Rooms are intrinsically

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Rooms are intrinsically

Rooms are intrinsically suggestive of the people who live in them. This particular thread is for describing your room, be it your bedroom or office or closet - whatever room in your house you have most influenced. I prefer a particular description, so I can see it. :D


Mine has light blue walls. The door is in one corner, and I'll start there and work my way around counterclockwise. In the corner that the door covers is my stash of walking sticks, normal sticks, and cardboard tubes. 


A dresser, dark wood, maybe five and a half feet high, with drawers
down one side and a cabinet in the other. Mirror on the cabinet door.
Two large baskets on top, one full of yarn, the other full of fabric.
Next to that, there's a little room. The display on it changes every
now and again, but the combination that stayed the longest recently was
a) two nice-sized sections of vertebrae, b) a small concrete canoe from
summer engineering camp, c) fairies made of beads and fake flowers,
courtesy of two of my friends, and d) a small wooden cow. Beat that for
randomness, I dare you. 


I don't keep clothes in that
dresser. There are the dolls I've crocheted in one drawer, blanket and
mattresses I've made for them in another. Shoes in the big bottom
drawer. The cabinet has my collection of boxes of all kinds, which is
rather diminished just now as a large percentage of them went away as
Christmas present wrappings.


My closet covers the rest of that wall, with big mirrored sliding doors. 


there's a corner and a little wall space before the window. I have four
round plastic knitting looms hanging there nested inside each other.
Each is a different color, very cheerful.


Then my window,
with a big beaded suncatcher hanging from the blind pull, a blue turtle
that I randomly made. Under the left side of the window is my calendar
and a hanger for necklaces - basically a piece of board with hooks on


Then, under the other half of the window, is my
desk and a counter-high bookshelf, back to back, sticking out into the
room. The bookshelf has craft stuff and my hammy's cage on the shelves.
On top is my page-a-day calendar, a plant named Bartholomew in a jar of
water, and a little frame with a cross-stitched E surrounded by cross-stitched flowers, that from my friend Madelynn. 


desk has the potential to be organized. A wooden box for writing things
- current stories and such - in the upper right corner. Next to that a
pencil sharpener, and an intercom contacting the kitchen. Then a big
round shallow basket with my pencil holder, a jar with my colored
pencils, a jar with scissors and a hole punch, a jar with bits of
ribbon left over from Christmas wrapping, a jar with crochet hooks and
latch hooks and a seamripper, a bottle of glue, a small tape dispenser,
a spool of thread, and a box of needles. Basically, everything that could ever be useful. Next to that a recipe box that
elevates my clock so I can see it from my bed. The rest, which is the
front half of the desk, is supposed to be empty, ready for work.

You can't see more than ten square inches of it just now. 


On the next bit of wall, five drawings little kids have
given me, along with three butterflies that my friend Chelle made for
me. One butterfly is sewn, one knit, and one origami.


A floor-to-ceiling bookcase covered in books. There are other things
on it - miniature wooden cabinets with cool miniature things in them
and an ornament a friend made me, a Willow Tree figurine and a photo of
my great-grandad. A coin bank that's a wooden house with a
birdhouse-type hole in one wall through which to poke the coins. The
whole thing is packed with books, though. A CD player on one shelf, my
collection of Cricket mags on another. 


Next to my
bookshelf is a little piece of wall covered in postcards. Two dozen,
maybe, all bright and happy. From everywhere from North Carolina to San
Diego. Mostly from Texas, though, as a friend who lives there has been
sending me lots of postcards as part of an evil conspiracy. :-)


to the postcard wall is my nightstand, a little white bookcase. My hair
brushes, jewelry box, moolah, and library books on the shelves. My lamp
and the books I'm reading on top. 


White day bed against most of the next wall, with a bedspread in BRIGHT pinks, oranges, greens, blues, purples. Seven pillows on said bed, all with different pillowcases, most matching my bed colors. That bit of my room makes people blink a lot.

On the wall between the bed and the door are large white wooden letters, e h,  which serves a triple purpose: a) they're my initials, b) I say "eh" a lot, and c) my mom says that when I get boy-crazy, I can flip them around so they will say he. :-)


So that's all except the ceiling. And the ceiling, my friends, is the first thing you notice when you walk into the room. See, I have a dozen baskets hanging from the ceiling. Different baskets. One is the shape and color of a pumpkin, and one is a massive, flat purple thing. Every one of them has something it it. Most have fiberfill for stuffing things with, but there are other random things, like paper strips for making paper chains. 


Cheers! That was super long, sorry. Then again, that's kind of what I was going for. So even if you didn't read that, I'd love to "see" what your room is like. It's something I wonder about all of you, truth be told.




submitted by lavendershy, age 14, Sparks, NV
(January 2, 2010 - 10:27 pm)

@ both of you I love my fan.  The sound and the breeze!

submitted by Michelle
(January 13, 2010 - 8:31 am)

The first thing I have to say about my room is that it has a numerous amount of broken clocks, not that I enjoy breaking them, but I have no choice since I can not sleep at night with the monotonous clicking.  Click. Click. Click. My head!

My room has a door to the right of the left of the door there is a broken bookshelf (I put too many books on it and finally it gave way) that I keep my stuffed animals on. To the left of the bookshelf there is a closet that I stuff all of my belongings into, and never see them again. It is a black hole basically. To the left of the closet is a corner, and now a new wall begins. There is a map of the world. To the left of that is my windows. My desk is in front of the windows. It has a monitor on it that I plug my laptop into sometimes. It is messy. There are potteries on it and a wooden bird and binders and scissors and a mouse and there is a special shelf for the keyboard and my spinny chair is white and spinny and from the world's scariest place (Ikea) and really spinny and also dirtyish. To the left of that is the wall and then a corner and then a new wall by which there is a dresser which, alas holds clothes, and on top of it it holds all the junk that did not fit on my desk. To the left of that is my bookshelf corner, to the left of that is my bed, corner, new wall. Bedside table thingy covered in books that are in towers that are very carefully balanced, lamp, the most dangerous couch in the world that I keep on stubbing my toes against, and that is the end.

Moving right along. I have whole bunch of chargers plugged into the wall to charge my gadgets with, and yet my gadgets are always uncharged. My walls are an annoying tan, and my curtains let in too much light. My bedspread is pink and flowery (ick) but you will never know, since i rarely make my bed except when company is over. I have a checkered pink rug that makes my eyes go swimmy.

Now the important part! My books are arranged by madness. My favorite books are on the top shelf, the rest of the books are on the second shelf, along with the Russian books, the series books are on the third shelf. On the next bookcase on the top shelf are the books that do not fit on the bottom shelves, my writing books, and the Harry Potter series because it is that awesome. On the next shelf there are folders, notebooks, and classics, which contain Alice in Wonderland, Mark Twain, Anne of green Gables, The Three Musketeers, Peter Pan, and narnia, because it is that awesome. The next shelf is the scariest, because it contains vampire books ( I need to burn these), comic books Why are these on the same shelf as Twilight? Why?! And cookbooks. Also how to play poker and bluff, and a dog book about dogs. There is also a dusty rubix cube, unsolved (sigh).

I also have socks and pencils all over the floor. Books and clothes all over the evil couch that betrays my pop-up book fascination and my old pictures all over the wall, including a sun with eyes over my bed that guards me against the monster in my black hole closet, if he ever finds his way out.

submitted by Adina, age 13 2morrow
(January 12, 2010 - 9:58 pm)

I'm gonna post pictures someday of my room, because: a) I'm not good at describing things. And b) pictures make everything more interesting!  I mean, would'st thou prefer to read a picture book or a text book? :)

submitted by Kenzie
(January 21, 2010 - 7:18 pm)