a good old
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
a good old
a good old neko checkin
By this point, I am almost certainly betting none of you know who I am, haha. I'm Neko Lastnamechanger- I posted on here a lot around 2019 and I think I was a pretty popular guy :p. Maybe you've seen me in some old thread and thought "wow that guy seems so funny and creative I wish she still posted here". Thanks. Haha, just joking.
But yeah, senior year of high school coming up for me! Big deal. How have you all been? Still roleplaying? Still keeping it silly? Still have AEs? I love this place forever.
submitted by Neko M
(July 4, 2024 - 12:14 am)
(July 4, 2024 - 12:14 am)
Neko!!! Good to have you back!!! I do, in fact, recognize your name from old threads, and recognize your everchanging last name, but besides that, I'm sorry to say that I don't remember a lot of your posts. :/ I have no doubt that you're funny and creative though, because I haven't yet met a CBer who isn't! Senior year, wow. College applications... yeah no I can't wrap my mind around it. But good luck!! And I've been good -- I'm actually on a weeklong, summer-camp-induced hiatus rn, and it's pretty fun (I'm sitting here typing because I don't really want to go eat breakfast rn... don't judge, I just wake up full for some reason :) )!! And yes, we're still RPing. There's Kyngdom going on, and the AE Diaries thread, and separate RPs pop up now and then too :) Yes!!! Keeping it silly forever!!! And yes, we still have AEs... I have way too many o_O. Gtg, but nice to "meet" you (I don't think I've met you before? But I may be wrong? Or I may be confusing old posts with current posts?) and hope to read you around more if you have time! Good luck with high school!!!
...ok and now I'm going to go eat breakfast :/ even though I just got fuller sitting here typing this
(July 4, 2024 - 10:46 am)
(July 4, 2024 - 4:34 pm)
Hey there Neko! I think I remember seeing you in old threads. Like Celine said, we still have AEs and RPs, and Kyngdom. Anyways, nice to have you drop by, and good luck with senior year and college applications!
(July 4, 2024 - 5:23 pm)
Hi Necko! I'm Hawkstar, and quite ashamed to say I don't read old threads that often and so for don't recognize you... But welcome back anyhow!
We've been great, yes, yes, and yes! We try to keep the Chatterbox amazing :D
(July 5, 2024 - 6:15 pm)