Anime group!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Anime group!

Anime group!

Our thread for Make a Friend. You seem to be on a lot, can't wait to start talking to you!

I have some questions for you!

1) What characters have you cosplayed as?

2)Would you want to have some of our AEs meet? I think they would get along!


[Could you bookmark this thread if you post before me?] 

submitted by Reuby@Jay
(March 13, 2023 - 10:11 pm)

I like AI..but also not. I like to mess around with at at times, if I want to quickly making something..but it's not my favorite. I worry that it will replace irl artist like my self...and if it does. There won't be a need for buying art, you can just go on AI and make it your self with the click of a button!

I haven't tried the writing tool, but my out look on that is the same. I don't like it, but at the same time it's sorta usefull. I honestly don't know what to think. I can't hate it...but I do...I don't really know. I'll wait and see where it goes. 

submitted by Reuby Moonnight, age :p, 4pm Bookstacks
(April 4, 2023 - 6:20 pm)

Yeah, I've got pretty much the same opinion. It shouldn't be used to replace real artists, plus the artists suing AI companies for art theft have legitimate claims.

The writing tools like Chat GPT are scary, to be honest. I asked Chat CPT to write me a rap about hippopotamus gansters who wear plaid and are afraid of the color green, and it did it. I mean, when you need a rap about hippopotamus gangsters, it's nice, but what about when it can write a rap about hippo gangsters faster and better than a human.

submitted by Just Jay
(April 5, 2023 - 7:18 am)

I really don't like that.


I haven't used Chat GPT, mainly because you have to sign in to use it. And you need a phone number.....I don't have a phone. If I did I'd you it for stupid stuff. But there are some things AI can help with. If you ask Chat GPT to explain something in simple terms, it will! My dad has an account, so I don't use it. But I still don't like it...and it's developing so fast! Crazy. 

submitted by Reuby Moonnight, 4pm Bookstacks
(April 8, 2023 - 7:22 pm)

Yeah, there's other websites you can find that let you use Chat CPT without making an account, although there's a limit on how many prompts you can give it in a day.

Yeah, it is rather crazy. It does have some handy uses, though. It can debug simple code errors, for one. But the amount of things it can do is insane! I've seen examples where it writes a song with accompanying chords, or play tic-tac-toe.

There are some things it can't do, though. I asked it to make me some ascii art and it never looked remotely like the prompt.

submitted by Just Jay
(April 10, 2023 - 9:14 am)

I haven't played any games with AI, but I haaave asked for millions of pictures...they all look....ookk? Extra fingers, extra arms! LEGS! I looked in disgust. I mean, there were some that were's not my favorite.


Anyways! Was it hot where you live? It was my town!

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(April 11, 2023 - 5:24 pm)

Yeah, it's weird. There's a low of, like, 50 and a high of 70 today. Totally unheard of for New England until at least May. I wore shorts yesterday! I didn't bring a coat to school for the first time since before winter.

Ugh, climate change.

submitted by Chaser & Jay
(April 12, 2023 - 12:51 pm)

Today was really hot this morning...and then it got colder. BUT! It took me an hour to get to sleep last night...because it was so hot! I even got my shorts out..crazy! But. I can't wait for summer!

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(April 14, 2023 - 6:24 pm)

I know! I can't wait for summer either. It's gonna be great! What's one of the things you're looking forward to over the summer?

submitted by Just Jay
(April 18, 2023 - 11:44 am)

Oh, and also, I should mention that I might not be able to reply until next Monday... My school has april break right now and it's a little tricky for me to get online when I'm not in school.

submitted by Just Jay
(April 18, 2023 - 12:27 pm)

Oh that's fine! I can wait!

Hmm, what I'm excited for over the summer...prolly... A movie making camp I have, The boston FanEXPO, the ren fair ofc, My birthday, and my girlfriend coming up for a week!

How about you! 

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(April 20, 2023 - 3:35 pm)

Ooh, the movie making camp sounds fun! I have a friend who does a lot of stuff like that! I also can't wait for FanEXPO (even though I probably won't be able to go), and my birthday's in May so it's coming up! Other things I'm excited for... We've got a family reunion over the summer, so that'll be fun, and I'm going to a 1-week sleepaway camp where we'll do things like mountain bike and rock climb (on real rock outside! I've only ever rock climbed in a rock gym, so I'm super excited).

I'm SO excited for the ren fair. I dunno if I'll be able to make it, but I really hope I can. I need to think about my costume...

submitted by It's Jay of course
(April 26, 2023 - 7:57 am)

I really can't wait! But, my girlfriend might be coming up to see us in the summer...that week. And the camp from 9-1 every day that week. Hopefully plans change.

Oh! Happy early birthday! If it's okay with you, may I ask what age your turning?

A family reunion sounds fun... if your not an introverted loner like me who only comes out of her shell around her friends and partner.

Wow! a sleep away camp! never been to one of those! Rock climbing is fun, and like you, I've only climbed in a gym.

I realized the Ren fair is two hours away from my town....but hopefully I can go. If I do,...I have no idea what I'm going as >_< 

submitted by Reuby Moonnight, waiting for summer
(April 27, 2023 - 7:42 am)

Hmm, that's a difficult situation. Welp, good luck, and I hope you're able to spend more times with your girlfriend!

I'm turning 15. It's gonna be great!

Oof, good luck with your family reunion. We have one every year and it's more trouble than fun in my experience.

I'm so so so excited! It's gonna be so awesome and I can't wait!

I can't wait for the ren fair either.  I think I've said this before, but I'm gonna go as a faun/satyr. I'm gonna buy some cheap fake ram horns online and paint them and make ears and decorate the whole thing with flowers and it's gonna be awesome!

submitted by Just Jay, also waiting for summer
(April 28, 2023 - 8:46 am)

Thank you. I hope so.

Wow! I uh, didn't realize you were...two years older than me. I hope you have a good birthday!!

I don't have family reunions very often ...thankfully.

I have a really nice, black, dress that I can wear. Buuut, It's two hours away >~<!

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(April 30, 2023 - 4:10 pm)

I'm not thaat old... at least, I don't feel very old. Strange how that works.

Yeah, you're lucky you don't have them too often. Mostly they're just a pain in the butt.

I kNoW! I don't think it's quite that far away for me, but it's still upwards of one hour. I'm really hoping that my friend will be going so I can hitch a ride with them, and also that I'll be able too, 'cause my schedule for the summer might not work out...

submitted by Just Jay
(May 1, 2023 - 9:25 am)