HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!! We watched the ball drop in New York and the peach drop in Atlanta on the tv. We then listened to BAD's London Bridge song, and Owl City's Fireflies and Dental Care on my sister's ipod. It was AWESOME! I was singing along with London Bridge and Fireflies. What did everybuggy else do for New Year's??

p.s. This is my first time posting after midnight. 


submitted by Hannah P. ☺☻, age 13, Georgia
(January 1, 2010 - 12:34 am)

Well, this New Year's my little brother had two of his friends over for a sleep over (because it was his friend's birthday), so it was very dramatic. We ordered pizza for supper and I watched the boys play one of their violent video games that they love so much (They're crazy. It was just fun talking to them. XP), and later they watched Poltergeist, because one of them brought that over to watch (But I only saw the last part of it, because I was in the shower most othe time... :\ Strange movie. ). And then at midnight we all watched the ball drop on the kitchen TV except for my da(he never watches it :\) and watched a part of an episode of The Twilight Zone. Then I went to bed and read a book until like 1:30am. The boys didn't go to sleep until 4:30am.

So yeah, it was fun. :)

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(January 2, 2010 - 11:51 am)