrified by now." (Yes, I stole that from Eloise. Don't tell.)


Andy P. C. says hpnn.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, Here.
(November 30, 2010 - 7:40 pm)

Yeah, when I was just sitting on a field at my school waiting for P.E., I started singing this song: I love Greek Mythology! La la la! Harry Potter's awesome too! La la la! I'm in love with PERCY JACKSON!!!!! Whoohooo, la la la! Blue, is my favorite, COL-OR!!! The sky looks cool in the afternoon! Rain feels good on my face! Spongebob is my fave show! Even though my friends hate it! I'm ten years old, but tomorrow's my birthday! My dad plays guitar, brother likes video games, I LIKE READING!!!!! La la la! It was so weird and everyone started staring at me. Then I took one of those clips and had a "clip war" with my friend. We started teaming up and pinching an eight grader. It was so funny.

submitted by ZB <3 percy+potter:), age ima goddes, Mount Olympus,
(November 10, 2010 - 7:52 pm)

Inya says kxdf. I think he means kids. How mean. He's been a party pooper all day. 

submitted by Mattie
(November 11, 2010 - 4:54 pm)

I take it that no one understands the kissy face idea.  What a shame.  It works so well.  If only...

submitted by Trixy
(November 14, 2010 - 3:48 pm)

@Trixy: I understand it! So cool! ("What the-")

-Get a CD player that DOES'NT need headphones. Get a heavy metal CD. Go to a movie, preferrably about love, then start playing it. Dance. Or, Do the same thing in the library. >:D

Yells all around. :D


Vick says zawh. Zah? Ah? Yah? YAH! is right...



submitted by NDT, age 9, The Library, sc
(November 17, 2010 - 7:39 pm)


submitted by WritingWarrior, age Unknown, Somewhere on Earth
(July 17, 2011 - 6:50 am)


submitted by TOP
(July 24, 2011 - 6:49 am)

TOP already!

submitted by TOP
(July 24, 2011 - 6:49 am)

YESSSS! On the top page!

submitted by WritingWarrior, age ???, Nowheresville
(July 24, 2011 - 6:50 am)

I submitted a couple of things to this page, but they never showed up. Then again, I think I wrote past the 500 word limit. ;)


-Go online and look up random holidays that happen to fall on a certain day, then run to the store and shout, "IT'S (insert random holiday) !!!!!!!!!!" Hand out goody bags and stuff, and if people say "Oh, I had no idea it was ______________" then yell "HOW COULD YOU FORGET, YOU PARTY POOPER!" The randomer the better, for instance, today is Emma M. Nutt day, and tomorrow is National Beheading Day. Yesterday was Herry Monster's Birthday.


I'll come up with more later.

submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(September 1, 2011 - 6:41 pm)

-When you go to a toy store with friends, particularly one with young children, grab a plastic sword and sit on all the rocking horses. Yell, "We are SPARTA! ATTACK!"


submitted by WritingWarrior, age Classified, Nowheresville
(September 10, 2011 - 7:30 am)