i have a

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

i have a

i have a partner now!!!!! <33

okay guys tiny life update im dating someone right now!!! 

they gave me an avocado plushie yesterday. adorable. and i forgot how much i love hugs. ackkk dating someone is so amazing 

im also so anxious tho bc my homophobic parents have no idea im pan or that im dating them.  so thats great lol.  

submitted by amari, age eons, hills of smog
(October 10, 2023 - 2:36 pm)

Wow! Congratulations!!! An avocado plushie sounds so cute!! And, yay, *big virtual hug if you want it*

good luck with your parents and your partner!! :D <333
submitted by Congratulations!! :D, age ItsCeline
(October 10, 2023 - 5:42 pm)

Feiya says TONNK!

submitted by Top please!
(October 10, 2023 - 7:40 pm)

thank you!! tbh i probably won't ever tell my parents, just hoping they won't find out--because it's less about the fact that im hiding that im dating someone, it's that that im hiding that im dating someone that's not a boy. which, to my straight, white, christian, homophobic parents, would absolutely be the end of the world. lol.

Anyway we both love girl in red, and she has a song that's ironically called 'we fell in love in october' which we both realized is literally us lol


submitted by amari, age eons, hills of smog
(October 11, 2023 - 8:50 am)