Life/Future Survey! This

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Life/Future Survey! This

Life/Future Survey! This is just a survey about what you want your future to be like / think it will be like.

1. What college do you want to go to?

2. What would be your ideal job?

3. Do you want to get married some day?

4. Do you ever want to have kids?

5. What kind of pets do you want when you are older?

6. Do you hope to still be friends with the friends you have now when you're older?

7. Is there anything special you want to do when you're an adult?

8. What kind of things do you wish could exist / will exist in the future?


These are my answers.

1. What college do you want to go to?

Western Oregon University.

2. What would be your ideal job?

I want to be either a an elementary school teacher, a middle school language arts teacher or a middle school science teacher.

3. Do you want to get married some day?


4. Do you ever want to have kids?


5. What kind of pets do you want when you are older?

Cats and dogs.

6. Do you hope to still be friends with the friends you have now when you're older?


7. Is there anything special you want to do when you're an adult?

I want to continue fostering cats and kittens from a Humane Society.

8. What kind of things do you wish could exist / will exist in the future?

I want hover-boards to exist. (ones like the hover-boards in the Uglies series)


That's all! Smile



submitted by Emma O., age 12, OR
(December 8, 2009 - 8:42 pm)

1: My dad wants me to go to the college he works at, but although it's a good college and I tell  him it's a possibility (just so he won't keep bugging me about it), I'd really like to go to one somewhere really cold. Exactly which college, I have no idea. It depends on what I want to major in, although I know that if I choose ornithology I'll probably want to go to Cornell University.

2: A biologist, but I don't know which kind. And if I adopt children I'd like to homeschool them if possible.

3: If I fall in love.

4: If I get married, I'd like to adopt children. If I don't, the answer is no, because even though it's still legal to adopt unmarried (I don't want to give birth period, even if I do marry), I don't like the idea of  being a single mother.

5: Wow, that's hard! Well, I know I want a ferret, I've yearned for 1 since I was only 2. And I think I'd want a cat, as long as it can get along with other animals (including tiny ones they'd normally consider prey). And a rabbit and hamster (but not at the same time), a few African dwarf frogs, fish, and an aquatic snail or 2, a Quaker Parrot (or maybe an African grey—it depends), a dog that can get along with other animals... Oh, I don't know! I want a lot of pets!

6: Yes, but I sure hope I'll have a lot more than 2 by then!!

7: Like Laura, I'd like to help the world in every way I can. That pretty much sums it up, except for that I also want to live somewhere really cold and visit Antarctica at least 1ce in my life. Oh yeah, and I'd like to invent a way to float in and possibly walk on air using magnetic levitation.


submitted by Ima
(December 12, 2009 - 4:37 pm)

1. What college do you want to go to?

I have no idea, just a few weeks ago I decided which high school I was going to attend.

2. What would be your ideal job?

An Occupational Therapist, librarian, part-time artist...?

3. Do you want to get married some day?


4. Do you ever want to have kids?


5. What kind of pets do you want when you are older?

A dog, maybe cats.

6. Do you hope to still be friends with the friends you have now when you're older?

Maybe, some of them.

7. Is there anything special you want to do when you're an adult?

Be a good loving parent.

8. What kind of things do you wish could exist / will exist in the future?

Cars that can drive themselves.

submitted by Nighthawlk, age 13
(December 12, 2009 - 10:41 pm)