Things that scared
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Things that scared
Things that scared you when you were little and still scare you now:
I am still scared of the stupidest things!!!!! But the one that has stuck with me for so many years is really dumb: When I was 6 (or 7?), I watched Disney's Sleeping Beauty. There was this one scene where the witch's eyes were glowing in the fireplace and then disappeared. Since that VERY MOMENT, I have been scared of walking by the fireplace at night. Seriously, when I walk by it, it's a habit of mine to cover my eyes and get away from it as fast as I can. :P So, what are you scared of?
submitted by Mary Jo, age 14
(May 1, 2010 - 3:32 pm)
(May 1, 2010 - 3:32 pm)
Ooh, good topic, Mary Jo.
For the record, I love Disney's Sleeping Beauty. Malificent is the best Disney villain ever... though that is a debate for the Villains thread in BaB.
What scared me and still does... I'll have to go with puking. Not me puking. Others puking. The sound, the process, the disgusting-ness of it all (not a word, but it gets the message across). Seeing/hearing people get ill doesn't make me throw up, it just makes me freak out. I can't explain it, but I get REALLY terrified. Which is unfortunate because my little brother ALWAYS gets the flu. Every year it seems. *Sigh*
Nothing much else I don't think...
I don't like schnauzers because my aunt had one that bit me every time we'd visit. But I'm not afraid of them, so I guess this doesn't count.
(May 1, 2010 - 3:52 pm)
To the top! Oh, and right after I posted that thread, I looked up that Sleeping Beauty scene on the internet (I haven't seen it for years), and I SO don't blame myself for letting it scar me for life. It's absolutely terrifying!
@ Tempest-I agree: Malificent is an *awesome* villain. And definitely the scariest.
(May 2, 2010 - 3:50 pm)
Tempest, I feel exactly the same way.
(May 10, 2010 - 1:23 pm)
Oh wow... things I used to be afraid of?
Vaccum cleaners was one. I would always climb up on the couch to be away from it, and nearly covinced myself that it was evil and was trying to eat my toes.
I was terrified of dogs and although I said I just didn't like being licked, really I would shy away from them and even run, and the younger I was the worse. When I was really little I screamed if they got near me.
And when I was about five or six, and I was playing outside when the garbage truck came along, (we called it "the big galump") I screamed my head off and started pounding on the door for Mommy to let me in. Ridiculous, I know.
Besides that, my Mom says that when I was like four, Grandpa was reading "Jack and the Beanstalk" to me, and when he got to the "fee fi fo fum" part I screamed and ran and hid under my covers. Back then I had an... active imagination.
(May 2, 2010 - 8:54 pm)
@Emilie: If you didn't like dogs, you wouldn't do well at my house. We have 5 labrador retrievers.
(May 4, 2010 - 9:06 am)
...Heat. Extreme heat. Especially fire. Ever since I was very young and, not knowing any better, I touced a light bulb when it was on, I've been afraid of it. I know that as long as you're careful, it isn't likely to hurt you (if it's controlled, that is), and yet that doesn't help. For years I couldn't even walk within a few feet of a stove. At this point, of course, I can, but my fear isn't entirely gone. When I'm cooking, if I have to stir something, I must use a spoon with a very long handle and keep my hand away from the food. And I can't pick up anything that contains boiling water, for fear that I'll drop it.
(May 2, 2010 - 9:58 pm)
@ Tempest: No. Ursula is the best. XD
Probably spiders although I know that's pretty cliche... ever since I was a little girl and we were cleaning out this old, like Fisher Price clubhouse or something and all these big scary spiders were in it... *shudders* To this day I'm too squeamish to let them be but too squeamish by the same token to kill them, so I'll get a Dixie cup and cover any spider I see with it. So there'll be these random Dixie cups scattered around our house in various corners and such :P
(May 3, 2010 - 4:42 pm)
Hehe nice thread!! @ Mary W. Yeah Ursula's the best!!
Anyway this sounds sooooo stupid, but I'm afraid of China to this very day. *shivers* I'm afraid they'll overpower everyone. Oh and this IS serious. I used too be, and still am, afraid of small unpoisonous snakes. Yes, not pythons not anything poisonous, but I'm afraid of the tiniest garter snake. I'm not sure anyone understands my fears...
(May 3, 2010 - 5:36 pm)
@Mary W.: Ursula is pretty sinister, I'll grant you that, but she baby-talks to eels. Malificent would never do such a thing. Point for Malificent! But onto the real reason for this reply: I HATE SPIDERS TOO. And I "kill" them the same way as you. Although I'm not as kind as a Dixie cup. It's usually a dictionary or something of equal weight. Back in my old house, there would be random books scattered throughout the hallway or the kitchen. And they would stay there until I found a manly-man to clean up the bug guts. If I'm feeling particularly courageous, I might step on a spider with my shoes, but I scrape the guts right off. Usually I jump out of the way doing the Terrified of Spiders Jig. You know the one. It's the same one you do when a bee flies too close to your face only with less flailing of the arms.
And don't even get me started on the Get It Off! Get It Off! Dance.
(May 3, 2010 - 7:37 pm)
I'm with Mary on this one. Ursula's the better villain, if not because she's sadistic (moreso in the play), manipulative, and brilliant, baby talk aside, then because she hams it up more and actually pulls it off. Unlike some villains I could mention... *coughRalphFiennes'Voldycough*
Also in the play she was Sherie Rene Scott, Heidi Blickenstaff (*is in love with [tos]*), and then Faith Prince, and unless you're Bernadette Peters or Angela Lansbury you can't get much more epic than that whilst onstage.
/digressing again
We don't get many spiders here, except in late May/June/July/early August, because they all freeze to death.
Oh! I also hate ticks and leeches! HAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!! They stick on you! With teeth things! and get all puffy and swollen and... and icky... *shudders* I've only had one tick in my life and it was about the most traumatizing experience of my life... Oh, and when you watch movies with people wading into tropical rivers and they come out with huge black blobs stuck on their legs... Blood, gore, maggots, burns, mutilations, rotting carnage I can deal with, but I fall to pieces if someone gets a leech stuck on 'em.
(May 3, 2010 - 10:28 pm)
@ Tempest: Firstly, the eels are *minions*. And they are scary. XD Maleficent, to the contrary, has those freakish little I Don't Even Know What They Ares, the little gargoyle thingies. So. Ugly (I also hated ugly things as a small child), and not as cool as Flotsam and Jetsam.
Maleficent does have the whole Mistress of All Evil bit, but Ursula's snarky lines are so much better :) Although I admit I'm prejudiced towards Ursula because of the Broadway play/Sherie Rene Scott.
@ TNO (umlaut): And somewhat randomly on the topic of SRS, I was watching one of her interviews on YouTube and she is *hilarious* in RL too. "This is... um... uh... oh... guess what this is! Everyone should have one of these!"
Also when I was little I was terrified of sleeping without the blankets over my head, because I used to have these scary nightmares about a pink whale floating into my bedroom and flooding it and eating me. >_> But then one night I... woke up without realizing, I guess? and pulled the blankets over my head and I never had the dreams again. It took me until I was ten or eleven to break myself of the habit of having the covers over my head. /pathetic
(May 5, 2010 - 2:52 pm)
I know, SRS is brilliant in RL too. *deadpan* "Every night, before I go on, I pray, 'Dear God, please help me scare the children. Amen.' ...And that seems to work."
(May 6, 2010 - 4:51 pm)
Until about a year ago I was absolutely terrified of bees and wasps. When I was little I had this plastic playhouse, and one day I went inside to find a wasp nest. The wasps started all flying out at me and I ran sceaming and crying, batting at the air. It turns out none stung me (miraculously), but I was really scared from then on. I would start crying, sometimes, even, if one got too close and I was in a confined space with it.
(May 3, 2010 - 6:10 pm)
Ugh, when I was little, I got stung by a wasp in one of those playhouses. NOT fun.
(May 4, 2010 - 1:01 pm)
From when I was about three(ish, before we moved to Wyoming anyhow) to about six I would have these terrifying nightmares involving the Man in the White Car, who was a horrifyingly bad and horrendously vague person with no face who drove around in (obviously) a white car. Usually the nightmares took place in gas stations at night, for no discernible reason. I still have the same nightmare occasionally (not every night though, thank god).
Anyway, because of this I've always been irrationally terrified of small white cars, especially with darkened windows.
Oh, and digital/CG spiders. Regular spiders, fine. CG spiders? Not so much. To the point that I can't even play any of the bits in the second HP game that have large spiders in them. (If there are spiders of any kind in AM's Alice, I am going to cry, because that game is officially awesome, and I want to actually win it thanksverymuch. /digressing)
Past Fears:
When I was really little and we still lived in Cali (again, 3-4) I was terrified that a spider would spin a giant ball of... sticky stuff on our screen door and that I would touch it and be stuck and they'd have to take me to the hospital and get my hand amputated. I have absolutely no idea why I thought this would happen, but I have distinct memories of staring at the door frame and imagining this scenario over... and over and over... and then going to do something inside instead. *sigh*
And then, after we moved to Wyo we lived in a little rental house for a while, and I convinced myself that whenever anyone used our parent's bathroom, there was a distinct possibility that something would overflow and flood the entire house. To the point that I would sit by the door while someone (generally mom) was using it, and monitor the crack under the door to make sure it wouldn't.
I had... kind of an overactive imagination as a child. I blame my dad.
(May 3, 2010 - 7:23 pm)