@Moon Wolf and

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

@Moon Wolf and

@Moon Wolf and endless_parodies

It's Cloud Bunny. Firstly, I THINK WE NEED A GROUP NAME. I open to any ideas :). Second, do you want to write a story together?

Then, of course, the icebreaker questions:

Do you have any goals this year?

Any siblings?

etc. etc.

But yeah, idk what else to do so... 

OH WAIT! Sam says "robpi" rob pi? ok, here goes


submitted by @Moonwolf&endless, age parodies, its cloud bunny
(June 3, 2024 - 1:38 pm)


submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(June 3, 2024 - 2:37 pm)
submitted by top
(June 3, 2024 - 2:38 pm)
submitted by top
(June 3, 2024 - 2:39 pm)
submitted by top
(June 3, 2024 - 2:39 pm)

its not showing up on the front page...

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(June 3, 2024 - 3:30 pm)

Hey! Yess a group name! Hmmm...eclipse group? Idk what are your ideas?

Sure! Writing a story would be great! Genre? (Fantasy?)

I want to join more writing contests and work on stories and stuff. What bout you?

I have an older sister. What about you?


submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost on the Taitung beach
(June 4, 2024 - 12:31 am)

Eclipse group would be great!! I think for the story the genre fantasy like you said would be good because that's all I write :). A goal I want to accomplish is actually FINISHING a story, and I've only finished two since 2020... I'm an only child, but sometimes I wish I had siblings, even though they probably would be super annoying. 



submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(June 4, 2024 - 3:59 pm)

i have a twin brother, and i have a rabbit named napoleon bunnyparte (named after napoleon boneparte, in case ya couldn't tell).

do you guys have any favorite books? 

submitted by endless_parodies, age pangender!, HAPPY PRIDE!!
(June 4, 2024 - 4:31 pm)

Oh man, I read to many books so its hard to decide. Here is 2 though:

Wildwood by Colin Meloy (Yes, the person from decemberists)

The Racounter's Commonplace Book by Kate Milford

Charlotte's Web by E. B. White (Charlotte shares a name with me shh don't tell :) )

Also, do you want to write a story? Moon Wolf and I, if you do, were thinking fantasy. You don't need to if you don't want to :) 

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age hpypride!!, fav books :0
(June 4, 2024 - 5:58 pm)

Since the groups are revised...then is this thread going to be the new group with Wildwolf instead?

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, Lost on the Taitung beach
(June 4, 2024 - 6:07 pm)

I don't know, but I guess you could still chat in here if you wanted, since this was the orginal group :)

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age hpypride!!, Up in the Clouds
(June 5, 2024 - 3:39 pm)