Global warming and

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Global warming and

Global warming and recycling.

Don't look at this thread if you don't want to argue.

All right, everyone.  Global warming and recyclling!

I've been thinking.  Yes, maybe we should recycle but think about this: they use machinery and stuff like that and it pollutes the air!  So yes, some people should recycle but not everybody.  Another way to recycle is reusing your stuff at home.  Like my sister and I eat a lot of yogurt.  We use the cups when were done for cups and containers.

Global warming.  No, I don't believe in it.  It's cooler now than it was several years ago.  Think about last year.  It was really cold.  And this year is Colorado's coldest year in history!

That's what I think about the two.


Charlotte, aka Cannibal 

submitted by Charlotte, age 11, Colorado
(December 11, 2009 - 1:33 pm)

Global Warming doesn't necessarily mean that the world is warming. It means the climate is changing because of the greenhouse gas affect, which is happening because of the use of too many fossil fuels, which were never really supposed to be used for anything. Also contributing to Global Warming is the fact that millions of acres of rain forest are being cut down every day. Without the rain forest, literally nothing would exist. It's the biggest ecosystem on earth, and it supports tons of plant growth, including fungi. Yesterday there was a headline that said that a huge chunk of ice berg was drifting towards the coast of Australia. Do you think that would have happened 200 years ago, when our oldest ancestors were alive, and they made their own food and didn't have cars? The amount of  evidence that global warming is real is just ridiculous. Any one who doesn't realize this needs to think some things though for a little longer.  Recycling is absolutely good. You should recycle or re-use everything. You should use cloth napkins instead of paper ones, you should wear your clothes more than one time before you wash them, you should simply not pollute or throw garbage out of your car window when in a little while, you'll reach home where you can throw it into an actual garbage can. You shouldn't buy things that you know are going to end up in a landfill in Africa somewhere. There are children in Ghana who survive buy picking apart computers that end up in landfills for parts. The insides of computers are made by machines. They are not meant to be handled by a living person. 

submitted by JFB, age 13, Here and There
(December 12, 2009 - 9:32 am)

@ JFB: Quote, when our oldest ancestors where alive, and they made their own food...

My family only buys fresh produce and cans our own food.  We also only buy chips on special occasions and don't have hot dogs very often.  We don't buy those Kid Quisine things and if we eat out we try to avoid fast food restuaraunts.  If I eat fast twice in a week the second time I feel sick.  We make our own food and don't eat anything that comes out of a tin can (unless were eating at grammas) and we don't drink soda very often.  In fact, the way we eat is cheaper and better for you!  We got all our corn free one year because a freind was willing to give.   Another freind refuses to let us pay for cabbage and sometimes gives us an extra bag.  We have a greenhouse so we eat fresh salad through the entire winter.  My dad grows his own hot peppers because they don't carry rooster spurs (the hottest edible pepper my dad knows of) in the store.  Some years we have a garden (this year we had an acre of garden but we got hail six times so it didn't turn out to good.).


Charlotte, aka Cannibal 

submitted by Charlotte, age 11, Colorado
(December 15, 2009 - 11:26 am)


submitted by top, age top, top
(December 14, 2009 - 8:31 pm)

Some places are warming up, others are getting colder.  I do recycle.  my family gets big yogurt containers and uses them for other things, like holding other food!  Like you and your sister, Charlotte!  I wear my clothes for a week before I clean them, and I take a showre about onceper week, so that saves water and stuff. The plastic bags that are at the grocery store can be used for trash bags instead of byeing trash bags.  And my family recycles stuff.  Myu mom makes jewelry out of junk.  She made a pendant out of one of my bike spokes that broke off, and she also made something out of a little toy spatula that broke off of it's handle.  Also, you can save the plastic bread bags and when your going somewhere, and you have a sandwhich, instead of useing a ziplock bag, you can use a bread bag.  When you do the laundry, make it so there is a big load, it will be more clothes cleaned, and it sort of saves water.  Because if you do two small loads, it would be twice as much as one large load.  and the same with the dish washer.  And when you do the dishes by hand, plug up the sink and fill it up, and more dishes would be good, too. if you have a lot of water for a few plates, then that is sort of a waste of water.  And cloth napkins, I like cloth napkins.  And you can use old socks as rags and stuff.  And cloth hankerchiefs.  And try not to buy stuff that came from realy far away.  Get fresh produce.  Say, if it's summer, don't buy an apple, cause they are harvested in fall. 

OK, sorry if that doesn't make sense.

submitted by Meadow
(December 15, 2009 - 10:59 am)

@ Meadow:  Yes!  Exactly.  You can reuse and it's almost the same as recycling.  About the bread bag for sandwhich bag thing.  I would do that except we make our own bread.  I not so much for the earth running out of water and I take a shower at least twice a week usually three.

submitted by Charlotte, age 11, Colorado
(December 15, 2009 - 8:54 pm)

No. Nonononononono. I will not have this debate again. *leaves quietly* Sorry, it's a good topic to debate but....I get rather....insane when I feel strongly about things. (Sorry Paige!) Okay, now I will leave you all in peace....*leaves quietly for the second time*

submitted by Koffee
(December 15, 2009 - 9:07 pm)

My family grows our own food too. We live on a farm that's been in our family for over 150 years. My dad wakes up at 6:00 every morning to go to milking and do the chores. We have about 90 milking cows and about 100 cows who roam wild on the hills. Compared to huge, disgusting, factory farms, that's tiny. We drink our own milk, eat our own meat, including pork, beef, and chicken. In the summer, we have a huge garden where we grow lettuce, spinach, peas, string beans, squash, chard, tomatoes, and zucchini. We also have our own apple orchard. We buy local honey and yogurt, my mom cans stuff and makes spaghetti sauce. We grow sweet corn and potatoes, and we even have goats, and hope to be able to make our own cheese soon. We even make our own maple syrup. 

submitted by JFB, age 13, Here and There
(December 15, 2009 - 10:20 pm)

Wow! That's really cool, JFB, that you grow your own food! And wow, that's quite a few cows. It must be a lot of work keeping everything in order. My family has no pets, little sister and I are asking for a fish to share for Christmas, though. Nothing compared to your animals. :)

submitted by MJ, age 13, GA
(December 16, 2009 - 6:27 pm)

@ MJ: My family owns 5 Labrador Retrievers because we breed and sell Labs as own of our mone based job.  There's (oldest to youngest) Amber, yellow, she's recently been spayed and is very sweet and smart so I'll be using her in obedience this year for 4-H. Gem, orangish brown, mellow, she's Ambe's neice, her mother, Onyx, was hit by a car at age three, gem was still a puppy and only had one black brother.  Diamond, shiny black, Amber's daughter she has a personality like Amber ack!  I've gotta go.  I'll tell you the rest later.

submitted by Charlotte, age 11, Colorado
(December 17, 2009 - 12:52 pm)

Where was I?  Oh yeah Diamond.  She loves tummy rubs like her mother ummm yeah.  Hunter, dark chocolate, Gem's son, chunky head, oversized paws, (like Gem), very short attention span, lazy, I use him for Showmanship and Rally.  Gypsum, white, bouncy, Amber's daughter, Diamond's sister, we call her our April fool puppy because Amber gave us an April fool on April first when she had puppies five days before they were due, bouncy, smart, oh, did I mention bouncy?

submitted by Charlotte, age 11, Colorado
(December 18, 2009 - 11:30 am)

I'm not sure whether global warming is real or not, but I am sure that everybuggy should recycle. Yes, it pollutes, but do you have any idea how much waste is produced and isn't recycled? I don't either. I used to have a poster with the exact details, however, and I remember that enough is generated to circle the world hundreds, if not thousands, of times. Maybe a few people shouldn't recycle, but so many people don't already that it's rendered null and void, and no one should stop recycling because of pollution—at  this point, more people should  start recycling. Like someone (I don't remember who, sorry), the rainforests are diminishing, as aremany other forests worldwide. We need to recycle.

My family recycles and reuses everything we can. We don't grow our own food because our yard isn't big enough—but we do grow some fruits, vegetables, and herbs, and we try to buy organic food as much as possible (and we don't use chemicals in our gardens).

submitted by Ima
(December 17, 2009 - 3:53 pm)

My mom sorta thinks we should recycle but we live in such a small town that it costs money to recycle and we have some trouble financially.

I have a freind that says if there was no vegetation we would still live.  I don't beleive him.

submitted by Charlotte, age 11, Colorado
(December 18, 2009 - 11:24 am)

Well, that makes sense, then. Where I live, recycling is free (unless you count the price of gas to drive to the nearest recycling bin, but those are close to other places and sometimes on the way to them, so it's not really even worth noting), and I didn't think of that. Leaf said about everything else wonderfully, so...

On the other subject, good. You shouldn't believe him. In fact, there's proof he's wrong. For 1 thing, we wouldn't be able to breathe, because plants give us oxygen, which our respiratory system needs and we couldn't live without. In additition, we'd starve. Humans can't survive on meat alone, and even if they could, and breathing wasn't a problem either, the herbivores would starve, and the carnivores and omnivores who ate only herbivores (and, in the omnivores' case, plants) would starve, and the other carnivores and omnivores, including us now, would have to all keep eating eah other, until there was only 1 left, who would die. So, no human or animal  could survive without vegetation, at least for very long. It would basically be the end of the world.

I don't understand why people go around killing plants and animals just for the fun of it. I don't mean for food or anything—although I'm actually vegan myself, I don't blame  anyone else for eating meat. I mean just sitting with nothing to do, and deciding to kill something. Why do people do it? I'm really glad there's no recess in middle school, because, last year, practically everyone just went around killing any (many) insects they could find for absolutely no reason at all, and I just couldn't stand it, nor do I understand it! What on earth is the point? And if there is no point,  can't anyone understand that killing with absolutely no reason at all can't be described in any way other than just plain wrong? Oh no... *realizes anyone could be reading this, and it could be seen as offensive* * I'm really sorry if I offended anyone; I just felt like I needed to say something. I really hope I didn't offend anyone...

submitted by Ima, age 11
(December 18, 2009 - 2:49 pm)

Nicely put, Ima!  Great post!  My dad is actually a vegetarian, and though my mom and I aren't, we don't eat as much meat as a basic meat-eating family.  And I don't understand why people kill animals for fun, either.  

And, again, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my small post.  If anything applies to you that I say that might offend you, please disregard it and pretend I never said anything.


submitted by Leaf, age 12 1/2, on a tree!
(December 22, 2009 - 8:57 am)

Hello, everyone!!  First off, I'm going to say what I believe.  I think climate change exists.  And yes, thanks JFB, it's not just the warming of the earth, it is the change of climates.  But I'm not going to go on a rampage trying to convince everyone in the world what I think is right.  No, I'm just adding to the conversation.


So, here it starts: my family is very green.  We own a totally electric car and a Prius.  My mom drives the EV to work and charges there.  We also have solar panels on our house and basically pay zippo for our electric bill (except for the tiny usage fee, but you get the point)  We charge our EV at our house, and so if you put it all together, we're driving on sunshine! :)  Okay, we rarely ever use the dryer and we hang our wash outside.  We compost and use that rich, fertile soil on our garden.  (Sorry, it's not as impressive as yours, JFB....)  We use all stainless steel water bottles, and never buy plastic ones.  We shop at the Farmer's Market near our house and buy all organic produce.  And if anyone opposes any of the things we do, I just simply say, some of the coolest cars around are electric.  Look up the Aptera, or the EV1 *sob* (it's gone...).  And the Leaf is coming out soon from Nissan: it's my namesake!!!  Oh yes, and the Tesla Roadster, 0-60 in 3.9 seconds!  And who wants to pay the electric bill??  Yes, solar panels do cost some money, but it's all paid off, when you figure out how much you could have been paying.  And it makes your roof a pretty silver! :)


And remember the three R's: reduce, reuse, recycle!  Reduce first, don't buy as much.  Reuse next, like all of you guys do.  It's like recycling, but it's not using any equipment.  Then recycle, after you've done all these things.  So as you said, Charlotte, it's not all about recycling.  In fact, recycling comes last on the list.  But it's still very, very good to do.  And yes, recycling uses machinery and stuff like that, but producing the product in the first place, pollutes even more. 


Just something for you guys to thing about.  Nothing to offend, provoke and hurt people in any way.  As people have mentioned before, it's hard to convey a tone of voice over the computer, so sorry if any of this is taken wrong.  My tree smiles at all of you and mourns for its brothers and sisters in the rainforest. ;)  And sorry for the long rant... I get carried away. :D


 ~Leaf swinging on my tree; it's winter but I'm still hanging on :) 

submitted by Leaf, age 12 1/2, on a tree!
(December 17, 2009 - 8:20 pm)