Chatterbox: Down to Earth



They are nonexsistant!!! Who will join me in the battle against Team Zoodles? Unite, CBers!

submitted by Amethyst, age many years, anti-zoodles
(February 11, 2023 - 4:26 pm)

Impeccable logic. Thank you, all of you. How handy to have everything exploded, Darkling! It was really the best way to solve everything :)

I shall not take sides in the orange-or-grape-juice debate, but whichever one is better, neither of them has to be refrigerated. It would be a needless complication to refrigerate anything, least of all orange (or grape) juice which we need to load our cannons.

submitted by Amethyst, pikagoose :)
(February 25, 2023 - 6:55 pm)

*returns to thread, carrying zoodle weapons and anti-zoodle weapons*

*All zoodlers evacuate*

*Fires all weapons at max power, using physics to conjure the fuel out of thin air using reshaping of the quarks, electrons, and photons in the air*

*connects them to a +1QC charge and -1QC charged magnet connected to solar, wind, heat, and zoodle bycicle generators of electricity (QC is quettacoulomb) so that no matter what, it will always stay running*

*Invents a machine that automatically pulls the fuel out of thin air by rearranging the particles in the air so that I don't have to manually do it*

*Puts ZM, ZN, and ZCG on extra order just in case*

*thread becomes a mess; no one can see anything because the fuel is covering everything*

*chaos causes anti-zoodler base to start collapsing*

*I escape just in time, locking all the doors and taking all keys with me*


submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(February 26, 2023 - 12:25 pm)

I haven't been on here 



Reasons why:

-Rora hates snakes

-Mira hates snakes

-Mira hates veggies, like, oh, say, gooseberries...

-Lyre hates snakes


Anddd that's all we have. Heh heh.

~WARRRRR! *weird battle cry I can't even fathom*~

#Honestly? Cucumbers and snakes? What's the deal.....#


{You guys, calm down! Psst...Mira, you come with me. We're going to ambush the zoodles together!!!}


Also, @Admins, can this historically be the Zoodle Phase? 

I'm not a world historian, but you can call it that if you'd like.


submitted by Rora
(February 26, 2023 - 5:47 pm)

Le gasp! How dare you!

$Yeah! How dare you Mira. I thought you were my FRIEND!!!!!!$

X uh...guys. You do know you can still be friends and have your differences..right? X

$*sobs* but I wanted to have a zoodle party with Miraaa ahaaaaaa*falls on to the floor *.$

!! She'll be there for a might as well take her.!!

X RIN!! X 

submitted by Reuby + AEs
(February 26, 2023 - 9:45 pm)

The are zucchini, not cucumbers. 

submitted by Avara, she/her
(February 28, 2023 - 11:57 am)

*bshshzzt* Chaser to base. I am charging into the open field that all the AZs are hanging out in in the hope of taking out as many as I can before I am captured. See you on the other side of the war. Chaser out. *bzzzssht*


*Charges into Anti-Zoodler base firing ice cream everywhere.* *Blows up all their weapons storage via Pomegranite Bomb, which is like a Pomegranite Grenade but bigger* *Fires a glob of ice cream at the next person to try to disable me, landing right on their forehead and freezing them into a block of ice*

submitted by Chaser & Jay, Enemy Land!, ahhh!
(February 27, 2023 - 12:00 pm)

The weapons are still running, so look out! *immediately hands both Chaser and Jay anti-hot-hot-sauce covering*

*shuts down AZ weapons factory* 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(February 27, 2023 - 6:09 pm)

*Re-opens AZ weapons factory, plus a second one that makes icecream-protection armour*

Get roasted-

submitted by Flamarestii
(February 27, 2023 - 7:48 pm)

*patents icecream-protection armour and all other AZ weapons*

*adds that to autopilot*

*adds orders of ice cream to ZN, ZM, and ZCG* 

submitted by Golden Lion Tamarin
(February 28, 2023 - 11:31 am)



*runs in screaming battle cries*

*throws all pomegranate bombs*

Pomegranate bombs explode into pools of pomegranate juice. Whoever is standing near one when it explodes will be covered in pomegranate juice from head to toe.

submitted by Suki, age 13 eons, Nowhere
(February 27, 2023 - 10:19 pm)

Wow it's like Splatoon in here- *narrowly avoids pomegranate juice*

*joins in with battle cry* feel the power of a paint gun loaded with ice cream, anti-zoodlers!!


submitted by Darkvine
(February 28, 2023 - 9:39 am)

This is Avara.

*joins in battle cry*

*runs towards the battlefield pushing coconut oil cannon*

*fires the cannon, staining the clothes of every anti-zoodler on the battlefield*

Stop persecuting the poor innocent zoodles!

They have done nothing to you. 

The morally correct side, i. e. the pro-zoodle side, will rise to victory. 

submitted by ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODLES, age zooooodles, Zoodleville
(February 28, 2023 - 12:02 pm)


No, no, you're not a zoodle. GET AWAY FROM STRAWBERRY.


#Oh...what are we going to do, Rora?#

Nothing. She's AGAINST zoodles. 

~I have made a decision.~

No, no, no...!


~I am going to be a zoodle. I WILL FIGHT WITH STRAWBERRY!!!!!!!!!!!~



*gets splattered with pomegranate juice* HOW did you get ACCESS to that????????/

#OH HELP!!!!#

~MWAHAHAHA I STAND WITH STRAWBERRY!!!! *Berry Blossom Bakery transforms into zoodle fort*~

NOO, MIra, you are MY AE. You are NOT allowed to--

{Aaaaaaah! WATCH OU----}

#Oh dear, oh no, oh man, oh--*gets splattered with zoodle pie*#

Oh no, now this is a PIE thread? No, no, no....

~I am a ZOOOOOOODDDDDLLLLLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 

submitted by Mira
(February 28, 2023 - 2:53 pm)

Hahahaha! Giant three headed zoodle to the rescue! Anything sweet just feeds my zoodle's power!

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(February 28, 2023 - 4:01 pm)

This is chaos, where are the anti-zoodlers, and what are we coming to? *invents new weapons, such as a cookie cannon and an orange (orange as in the fruit, not as in the color) cannon, for even if the zoodlers are impervious to orange juice they are not impervious to oranges*

*sprays all the zoodlers with oranges and cookies*

*pika and mongoose take some more hostages*

Yes, the zoodles have done something to us. They have pretended to exist, which is basically declaring war. So all we can do is to keep our end up, isn't it--

*chases all zoodlers and zoodles from the thread and back to their own base, spraying oranges and cookies after them as they flee in terror*

*oh, and also takes all their weapons*


(February 28, 2023 - 4:58 pm)