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Chatterbox: Down to Earth

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Make a Friend

Cause, why not? I'll pair up all who have entered on September 5, that way there is plenty of time for all who wants to enter can. I've noticed that people fill out a for AFTER the date set to pair up, so that's why I made it a month long stretch. Anyway, form is below-


Prefered pronouns:

Rough age (or exact!):




Favorite book/s or series?

When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is:

Already been pair up with, or know irl:


submitted by Friendmaker
(August 5, 2023 - 9:22 am)

okay cool more friends the better i always say, okay this is the first time I said that whatever hyperbole isnt a crime i know my rights officer please

Name: Lord Entropy but you can call me (here is where I would put something shorter and catchier if I could think of one.)
Prefered pronouns: They/Them I guess? I'm probably something close to gender fluid but I also don't really care? Call me whatever you want I guess.
Rough age (or exact!): Uh I am 16. 
Hobbies:. Writing, drawing (not good), Collage making, I made a few short films but it didn't click, reading, I am in drama learning the ropes
Likes: Clowns, weird offbeat stuff, ball pits, collage (art form of the future), licorice, new book smell, old book smell, libraries, weird movies, movie theaters, cartoon network, stuffed animals, dogs, wearing atrocious sunglasses, the Mountain Goats, disliking things strongly, oldies music that has innocuous lyrics but dramatic minor key music for no apparent reason, talking about the book I'm writing with people who showed no sign of wanting to hear about it, talking about myself apparently this is really long did anyone actually read this if you're reading this whole thing I am so sorry stop it why are you hurting yourself like this
Dislikes: Cats (no disrespect if you like them), romantic subplots that slowly submerge the ACTUAL PLOT, THEY'RE SUBPLOTS NOT THE PLOT, the rapid depersonalization of young adult aimed media, intolerant folks, insomnia, people who criticize things by saying they're "self indulgent" my friend creation as a medium is the process of indulging the self, having to do things in specific orders, time limits, the thought of death, hipsters, people who talk about irony but have no idea what the word irony means please get a new favorite word I'm begging you
Favorite book/s or series? John Danielle is just as good an author as a lyricist. Homestuck. Otessa Moshfegh. A series of unfortunate events will always have a special place in my heart.
When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is: Lay in my bed and do something. In my bed. I'm an introvert who acts like an extrovert and after seeing people all day, I am exhausted.
Already been pair up with, or know irl: Nobody. But actually, I guess I could potentially know any of you. We'd never even know. (hint: i actually talk like this in real life. that's how you'll recognize me. this is my life)
Other: anybody is cool. this is a fun idea
submitted by Lord Entropy
(August 13, 2023 - 9:31 pm)

YESS I READ EVERYTHING!! And no, it did not hurt. It was pretty fun actually, and YES I LOVE DISLIKING THINGS STRONGLY!! I also love reading/writing long things for no reason. Random fact since I should probably stop here but yeah, once my teacher wrote a 17 pg long college essay final about some TV show (it may be inappropriate, she had to black some stuff out, so I won't name it here) about art x dystopian stuff and the whole class clamored to read it just bc that's the way we are (idk if it has anything to do with us being in the advanced class, maybe we like to challenge ourselves more?) and I didn't understand some of it but YOU GUYS IT WAS SO GOOD!!! And plus, I got a new favorite word, spatiotemperal. And now that I'm done with that tangent...

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(August 14, 2023 - 9:37 am)

Name: Tsuki

Prefered pronouns: she/her

Rough age (or exact!): 14

Hobbies: singing, studying japanese, martial arts, collecting earrings, playing with my sweet doggie woggies

Likes: the ocean, musicals, my dogs

Dislikes: the desert, bananas, spiders

Favorite book/s or series? i've been reading the dark tower

When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is: i'm ashamed to say i watch a lot of tv.. I've been watching never have i ever, the dragon prince, she-ra, marvel & b99.  I also play with my dogs the first opportunity I can to get away, and I do a lot of planning/list-making for the future, especially as I'm moving to a new high school this year.

Already been pair up with, or know irl: wordsong, OGpancake, probably more i can't remember

Other: My dogs are sweet and nice and I love them so

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf, age 14, your mom's house
(August 14, 2023 - 8:49 am)

she ra rocks. i love entraptra, she's literally me

submitted by Lord Entropy
(August 14, 2023 - 1:26 pm)

rightttt she's such a vibe. the scenes with her and hordak are my favorite

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf , sPaCe
(August 14, 2023 - 9:55 pm)

Hi everybody! I would love to start some friendships here!


Name: Nyxie "Nyx"

Prefered pronouns: She/Her

Rough age (or exact!): 14

Hobbies: reading, writing, drawing, playing piano, acting;

Likes: Pineapple, watermelon, sweet potatoe casserole, a REALLY good story, the perfect crunch, reading, writing, acting, playing piano, anything to do with foxes, dancing, singing, dogs, cats, frogs, babies, siblings, writing letters, laying bed all day (!), listening to music, competing in a game, smiling, conversing with friendly people, and honestly, I could go on and on :)

Dislikes: Soggy cereal, green smoothies, having to sing in front of someone who is not my family, lying, having to touch a large bug, disecting something, (don't ask), killing something, anything really to do with gore, trash, (keep the planet green!), messy hair, siblings, chores, schoolwork, heights, rotting stuff, ending a letter at the bottom of the page, and being bored.

Favorite book/s or series?: Antique Shop Mysteries series, The Mistmantle Chronicles, Anne of Green Gables series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Theif, and anything mystery really.

When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is: READ!! but also play the piano.

Already been pair up with, or know irl: none

Other: Weird fact about me: I do these things I call "Talk Games" where you are currently doing a different task, but your mind is somewhere else and you are saying everything that is happening vocally-wise.

submitted by Nyxie, age eons, smwhr
(August 15, 2023 - 8:19 am)

Ooh, also, I like Jigsaw puzzles and karate. And speaking in different languages just to confuse people, (which I just so happened to do a lot BEFORE I could speak fluently in any)

submitted by Nyxie
(August 16, 2023 - 10:04 am)

Wow, I've never done this before!

Name: Peregrine Falcon, or Perine Falco (only in ski lodges, RPs and AE diaries) 

Prefered pronouns: she/her

Rough age (or exact!): younger teen 

Hobbies: birdwatching, chess, photography, drawing, writing, reading, swimming, taking walks in nature, violin, listening to classical/Greek music, (sometimes) knitting, finding shells, speaking different languages

Likes: aren't you hobbies and what you like kind of the same thing? When people look at the scientific evidence and see that BIRDS = DINOSAURS, and dinosaurs have feathers (it was proven in 1996, and still feathered dinosaurs are not in the media or books, why?) birds, squirrels, falconry, nature in general. Rice. Chess, violin, birds

Dislikes: when people say, "no dinosaurs do not have feathers and are not related to birds". When everybody believe Jurassic Park (sorry) and think that dinosaurs are heartless monsters and crave blood to the extreme. The hurting of animals and nature, when animals are trapped in a stereotype. Soggy bananas, when people like me just because of my culture not because of who I am. Bad grammar/spelling

Favorite book/s or series? The Hawk's Way by Sy Montgomery, The Dollhouse by Charis Cotter, Le Livre des Oiseaux (The Book of Birds) by Georges Dif

When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is: Go outside, if I can't, play chess/read/write/look at CB on my iPad.

Already been pair up with, or know irl: n/a

Other: sorry, I just have strong feeling about birds and dinosaurs. If you show me a picture of a bird/dinosaur I am confident that I can name what it is in at lest 7 minutes!

submitted by Peregrine Falcon, age Fledgling, At the tree
(August 18, 2023 - 6:50 am)

Wow, impressive (about the 7 minutes thing)! And it's great you feel so passionate about this, now more ppl will know (BIRDS ARE DINOSAURS!! I mean, it makes so much sense! Just look at a cassowary!)!! What's your favorite bird/dino? I rly like the Kākāpō, I've already mentioned it, but, I mean, a parrot that's the only flightless, ground-dwelling, nocturnal, heaviest parrot, and is amazingly cute, and critically endangered (which is sad but makes it all the more reason to love these birds (have you read Kākāpō Rescue by Sy Montgomery also? I haven't yet but it sounds really good!))?! What's not to love? (And, again, The Hawk's Way sounds rly good too! However, I am still on The Soul of an Octopus and The Good, good pig). I also really like pigeons, which my family thinks is weird, BUT HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A PIGEON?! So tremendously cute...

submitted by Celine@Peregrine, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(August 18, 2023 - 11:44 am)

Oh yes, I agree! Oh mu favorite bird is the peregrine falcon, and my favorite dinosaur is Deinonychus! Wow, so many people I met love Kākāpō, did you know it is also called the owl-faced parrot? I also love owls! No, I haven't read The Soul of an Octopus. Ah pigeons are so cute! Yes I have seen a pigeon, I love how there are so many color-variations.

submitted by Peregrine Falcon, age Fledgling, At the tree
(August 18, 2023 - 3:00 pm)

Yes!! They're so beautiful, with iridescent feathers, and I love love love the way they walk, and they'll just stare at you like... hey. Give me some food. :) And, duh, Peregrine falcons. *face palms*. They're pretty cool, too (fastest animal AND live in cities! And they're falcons!)! And, yes, I did know they're called owl parrots! Which I think is a pretty perfect name for them btw. And it's great so many ppl you know know about them! I kinda went on a reading spiral on Sy Montgomery's website after reading a preview of The Hawk's Way, and since every animal she writes about makes me automatically love them (just, the way she talks about them and gives us all these cool facts... you can't not love the animal after!), woah. California Condors!! Critically endangered (which, for some reason I thought they weren't anymore), there're only over 500 left in the whole world!! But, at least it's better than in 1983 or whenever it was, when there were only 23!! Still, terrible. :(   Deinonychus(es?) (did I spell that right?) look pretty cool! I mean, some drawings make them look kinda silly, but those claws? Again, cassowaries. *shudder* And, correct me if I'm wrong, but I read the Wikipedia page, and do you like them bc they lead to the "dinosaur renaissance"? Bc, That. Is. So. So. So. Cool. I am memorizing this name. 

Also, no, I did not (about the Arctic terns)! Thanks for telling me, for some reason I thought humpbacks did... but wow. That's like 846 marathons each year!
submitted by Celine@Peregrine F, age deinonych-, The FireMist Sea
(August 18, 2023 - 8:30 pm)

Btw, do you know about the bird migration explorer from the National Audubon society?

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(August 18, 2023 - 11:48 am)

No I didn't, but that sounds so cool, did you know that the arctic tern has the longest migration?

submitted by Peregrine Falcon, age Fledgling, At the tree
(August 18, 2023 - 3:03 pm)


Prefered pronouns:she/her

Rough age (or exact!): 12

Hobbies: Reading, soccer,hanging out with my friends

Likes:Books, Pasta, my friends

Dislikes: spinach, movies, ppl who dog ear their books

Favorite book/s or series? Fav seiries is Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, or the BoxcarChildren

When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is: Read a book

Already been pair up with, or know irl:N/A I dont think I know any of these ppl

Other: N/A

submitted by BookGirl, age tween, Somewhere but Nowhere
(August 18, 2023 - 1:27 pm)

Name: Sylvazia

Prefered pronouns: She/Her

Rough age (or exact!): Recently became a teen

Hobbies: choir, ukulele, reading, writing, hiking, hanging out with friends

Likes: Dessert (specifically anything with chocolate), music, reading, writing, the color green, hamsters, gnomes, friends, family, mushrooms, burritos, sushi

Dislikes: getting sick, peppers, annoying people, climate change, etc.

Favorite book/s or series?: idk I like all the books in the Grishaverse, KotLC, Lunar Chronicles, The House in the Cerulean Sea, and SO MANY MORE. I really like fantasy but also realistic fiction, and comics, and other things.

When you get free time, usually the first thing you go do is: Read, email friends, or write. 

Already been pair up with, or know irl: nobody :(


submitted by Sylvazia, age eons, Planet Earth
(August 20, 2023 - 8:11 pm)