The Language Group

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

The Language Group

The Language Group

Hey Tsuki! We got paired in the Make a friend.


Have you heard of Esperanto? I am around an A2 level in Esperanto. I would post an Esperanto introduction here but Admins won't let me...

By the way, A2 is CEFR scale. Here are the CEFR scales of language proficiency:

A1- You only know basic greetings

A2- You can perform basic actions including ordering in a restaurant, and you know present, past and future. (I'm here in Japanese and Esperanto) Here you can say you know the language.

B1 - You can express your opinion on topics and have good vocabulary about your interests (I'm here in French) 

B2 - You're fluent and will make mistakes but overall have a good understanding of the language (I'm here in Hebrew) Here you can say you're fluent. I've been here for a while because I grew up bilingual-- my mom spoke to me in Hebrew, my dad in English, but most of the world is in English so I'm better at that

C2 - You have no mistakes in the language and no one can mistake you for foreigner. (I'm here in English) 


submitted by Sinusoidal Polyglot
(October 25, 2023 - 1:15 pm)

hey! i'm so sorry it's taken me this long to respond... i've been so busy lately

I actually have never heard of esperanto, but i looked it up! It's super cool that you're learning it.

I'm only learning 2 languages. I am of course C2 in English like you, and I'm A2 in japanese as well.  I'm A1 in ASL.

I have been teaching myself Japanese for the past three years and just started taking formal classes at school but i'm very frustrated with the lessons. Even though we're literally 14-15 he thinks we're literally stupid and he is definitely not expecting us to ever reach fluency. He pronounces ALL the words wrong so it can be "easier" for us, doesn't explain any of the complexities or nuances in the language and gives everyone an A even if they fail.  That would be awesome for me if I just needed to pass the class, but since I actually want to be fluent it SUCKS. When I was learning on my own I was using a first-year college textbook, and i understand that high school/college kids need different levels of instruction, but i just learned it will take FOUR YEARS for him to cover all the material at a high-school level.

Ugh, sorry, that turned into SUCH a rant.  You don't need to read all that.

What is the most beautiful language you are studying, in your opinion?

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(October 30, 2023 - 4:00 pm)

Don't worry I liked your rant :) I actually took a college course in Japanese. The professor was very nice and took me seriously, although I did experience some bullying. In the final exam I only got two questions off out of a hundred and twenty-something.

Probably the most beautiful language I've studied is Russian. Hear me out for a second before you say, "obviously French". French has many hard sounds, like the "p" in Je m'appelle (My name is). Russian has very soft sounds, and even the "kh" in "Ya khachu" (I want) is very soft and nice. Anyone who exaggergates it does not know how to pronounce words correctly. the "kh" is the only hard sound, and the rest is smooth, like a violin singing even when you're just talking normally in Russian.

However, I may be prejudiced. I often hear my grandmother talking on the phone in rapid-fire Russian to my mom, who completely understands and responds in Russian, while claiming to me not to know the language well enough to teach it. Of course, all languages I've studied are beautiful. Even Japanese, when pronounced correctly, can be beautiful. Watashi wa otaku desu (I am a nerd) sound almost perfect if you sing it or say it as if it were poetry.  


submitted by Sinusoidal
(November 5, 2023 - 11:11 pm)
submitted by top
(November 4, 2023 - 11:12 am)
submitted by top
(November 17, 2023 - 1:18 pm)