Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Has anyone ever heard of FreeRice? It's a website where you answer questions and each one you get right, FreeRice gives ten grains of rice to hungry people. It has different subjects you can choose from. Language, grammar, art, math, and others. You get to learn things while you help people. I mostly just do Spanish, 'cause I'm trying to learn it.
To find it, you could just Google it.
~Meadow de Weirdo
Yes, I know about Free Rice and have participated!
submitted by Meadow, age XI, South side of m
(January 2, 2010 - 11:59 am)
(January 2, 2010 - 11:59 am)
I love Free Rice!!! I'm so bad at it, but I love it, and it widens my vocabulary. I usually can only do grammatical ones.... It's cool though, because sometimes my brother and I will help each other, and we'll come across something he doesn't know that I do, and it makes me feel really good because he knows practically everything about words......... Like the word 'buss', he was like, what is this word, I don't have a clue, and I had just read it in a book a few weeks before, and as soon as I saw the word 'kiss' in it's choices, I KNEW IT!!!! I was so happy. Good times, good times.
Oh, and good random tidbits of news! :
I came back from my trip to the snow alive!! YAY!! It was really pretty, I'll probably make a thread and post some awesome pics!! Sadly I can't show you my snow-woman, because the only pictures we took of her have me and my dad in them.... But I'll say, she was taller than my dad!!!
I just subscribed to MUSE TODAY!!!!!!! YAY!!! Now I'll be an insane Muser like a lot of you guys!! *heehee* Sadly I won't get my first issue for a while. *looks sufficiently sad*
Umm... WELL! I guess that's it for now!! Oh, and I have my own Etsy shop now, though as of yet it is empty, but I'm currently making some awesome stuff, and plan to list it all soon. Another bit of sadly-ness is that I can't post the name of my shop because of privacy issues. *sniffle*
Ooh, and yesterday, we went to the bookstore!!!!! *happy dance* And my mommy let me get more books than my gift card could possibly have paid for!! There were so many I wanted... it was very hard to choose, but I ended up getting *drumroll*: The Tales of Beedle the Bard *yay!* (I already finished it, and LOVED the commentaries by Prof. Dumbledore!! But was saddened by how few stories it held....); Princess of the Midnight Ball *yay!* (an adaption of my all time favorite fairy tale, The Twelve Dancing Princesses); Part of Me *yay!* (really good generations book) and a magazine. I had pulled off the shelves Just One Wish, and Book of a Thousand Days, but VERY SADLY had to put both back. Ah well. I'll get them somehow.........
There are so many books I want, it's ridiculous. And the weird thing was, out of all the people who gave me gifts (aside from my parents) no one gave me anything to do with books except my great aunt, who gave me a gift card. Mom thinks maybe people don't realize how nutsy I am about books, but that's just crazy! I thought it was obvious. Oh well, my b-day party still hasn't happened, so maybe I'll get some then. We have to keep postponing it because of money issues. ACK! That's the third time I've used the word 'issue'!! And, the whole time I've been saying it 'iss-yew' not 'ish-ew' Hmm.......
Ok, I should go now... but one more thing. Who has read 'Midnight Pearls'? *SPOILERS SPOILERS* And how many of you found it to be a great disappointment? I wanted the merpeople to find alternative loves, and I wanted James and Pearl to be together!! Bah, that book annoyed me. I even *drops to a whisper* kept it a day late to finish it. *raises voice to normal level* What a disappointment. *shakes head* There I was all settled down in my favorite chair, ready for a great book, wonderful love story, but nooooo. *sorry 'bout the ranting* It was rushed, not very well plotted, and downright not what it ought to have been!! And then to have Kinuko Craft do the cover, and give it a name like 'Midnight Pearls'??? That is just wrong. That is what I call false advertising. Heh heh, sorry to those of you who liked it. It was an ok book, and it smelled like canned blueberries, the kind of smell rare but usually found in very good books, but the story just didn't cut it. :)
So, yah, I'm back!! Did you miss me??? :D :D :D :D :D
(January 7, 2010 - 8:21 pm)
My GOSH. I must be driving Admin INSANE! Basically every post I've done since I came back has been REALLY REALLY LONG!! So sorry Admin!!!
That's OK, Laura, if you have a lot to say. But it's better if they're not too long.
(January 8, 2010 - 9:17 pm)
Heh-heh.... erm.
(no-spam-man: 'badd' HEY! That's not fair!)
But always dunk doughnuts.
(January 9, 2010 - 10:21 pm)
Ok, I was staring at this in bewilderment, thinking Admin had posted on the wrong thread, but then I realized what it meant. Haha. Admin, you're so weird. :)
(January 10, 2010 - 2:26 am)
Hi! I started yesterday and donated almost 3000 grains of rice! I started with the multiplication table, but that was so easy it was boring, so I did Vocabulary for a long time, and it was so fun, and I learned a lot! My average level is about 30 out of 60. I didn't know most of the words, actually, but I'm good at guessing the word of origin, or saying, "That doesn't sound like a verrb to me," or things like that. And then I did Grammar, which was pretty easy (well, I got up to about 8 of 10 and then stopped before it got harder, so...), but fun, and then I did Spanish, which I expected to do horribly on, because I really don't know that much of it, but again, I'm good at word of origin, and I can go, "Oh, that has la before it, so it must be a noun," and things like that, so my average level was 6 of 10! And then I tried to identify countries on a map, but I was horrible at that... And I might do more today, if I have time.
SBC says Fumn! Fun? That's what FR is, anyway...
(January 8, 2010 - 10:29 pm)
Hahaha, well, you sound better at it than me!
(January 9, 2010 - 10:23 pm)
2000 on World Capitals. Thanks to 5th grade for Asia and 6th grade for South America. And my dad for everything in between. :)
@Admin: Huh????? I don't get it! Though I am usually a little slow at getting things...
I'm not sure what you're saying "Huh?" to, but if it's a random sentence: I had the idea that maybe Spamboy was sending a sentence in code in which each word begins with one of the letters in the code. So I was taking a stab at the coded sentence. It was late at night. I thought some of you might think it fun to create such sentences, but if not, just forget it!
(January 10, 2010 - 4:29 pm)
I love freerice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(January 30, 2010 - 11:49 am)
Me too!
(June 6, 2010 - 5:25 pm)