My AEs I

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

My AEs I

My AEs I guess.

I have had these goobers in my head for a while, but I've been meaning to post them for a while now... They live in the same apartment!

Name: Vennman 

Age: 19

Pronouns: he/him

Appearance: Short. Nondescript. Tanned skin and light blond hair. Wears smart shoes, collared shirts, and khakis. Obsessed with his appearance. Green eyes.

Personality: Scheming and selfish. Almost solipsistic in his refusal to acknowledge his capacity for being wrong. Self sabotages like it's going out of style. Obsessively neat. He has a soft spot for his sister, but even that manifests as unhinged rivalry. 

Background: Born to Adrian Vennman, and whoever his mother was. He goes by his last name, because he just has to be different. He was, in no short order, kicked out of his house, flunked out of college, and fired from Burger King. He has had to move in with his sister, and her... Friend?

Temperament: Melancholic 

Shipping: Sure, but he's a total mess. What you see is what you get.

Shipping preferences: MEN OKAY

He speaks in a manner that speaks to his stuffiness


Name: Claire Vennman 

Age: 18

Pronouns: She/they

Appearance: Taller than Vennman, but still not that tall. Natural red hair in a curly bob, wire rimmed glasses, freckles. Wiry build. Constantly shaking. Green eyes. No fashion sense whatsoever. 

Personality: Completely over the top. Manic, nervous, and often unduly aggressive. Extroverted, but also a little flighty. She often forgets to eat or sleep, and has to be reminded of basic hygiene. They don't seem to like themself that much.

Background: Also the daughter of Adrian. Born Corwin Vennman, but later revised her name, as well as other things. Currently in college, just getting by. She knows she can't turn to home for help. She just wants to make friends.

Temperament: Choleric 

Shipping: Open

Shipping preferences: Dudes, ladies, enbies, anyone's good!

She tends to talk in a manner that EMPHASIZES her points, and frequently FAILS TO CONTROL HER VOLUME.


Name: Constance

Age: 18

Pronouns: They/them

Appearance: Tall. Shoulder length black hair. Probably of middle eastern descent. They have a facial prosthesis, which they acquired after some severe burns. They left it unpainted because they "thought that would look totally wicked." They wear hoodies and sweatpants, and maybe a skirt if they feel brave.

Personality: Eerily chill. Pretty good to talk to. Music buff, and avid indie gamer. Introverted, but still likes people. Fastidious and obsessive in their unrequited affection for Claire. They are the sole reason she eats three meals a day, and goes to sleep before midnight. They genuinely love her, probably.

Background: Unclear. It is also unclear how they attained their burn scars. However, they are enrolled in Miskatonic University, same as Claire. They are also part of a metal band.

Temperament: Phlegmatic 

Shipping: No

Shipping preferences: (im sure youre lovely, but i got feelings for someone else :) )

(despite their best efforts, their speech is muffled by their mask.)


submitted by Lord Entropy
(July 23, 2024 - 10:25 am)

yay, it's always nice to see new AEs! Come along, you guys, say hello~

Hi guys! I'm Oriole, she/her, sixteen years old. You can just call me Ori if you want! Pleasure to meet you :) 

~And I'm Ariella! The super-friendly one of the group. Welcome!~

Hey. I'm Stormi. *stalks off*

\Kaspar here! Good to meet you.

\And, um, me. Layia. Um. Hi?\

And that's the gang! Welcome to the AE group!

submitted by Poinsettia
(July 28, 2024 - 9:38 pm)

Certainly quite a few of them... Do we have to write their names down, or?

Shush! Honestly... It's very nice to meet you all, honestly.

(yeah, hi guys) 

submitted by Lord Entropy
(August 1, 2024 - 9:06 pm)
submitted by top
(July 29, 2024 - 3:46 pm)