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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

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Moonstone Group!

I already posted this... but it's not showing up :/

Okay, start again!

Hello, Moon Wolf! Thanks again for wishing me a happy b-day :)

What have you been reading lately? I've been rereading Rick Rioridan stuff, and I just finished the second book of Twilight. That series isn't all that great, but I think I'm going to finish reading it anyway.

What sort of music do you listen to (if you do that?) I enjoy pretty much everything (except for: most rap, most country, and hard rock) But of course, I love BTS, the K-pop boy band. I think that pop is my go to music anyway :)

Read you later! 

submitted by Hawkstar, age ARMY-ing, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
(February 13, 2024 - 4:15 pm)

Hi Hawkstar! Great to be paired with you :D

Lately I've been reading the Lunar Chronicles and I just finished the four main books and am reading a side story. Its a rlly good series I recommend. What's Twilight about?

I enjoy listening to mainly pop, sometimes indie pop. I haven't rlly listened to a lot of BTS besides Dynamite and Butter, which I really like. What's your favorite song(s)?

Do you play any instruments or want to? I play the piano, though I'm not that advanced yet. 

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(February 13, 2024 - 9:25 pm)
submitted by Moon TOP Wolf
(February 13, 2024 - 9:53 pm)

I'm glad to be put with you as well! Actually, if you can believe it, I actaully expected to be paired with you :0 :D

I love the Lunar Chronicles!! It is definetely one of my favorite series. I own all the books, including Fairest and Stars Above (LOVE the off stories in that one) Which book is your favorite, and favorite character/least favorite? My favorite book is probably either Cinder or Cress, and my favorite character is Cress and...hmm. Kai? Thorne? Wolf? Winter? Well, I love all of the main ones, really. I love Scarlet and her fire-yness, and her relationship with Wolf is sooo sweet...  least favorite is probably Levena (duh) but after reading Fairest I can see some sides of her story. Her sister was so cruel!! Worst then Levena ever was, to be honest. I thinks that she wouldn't have been so bad if Channary hadn't been so awful :/

Pop rules! Who are your favorite artists? Dynamite and Butter are awesome, for sure! They actually have on other song in full english called Permission to Dance, you should definetely try it out. I could totally give you my other favorite songs, I'd be happy to! But just FYI, the rest of their songs are generally Korean/English mix (but more Korean then English in most songs) 

I play the keyboard a bit, mostly by ear. I don't know how to read music :I really should learn... I also play the kalimba, which is sometimes called a thumb piano. I also sing and dance (Not very good at either, mind you, but who cares its fun :P)

If you could go to three places in the world (or beyond!) where would you go? The Bahamas, South Korea, and Germany is high on my list, though I'd really want to go pretty much everywhere :) 


submitted by Hawkstar, age ARMY-ing, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
(February 14, 2024 - 9:24 am)

Oh and hehe forgot to answer about Twilight

It's a love story, basically about a girl falling in love with a vampire who loves her, but the smell of her blood is very... attractive, ig? to him, and he tries to not love her and then ends up doing it anyway, and tells the girl all this stuff but the girl still wants him... I feel like I explained this badly XD It's alright, but it definetely could be better written. 

submitted by Hawkstar, age ARMY-ing, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
(February 14, 2024 - 9:47 am)

yesss Lunar Chronicles!! I've just finished the book Stars Above. I don't usually like sci-fi, but this one is super good and my fav sci-fi series probably (and one of my fav series in general). My favorite book is probably Cinder and Winter. My favorite character is Scarlet (yesss Wolf and Scarlet are so sweet and go so well together) and Cinder, though also pretty much all the main characters. Yep, definitely Levana is my least favorite (antagonist for a reason), and yea her sister was cruel. I was surprised that Levana wasn't the one who killed her sister tho. same Channary definitely played a big role into making Levana a villain, especially when she burned Levana. What do you think the saddest part of the Lunar Chronicles was? For me, when Dr. Erland died.

ig Twilight sounds interesting. what do you think could've been better in the series? 

yess pop music! I listen to quite a few Taylor Swift songs, though I also enjoy C-pop. Permission to Dance sounds rlly good. I'm going to add it to my playlist :) I'd love to hear your other favorite songs!

it's so cool that you play the kalimba. i've attempted to once before, though i never rlly learned how it worked. it's also pretty impressive that you play keyboard by ear. what songs do you play on the kalimba (or keyboard)? and yes I like singing though not professionally and my voice probably sounds rlly bad but it still is nice

For me, those three places would be Taiwan, Canada, and Italy, though France would also be cool. What do you like about each place that makes you want to go?

do you prefer writing poetry or stories? personally, I prefer poetry because it's shorter and easier to write because whenever I write stories I always encounter writer's block, so...

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(February 14, 2024 - 11:26 pm)

Saddest part... hmmm. Yeah, that part was pretty sad. *racks brain* I can't think of any more, though. Oh, and have you read Wires and Nerves pt 1 and 2? It's a graphic novel from Iko's point of view :DD Oh, IKO! I completely forgot about her but LOVE HER SM!!!

I dunno, just maybe better descriptive? More words? For me, it does get a little rambly here and there.

C-pop! cool! Give me some songs and I'll give you some of mine :) Soooooo my some of my favorite BTS songs arrrre

Crystal Snow- If you look up the translation, it's a love song and it just sounds so pretty to meeee

Outro: Wings- Such an upbeat song!!! I love soaring around the kitchen when I'm supposed to doing dishes and flapping my arms XD

We Are Bulletproof: The Enternal- I feel like this song is both gentle and fierce, and love it!!

On- great lyrics, and good bass. *hums* can't hold me down 'cause you know I'm a fighter

Boy with luv (feat. Hasley)- I love dancing to this song :D

Butterfly- such a soft, lovely sounding song! It's definetely one of my favorite faves :)

Stay Gold- a positive song for sure! and it sound pretty

That's probably enough.... But PLEASE, don't hesitate if you'd like some more! I'm always happy to supply :DDDD

My favorite songs on the kalimba are probably 'Pure Imagination' 'Colors of the wind' 'All is Found' and 'Blackbird'. On the keyboard, Greensleeves is definetely my favorite. What about you?

Well, The Bahamas because it looks so pretty and I want to go to an island like that, South Korea because well, BTS inspired me *giggles* but it's also pretty there! And Germany, because of all the castles!! But I'd love to see the Taj Mahal and Great Wall and such. What about you?

Well, both, I suppose? It is fun to write poems, because they are shorter, but I love to write in my chapter books (all unfinished, and untouched as of recently) But I'm really proud of getting far in one of my books, so far it's 135 sheets of paper, so that means it's actually 270 pages long! :DDDD I rarely get writers block, fortunetly. But your poetry is always so amazing, of course!!!

Are you homeschooled? Do you have any pets (or siblings?)? 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Forever, Tae and Kookie
(February 15, 2024 - 9:46 am)

Another sad part for me (not as sad as Dr. Erland, but still) was when Michelle Benoit (Scarlet's grandmother) died. I mean, it technically happened in the original story of Red Riding Hood, but I still didn't see it coming. I have not read Wires and Nerves pt 1 and 2 yet, but I'm looking for it! YESS Iko!! definitely one of my fav characters. love her personality!! do you have a favorite couple from Lunar Chronicles?

For C-pop, I mainly listen to G.E.M. and I really like a lot of her songs, though most of them are all in Chinese. I recommend:

Find You (has one or two lines in english, though mainly Chinese, I like the chorus a lot)

The Sky (all Chinese, but super good, the lyrics with english translation are beautiful, especially the chorus)

Ice Age (it just sounds rlly good, and I love how the song flows throughout)

Full Stop (one of the more popular songs and I really love the beat)

Missing You (a really beautiful song, and the tune is rlly rlly good)

Selfless (it's a rlly nice song, bit dramatic)

Long After (this song flows so well, a mix of upbeat and calm)

:) and I can also recommend more if you like G.E.M. I listened to boy with luv and it was pretty good! :D I'll listen to the others when I have the chance.

My favorite song to play on the piano is probably right now Fur Elise, though sometimes I also play Riptide and Aud Lang Syne and Edelweiss. What instrument do you think sounds the best (if you have an opinion)?

I want to go to Taiwan because of all the culture there and landmarks (like Taipei 101, though also the stores, like 7-eleven is actually a pretty popular store there as it sells super good drinks and snacks not found in the US), and family ofc, as for Canada, for the beautiful scenery and nature and forests and snow (though I also have family there haha), and Italy because Venice is so pretty, and France cuz Paris and the Eiffel Tower, ofc! All the locations you've said sound really cool as well (like South Korea). Is there a place you've been to before that you want to go again?

Yes it is rlly fun to write stories, especially collaborative stories (like the Tag Game on Cricket!), though for solo I prefer poetry. Your poems are super amazing as well. When did you start getting into poetry and writing? I started getting into writing I think back when I was 7 where I wrote a little paper book (I still have a small collection of them). I'm not exactly sure how I got into poetry, though I think I remember searching up poems over pandemic and thinking they sounded so pretty and wanted to try and write one. 

I'm not homeschooled. Are you? If so, what's it like? I have two pet fish haha (unfortunately one of them died :( so) and I have an older sister. How about you?  

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(February 15, 2024 - 6:12 pm)

Twilight says <ohmgw>

submitted by MoonTOPWolf, age :)), CB's back!!!
(March 8, 2024 - 12:33 am)

Heyyyy!! SO nice to be back :DDDD

Yeah... true, that was pretty sad. Wire and Nerves is SUPER good, since it's all from Iko's point of view :DDD Mm, probably Thorne and Cress? But like I said, Wolf and Scarlet's relationship is super sweet :) What about you?

G.E.M. sounds kind of familiar, actually! I might have seen her name somewhere or something.


Ooh I really love her voice! She has such beautifully strong vocals! Find you... Love it! (Cause I'll come and find you! :D) 

The Sky- it is really pretty! I looked up the lyrics and WOW yeah! great stuff! 

Ice Age- does flow really good, I love the beat! it sounds... idk! I'm loving her stuff though <33

Full Stop- seems good so far! I really, really hope that I'm clicking on the right songs, since all the titles are in Chinese :P I mean, when I look up the name the song comes up under G.E.M., so probably?

I listened to the others, and they were all so good! I'd love some more recs :) 

Glad you liked Boy with luv! again, let me know if you want more :)

Mm, I think that the kalimba sounds more... smooth? Pretty? but it's fun to have all sorts of different sounds on the keyboard :D

Okay, cool! So, do you have asian anscestry then? If I could go somewhere again, I think I'd go to Yosemite. It's so pretty and amazing there!! You?

Yes, stories = amazing!! I haven't really particapated in group writing, but I do enjoy doing back and forth stories with one or two people. Would you like to do one? We could just make short stories :)

Thank youuu :) You have really great poems as well! Well, I started writing short little stories when I was 7 as well, and around 10 I started writing (unfinished, ofc) chapter books :P I didn't start writing poetry until I was 12, but I really took off with it once I did!

I am homeschooled :) I really enjoy it! I actually am 'unschooling', which means I don't follow a curriculum, mostly pick what I want to learn (though I have to do math :( so sad, don't really care for it) But writing and learning ASL includes in my school! So yeah! And I only have to do like 2 or so hours of school a day :) What's your school like?

Fish... nice! I had a bunch of guppies when I was younger, and they slowly died away... Never got fish again XD And a older sister ooh how much older then you?

Our family has a boxer/lab mix dog, Bailey, and he's getting pretty old. I think he's 12? Yeah... and then I have 2 younger brothers (8 and 5) both annoying but family... :) I also have a older step brother who is 20 years older than me, is married and has a kid (so I'm an aunt :/ wEiRdNeSs)

Was wondering, do you mind sharing your age? Ofc, I understand if you don't :) I think you already know I'm 15 BUT anyways...

What other hobbies do you have? Well, by for now!! 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Purple you, Rhymes with 'Korea' :D
(March 8, 2024 - 2:31 pm)

Yessss so glad that CB is back :))

My personal favorite couple is definitely Scarlet and Wolf :) and the wedding in Stars Above :)) Least favorite main character?

yess so glad you like her songs :) all the BTS songs were rlly rlly good. my favorite one is definitely Stay Gold. I recently started writing poetry to songs, which is a pretty fun way to write poetry and I wrote poems to a few of the bts songs for fun. I'd love to hear more :)

Here are a few more recs:

Hearbeat (a really nice upbeat song and the lyrics are good)

Solitude (one of my personal favorite's, one or two words in english but overall chinese, a pretty good beat)

End of Night (pretty good upbeat song with a nice tune and one or two words in english)

Miss Similar (a more rap song with really meaningful lyrics) 

yes the kalimba sounds smooth and unique and nice :) personally I like the sound of bells/glockenspiel because it sounds kind of ✧magical✧.

yep :) my family's from Taiwan. what about you? 

yesss Yosemite is really pretty :) for me, I might say Japan or Hawaii, which are both rlly rlly cool places soooo... Do you visit national parks often?

we could do short stories! so do alternate writing parts, like tag game? any idea how we should start? 

It sounds so cool to be homeschooled! (to learn anything you want besides math haha and only 2 hours) My school has quite a lot of people, some good, some bad. We just learn the common core subjects like ela, math, science, etc. We do have an elective though, basically so we can choose band/music, art, public speaking, drama, or piano lab. tbh school's kind of meh. Favorite part of homeschooling?

my sister is about 5 years older than me, getting ready for college, which sounds pretty stressful. Cool that you have a dog :) when did you get him?

I'm 13 :) it's always cool to think that teens of different ages that wouldnt normally communicate talk together on Cricket 

Recently I started badminton :) do you do any sports? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(March 8, 2024 - 8:36 pm)

Okay will reply more later but I NEED to see your BTS inspired poems please!!! I only wrote on about them (hiaku)

BTS is the 

Best, encouraging lyrics

And handsome faces

Jungkook, V, Jimin

RM, J-Hope, Suga, Jin

Members of the band

Clear, strong, high and soft

Rough, upbeat, sweet, accented

The voices are mixed

Korean language

And English mix, switching song

Learn and sing along

Bangtan Boys are great

The seven singers fly high

In the K-Pop world.

That's mine :) anyway, like I said, will respond more later!! 

submitted by Hawkstar, age ARMY-ing, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
(March 9, 2024 - 4:10 pm)

Here is the poem I wrote to Crystal Snow (based on feelings, likely nothing to do with lyrics):


Light slants through

My open window

Glowing sunshine falls

Waking me up

Reluctantly I obey

For the day beckons me

The nature outside calls

And so I rush out

To be among the grass

Twirl among the flowers

It is where I belong

(How do other people

Find their home among

Cities and buildings?)

And lying on the grass

I stare up at the sky

Blue dotted with clouds

A sun shining bright

Pure bliss and pleasure

And even if clouds

Covered the sun and

It started to snow

I would still choose

To stay out here instead

Of being stuck indoors

(Where really, no one

Truly belongs)

The outdoors is home

More home than my

House indoors

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunars, Crystal Moon Snow
(March 9, 2024 - 9:07 pm)

UH yes the wedding was so sweetly amazing <33 Probably Jacin? Nothing really against him, just a little boring, ig? I don't really have one... unless you mean outside the 8 main ones? You?

Yaaaay I can spread the BTS amazingness more :DD The poem was really good, btw! I loved it <33

So What- exactly that! So what?!?! Great song

Yet to come- such a good song, I love the, well, love in it :)

Home- good stuff, this song

My Universe- very nice, feat. Coldplay, if you know who they are

Life goes on- sweet and soothing

Magic Shop- another good song

Idol- I LOVE dancing to this song

Thanks for more! I'm making a playlist with asian artists, and she is a great tribute to it! Also- I suggest trying out IU. She has crazy good vocals, and her songs are always so soothing! I discovered her just a few minuets ago lol

Cool! I'm from California actually :) I lived my first 11 years there, then 4 in texas, now I'm in KY. I didn't live near the beach or anything, I lived in the mountains. I was actually just over an hour drive from Yosemite. So you live in the US now, then?

No, we don't really travel. As I said, we only visited because it was close (ish) My 8yr old bro didn't do good with travel when he was younger, and now 5yr bro's around, and HE doesn't do good with travel... so we don't really go anywhere. Sounds like you've been around, though!l

Yeah, like a tag game, only they don't go on forever. (I don't do good with long stuff like that) I did this with Hex about a year ago, and really enjoyed it. You could start, or I could! Doesn't matter. I don't have any ideas, really. Me and Hex just dived into it

Favorite part is that it doesn't matter when I do it, as long as it gets done! And we could go anywhere at anytime, don't have to wait for holiday's or weekends! Actually, we usually go into town or whatever on weekday mornings :D I love that

Oof collage! Do you think you'll go to collage (or do you not have choice?) I'm not going to- I just want to be an author when I'm older, and I don't want/need to go to collage for that. I might just take a few random classes (writing, art) but that's about it.

ANWAY Bailey... My dad technically is my step dad, and he got him before I knew him. Sometime 12 years ago or so! I've seen pictures of him as a puppy- he looks so litte and cuuuute <33 He's big now, but all bark and no bite (and extremely grump now that he's old- and terrible breath)

I feel like, me, as a homeschooler, don't really pay attention to age gaps as much since I'm not seperated by grades? I have a friend who just turned 13, and we get along great. But yeah, WildWolf recently said that to me too :) 

Ooh cool! I don't play any sports, I wouldn't be interested in doing any (except for maybe swimming? But is that considered a sport?) I do love to swim so much :D And climb! But not really any other activity like that. How are you enjoying it? 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Golden, Standing next to you
(March 10, 2024 - 8:14 pm)

I would also say Jacin. Not that there's anything wrong with him,, same as you, he's a bit boring. Have you read any other books recently that you enjoyed?

Thanks! I can post more if you want :)

So What - Such a good, upbeat song! I really love the rhythm :))

Yet to Come - I love the tune and it's a great song overall 

My Universe- Love the beat and the chorus and drums! 

Life Goes On - a sweet and soothing song, like you said :) very nice tune

Magic Shop - a pretty good song! a nice vibe :)

Idol - I've heard of this song before! It's pretty good! Love the rhythm! 

I was born in the U.S., specifically California (as well) my whole life, though my parents were born in Taiwan. So basically first generation! What's your impression of KY?

Yep, my family travels often. I've been to quite a few places, like Utah once and Texas twice. (Never been to Kentucky though) What do you think of your siblings?

I'll just start with a random sentence then: Before dawn came onto the world, we had to find the Lost.

I listened to a song of hers and it sounds amazing! Her voice is really pretty. :) Tell me if you want more recommendations btw

I'll probably go to college (likely don't have a choice), though I'd love to be an author or something as a side. :) if you do happen to be an author, it'd be cool to see what you write in the future. Your writing is always amazingly good :)

Bailey sounds like a good dog :)) Do you have other pets?

Yeah, that's true! I find it's easier to make friends with people who are younger than me sometimes, tbh

Badminton's pretty cool. I'm still at the basics, but it's a pretty fun sport I'd recommend if you were interested. Swimming is definitely considered a sport! 

What's the coolest animal or insect you've seen in nature (like not at a zoo)? 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(March 11, 2024 - 6:53 pm)

I haven't really. I've been mostly re-reading a lot of stuff (so any suggestions are welcome) such as The Asendence trilogy/series, Aru Shah, and such. I noticed you are reading The Unwanteds- isn't it such a good series?? Also, you read Warriors, right? 

Yeah, sure! I'd love to see them :D

I love KY! It's so green, even in the summer months, (we came in August for vacay) and it doesn't get too hot! Plus, it actually snows, even if it's just a few inches once a year :) The landscape is pretty, the people are friendly, and the mountains are great :) 

Where in TX did you go? I've never been to Utah, but I did go to South Dakota when I was 2 :P I have like a few jumbled memories of that trip

Well, 8yr old is kind of annoying, but he is a reader like me, and we enjoy talking. He's quiet out and about, but when we're home he's loud. He likes to carve. He has long hair, so everyone assumes he's a girl, which I find annoying (at the people, not him) so yeah... 5yr old I have to treat like a bomb. I have to tip toe around him, because a lot of things set him off. He loves destruction (weapons, volcanoes) and he loves to climb and murder trees >:( He's also really outgoing, talking to pretty much anybody. I feel like I kind of don't interact with him and more with 8yr old, so maybe that has to do with him being touchy, since he's kind of ignored by me and 8yr old? He always wants me to play with him and I just don't really like to play anymore, y'know? And he always wants to play fighting or war or stuff like that, which is stuff I don't like. But I mean... he's 9 years younger then me... 8yr old gets along better with him, but he LOVES to push 5yr old's buttons >:I Annoying

What about your sister?

Since this is kind of long, I'll continue the story in a separate post

I'll take more recs! Do you listen to any other asian artists?

I think I will be an author (hopefully successful!) and I'm actually thinking of using Hawkstar as my last name, so it would be easier to see my books for you :) Thank you! I love your writing as well, your story that you are writing looks interesting! And thank you for commenting on mine :)

Nope, no other pets! Do you have an animal that you'd love for a pet?

Hmm, the bug that popped into my head was this moth I saw once. It was pretty big, the size of large butterfly, but it looked like a dead leaf on the ground! It was really cool :) I also saw a bear run across the road once in CA, so that was cool. I only got a glimse, though. What about you?

You read WoF, right? Need to discuss this, too :) 

Bye for now! Idk when I'll post the story- today or tomorrow 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Golden, Standing next to you
(March 13, 2024 - 3:07 pm)