So I have

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

So I have

So I have to have an oral surgery Three DAYS before  Christmas. :(  That means I will be mostly out of it on the 23, and will be eating soft food the whole week, (no Christmas dinner for me ): ). So, ya random facts about me, YAY!

Anyway, anyone else had/having surgery or anything else related to that, so... share your stories!

submitted by Nighthawlk, 13
(December 4, 2009 - 7:50 pm)

Oh that stinks, Nighthalk. I'm sorry. And three days before Christmas? That's not right.

I have had surgery before, when I was 3. But that's it.


submitted by Hannah P. ☺☻, age 13, Georgia
(December 5, 2009 - 9:21 am)

Aw, that's awful. I'm sorry! :( I haven't had a surgery before, so unfortunately I don't have any stories to share. But I'm sure others on here have, so I'll just move this thread to the front. (Move, thread) Sorry again about having to have surgery so close to Christmas. Even though it'll be different, I bet on Christmas you'll just be relieved that it's over! :)

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(December 5, 2009 - 6:32 pm)

Aww, I hope you feel better!

As for my family, my mom and aunt broke their ankles and my grandma shattered her kneecap. Injuries come in threes, as they say.

As for me, I've had plenty of surgeries. Once when I busted up my chin, (long, funny story tht I don't feel like telling, had to get my chin glued) another time when I cracked my head open, (staples- which I don't recomend.) When a cut I had turned purple (it was so gross!) and when I was little, my sister broke my thumb. (She was little, too!)

You're probably thinking I should be more careful. You're right, but I don't think its gonna happen. I'm accident prone.

submitted by Katie, age 12, outside looking
(December 6, 2009 - 12:14 pm)

Poor you, that sounds really painful.

Random:  I was typing in my name, and I accidentally put in 'p', and 'Pollyanna' showed up, and I was like, what the heck???  But then I remembered it was from my movie quiz.  *hahaha*

submitted by Laura☮
(December 7, 2009 - 9:40 pm)

Unfortunately?  Be glad.  :)

submitted by Laura☮
(December 6, 2009 - 9:09 pm)

Oh, I know. I just meant I have no stories to share

that might possibly make her feel better.

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(December 7, 2009 - 9:27 am)

Ah, good point.  :)

submitted by Laura☮
(December 7, 2009 - 2:10 pm)

I've had lots of surgery.

Well, six operations to be exact.  Thankfully, I only remember one.  See, I was born with a cleft palate, my uvula was not formed all the way, so, it never quite connected, and it was basically two halves a small distance away from each other.  (I don't know if this is making any sense)  So, they wanted to wait until my mouth was more developed, and so I had an operation when I was six.

I remember packing my clothes in my 'Peanuts' suitcase the night before, and putting it under my bed.  Early in morning, Mom and I drove to CHO.  When we got there, I suppose we had to wait a bit, but I just remember going into a little room, and two doctors (or nurses, I don't know) asked me if I liked bubblegum flavored something or other.  I said ok, so they gave me the pink anesthesia in one of those little clear plastic cups, like the kind you'd get salad dressing in, and sat me on a gurney.  I was supposed to get sleepy, but I didn't right away.  I remember being rolled down a hall full of people in chairs, including my mom, and then I think vaguely going into a room with strange equipment.

Next thing I know, I'm waking up with one of those oxygen thingys on my mouth, and my mom holding my hand, in a room full of other kids on gurneys.  Mom tried to take the oxygen thing away, but I wanted it back, cause I felt like I couldn't breath without it.  Mom explained that I could, and I gradually let go.

I was put in a room with a view out the front of the building, and two beds, though one was empty.  Mom had to sleep on the window seat.  I was in a clear tent full of fog.

Sorry, I have to stop for now, this is kinda hard. 

submitted by Laura☮
(December 6, 2009 - 9:09 pm)

I've never told anyone this in such detail.

So, anyway:

The tent was to make sure that the stitches in my mouth didn't get to dry.  It was horrible.  That's probably one of the most miserable times of my life.  The tv was boring, I wasn't interested in games... the only thing I had to look forward to was people visiting.  I remember my dad coming, (he couldn't stay, because of my brother)  (although I think he traded places with mom one night so she could get a decent night's sleep) he climbed into the awful tent with me, which made me feel less miserable.  I remember lying in there, looking out at my mom, holding her hand, and just crying.

Thankfully, I was allowed out of the tent for little bits of time, and once, my cousin Ted came to see me.  He gave me a book, and a stuffed animal.  I think the book is called Tuesday, and naturally, I still have it.  It means the world to me.  (the stuffed animal came with the book.  It was a large green frog)

I too had to eat soft foods, but for me, that was GREAT!  I got so many treats.  Like frozen yogurt, jello, pudding, whip cream, macaroni and cheese (which was very rare, because back then I was vegan, and soy macaroni just doesn't cut it).

I also got sick at one point, but I don't know why.  Maybe too many sweets....  :)

 There were so many really nice nurses, but my favorite was Connie, she promised to get me a doll.  (of course, she never did, but I still feel special.  :) )

So, after a while I finally got to go home.  They took the IV out of my arm (I thought it was pretty disgusting) and we packed up my stuff.

We still had our old volvo, it was parked in the garage, and I was really tired, so mom let me sit in the front seat with it leaned back, the whole ride home.  I felt really grown up.  :)

When we got home (we still lived in the shop {our garage}) I remember being greeted by my dad and brother.  My aunt Jenni came and gave me a siamese cat stuffed animal and a balloon.

For a few weeks afterwards I got to eat all of the tasty things still (which I LOVED).

My kindergarden class, and my brother's class had both made me get well cards, which I think was really sweet of them.

Now, I was an avid thumb sucker, and I suddenly had to stop, because of the stitches, so at night I had to wear an arm brace so I wouldn't doing it without thinking.  (boy, was that uncomfortable)  Well, after a while of not sucking my thumb, it kinda broke the habit, which is good I suppose.  But isn't that sad that a little kid couldn't do her comfort thing right after surgery???  :)

Oh, and the stitches were the kind that dissolve after a while. 

So, anyway, be glad yours isn't like that.  I hope I haven't freaked you out, that wasn't the point.  Plus, your older, so you'll understand it better.  I swear it will be fine.  Good luck again!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 

submitted by Laura☮
(December 7, 2009 - 2:37 pm)

Too bad that they're doing that then.  Last year they tried to get me to get shots on my birthday.  No way!

You'll do fine.  Good luck!!!!



submitted by Laura☮
(December 6, 2009 - 9:10 pm)

I recently had my wisdom teeth out, if that counts. *shrug* For all that it's oh so big and scary and painful, it actually didn't hurt. At all. Well, I got a little muscle stiffness in my cheeks from having to bite down on the gauze for 12 hours (to stop the bleeding) but the actual sockets didn't hurt at all. They also didn't have to put me to sleep, which was nice, they just gave me like six shots of Novacaine (brilliant stuff) and I was fine.

Not that that exactly counts as "surgery" I would think, it only took like thirty minutes after the Novacaine kicked in...

What're you getting done?

submitted by TNO, age 16, Deep Space
(December 7, 2009 - 11:56 am)


Right now they are just uncovering a tooth and trying to maneuver it into place, the tooth didn't grow in the right spot, and they can't figure out exactly where it is. Also if they leave the tooth too long it could cut these two things over my two front teeth which would sever their connection to the rest of my mouth, turn them greyish and eventually make them fall out. 

I will probably have to get another surgery some time later, and I will eventually have to get braces.


submitted by Nighthawlk, age 13
(December 9, 2009 - 3:46 pm)

Yay, the surgery went fine! I am still taking pain medication and am only eating soft food, but other than that I am fine.


submitted by Nighthawk, age 13
(December 23, 2009 - 3:29 pm)


submitted by Laura☮
(December 24, 2009 - 2:03 pm)

I'm glad the surgery went well for you, Nighthawk! :)

That seems like it would be a scary thing to go through.

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(December 26, 2009 - 5:11 pm)