Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Anyway does anyone here like the Beatles? I'm sure lots of u have heard of the Beatles, most likely from BEATLES ROCKBAND...

So here, answer these questions: my answers r real but they can be answers to you:

Who is ur fave beatle? Ringo

Which Beatle do u think sings the best? Paul

What is ur fave Beatles song? Twist and Shout

Which DEAD beatle sings better, John or George? John

Which LIVING Beatle sings better, Paul or Ringo? Paul

Which living Beatle do u think looks better? Ringo

Which dead Beatle do u think looks better? George

I'm posting this in memory of John Lennon, who was shot and killed, and George Harrison, who died of lung cancer somewhat recently, 2004.

And also thank you, my sister, for finding out about the Beatles, however you did, so I too can enjoy them! 

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(July 29, 2010 - 4:17 pm)

Well I'm fine and dandy, how about you? ;)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 14, USA! :)
(August 9, 2010 - 10:54 am)

I'm good. I miss my cat, though... I'm visiting my grandparents right now.

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 9, 2010 - 3:00 pm)

Hope you're having fun with your grandparents! :) I bet your cat misses you too,! :)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 14, USA! :)
(August 10, 2010 - 2:55 pm)

OMG! I absolutly love the Beatles!

Fave beatle: Paul

Best singer: Paul

Fave song: Let Me Tell You a Secret, Don't Pass Me By, Can't Buy Me Love, and many more!

Looks: Paul

Awesome topic!! I was turned on to Beatles by my BFF and I played them on the piano so I am BeatleFan4Life!

To all you John fans out there, you should listen to Love; it's my fave by him.


submitted by BeatleFan4LifeSicily, age 13, Liverpool, Engl
(September 17, 2010 - 5:19 pm)

My sister is Becca M... Finally I got her 2 say something even tho I had 2 type it!!! :)

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 6, 2010 - 1:10 pm)

Awesome!!! :D

submitted by Kimberly B., age 14, USA! :)
(August 6, 2010 - 10:56 pm)

Favorite Beatle- Tie between George and John-- it depends on what mood I'm in.

Best singer- Paul

Favorite song- I Am the Walrus

Better DEAD singer- John. George is very flat.

Better LIVE singer- Paul

Better looking living Beatle- Unfortunately, Ringo. Paul looks like an old lady. :P

Better looking dead Beatle- John

I got intrested in the Beatles when I first started playing guitar. George is AWESOME.

submitted by Lovely L.
(August 7, 2010 - 12:09 pm)

I know!  George is awesome!  And soo under-appreciated!  He is such an amazing guitarist, one of the best as I understand it.  And I like his songs, too.  Apparently, "Something" was, according to Frank Sinatra, "the greatest love song ever written."  But don't hold me accountable for that; I'm not sure if it's completely true.  Anyway, I agree with your favorites as well.  And it's glad to see you back, Lovely L!  I missed you...and I'm not on the MB, though I might as well be. :)


submitted by Leaf ♪☮♥, age 13, on a tree!
(August 7, 2010 - 7:34 pm)

I agree that George is a bit flat. I can't think of any songs he sings by the Beatles, either, right off the top of my head. I've always wanted to play guitar, but I'm also interested in the harp, the penny whistle, and I'm starting up piano again after 2 years after i quit. I also say that Ringo reminds me of rappers! :D Paul made some sort of animation movie, and it had some cute cartoons in it.

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 9, 2010 - 3:03 pm)

The song All You Need is Love is stuck in my head...  One of my friends favourite quote thingies, and he just kept singing it, and singing it...  AAAAhHHHHH!!!!  But I love the song, so...  :D


It's a good example of what can be done with a catchy rhythm and repetition. It has very few different notes, a very simple melody.


submitted by Medd
(August 8, 2010 - 12:11 am)

Ha ha, now you put the song in my head! ;) Which I guess is a good thing, because I like the song too. :) I agree Admin, that is so cool! :)

submitted by Kimberly B., age 14, USA! :)
(August 8, 2010 - 11:40 am)

That was playing today on this oldies channel that my sister found on TV... but since she was listening to her ipod, WHICH OBVIOUSLY HAD THE BEATLES ON IT, she didn't come down. she was listening to the Beatles! :D

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 10, 2010 - 8:00 pm)

Ha, ha, that's funny Rachel! :)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 14, USA! :)
(August 11, 2010 - 7:06 pm)

Hee hee... :D

Well I sang karaoke at a restaurant last night, and I sang Fifteen by Taylor Swift. I actually sang a couple songs AFTER my sister sang Hotel California by the Eagles. I was REALLY SUPER NERVOUS and I was shaking before, after, and in the middle of the song. But from my grandparents' point of view, I was on tune the whole time and I sang loud enough, which you have to cause the restaurant is loud, even though I had a mike. The deal was, if i sang karaoke there, I would get to sleep with my sister's SUPER AWESOMELY FUZZY BLANKET every other day until we go back home. And THEN, since she had TWO fuzzy blankets, I would get them both every day until school starts! YAYYYYY!  

submitted by Rachel M., age 10, Neenah, WI
(August 12, 2010 - 8:40 am)

Cool, great job! :D I always get nervous singing in front of people, but it's really awesome once you  get past your nerves and start singing, isn't it? :) Ha, ha, have fun with your sister's fuzzy blankets! ;)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 14, USA! :)
(August 12, 2010 - 10:24 am)