Something has been

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Something has been

Something has been bothering me for a while and I need to get it out. *clears throat* I am thinking about going back to public school next year. *watches as fellow current homeschoolers give her strange looks* It's not because of the schooling, because as far as that goes homeschooling is great. It's just that I've been going to the football games this year and I guess I didn't realize how much I missed some of my old friends that I never could keep in touch with. Some of them are super happy to see me, because they thought I moved or fell off a cliff or something *sarcasm on the cliff thing...*. And some are just shocked. I have tons of friends outside of public school, too, but I really feel like I need to go back. I'm sort of worried, though. I wonder if I've been gone too long and they won't (or some of them won't) still be my friends, or if we still have anything in common. I'm also terrified of going to high school next year. Public high school. I don't even know how to open a locker. I don't know anything! *gulps* I know my friends will help me out, but it's still really scary. But at the same time I wish it wasn't almost a whole year away... Very confusing. *sigh*

I shall stop my rambling now. You can put in your two cents or words of wisdom if you want. Heeheehee... :)

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 21, 2009 - 5:32 pm)

Is there any other reason that you want to go to public school besides the fact to be with your friends more? Because if there isn't then you might want to keep on going with homeschooling. I ahd a friend who thought of going to public school, but then she realized the only reason she wanted to go was to be with friends and she didn't think that was a good enough reason (if you know what I mean) to go. I don't want to sound cruel or anything but school is for learning, not to hang out with friends. But you don't have to listen to me, make your own choices.

submitted by Hannah P., age 13, Georgia
(October 22, 2009 - 8:54 am)

I guess it is the only reason (or the most important

reason, anyway) I want to go back, but it's something

I feel like I need to do. Like I said, I want to renew the

friendships of the people I haven't been able to keep

in touch with, and that seems like the only way I can.

It probably has alot to do with the fact that I wasn't

homeschooled all of my life like alot of you were. If

I had been I probably wouldn't feel this way. *sighs*

My main concern is that some of my old friends that

thought I fell off a cliff won't be my friends anymore.

Maybe we won't have anything in common anymore,

or maybe they'll be mad that I left them. *sniffle*

I worry alot, okay? *sobs dramatically*

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 22, 2009 - 3:24 pm)

Well, definitely do what you think is right, which probably sounds dumb... But still.

I think that you'd like public school, and not only because you can see your friends more often. I mean no offense to homeschoolers/unschoolers, but I think there are just more opportunities for you to develop both educatinal and social skills in a "real school." I'd take a tour first, and see what you think. Lotsa schools offer open houses towards August/September or so.

Re: opening a locker: Heehee, I know. Kathy and I have to share, and it took us forEVer to learn how. Once we did, though-- and I know this'll sound nerdy, but--- it's really really fun to do the whole twisty thing. Makes you feel very professional. XD

submitted by Mary W., age 11.83, NJ
(October 22, 2009 - 3:33 pm)

Thanks, Mary. :) And yeah, I definitely want to take a tour if I do decide to go (which I think I will). I'm excited about it, but I'm upset that it's going to be such a long time away. Almost a whole year... bleh. Anyway, the locker thing does make me nervous, as do most of the other many things I'm going to have to learn if I go back. But hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon enough. Haha, I can understand what you mean about the "twisty thing". It will be a major accomplishment when I finally get that down. ;D

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 23, 2009 - 5:23 pm)

Just wondering, how long have you been homeschooling?


I can't make up your mind for you, but let me just say this: if you want to enter public school again, the start of high school is probably better than, say, 10th or 11th grade. Everybody else will be just as brand-new as you are, and I promise that at least half of them are probably as confused/worried as you are. Also, you can make lots of brand-new friends, not just try to reconnect with old ones.


If you're worried about still being friends with your current friends, I would recommend slowly trying to get back in touch with them. Email them, or all go our some place together. Talk on the phone. After you've spent some more time with them, you'll probably have your answer about who you still have common interests with and who you don't.


And still have plenty of time to decide! :)

submitted by Allison P., age 13
(October 22, 2009 - 5:41 pm)

This is my third year of homeschooling. And I know what you mean about starting at the beginning of high school. That is probably the best idea. :)

Anyway, about the friends, I know I'll make new ones, too, but I just worry about my old ones. I hope we can pick up where we left off for the most part. And the sad thing is that, for some of them at least, I don't even know their phone numbers. Most of them I do, but, for example, I don't know the boys' phone numbers that I was friends with. That would be awkward, anyway, even if I did... But I do have one really good friend that I keep in touch with who goes to that school, so that gives me a few extra opportunities. Thanks for the advice, Allison. :)

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 23, 2009 - 5:35 pm)

I know what you mean with missing the constant socialization and your old friends. You will adjust with time and most likely come to enjoy public school, but one word of advice. I have an acquaintance who stopped homeschooling, and her mom is having a lot of trouble because all of a sudden the standards for Haley (that's the girl's name) are way lower than they used to be, and she is lowering her own expectations for herself to meet the teachers'. Keep your standards high, and make a constant effort to be the extraordinary, not the mediocre. Also, teasing and flat-out rudeness are common things in high school - make an effort to rise above that mentality and stay above it, no matter if you become an object of teasing or rudeness yourself. Anywho, I hope you enjoy public school, and I hope you don't get too "cool" for us geeks. Note the quotes around "cool." :D



submitted by Emily H. :), age 14, Sparks, NV
(October 22, 2009 - 6:13 pm)

Thanks, Emily. :) I'll definitely keep my standards high. And about the teasing and rudeness, *headaches* I know. Even just going to the football games I had to put up with some of the more jerk-ish people asking why I "chickened out" of middle school and all of that stuff. I'm also known for my "shyness" and people like to tease me about that, too. I'm a little more outgoing now than I was in elementary, though, so I (hopefully) won't be teased about that too much. ;) And don't worry. I'll never get too "cool" for you guys. ;D

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 23, 2009 - 5:51 pm)

My advice is, don't do it!!!! Kids at public schools are often rude (no offense meant to everyone who goes to public school). There's gangs, there's far too many cliques, and it's just not good for you! I am very thankful that my mother has never sent me to public school. On the other hand, you get to see your friends every day, something we homeschoolers don't get to do. But if you are done with the present subject in school, and the period isn't over, you can't move on to the next thing! I usually get done before 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and then I have a lot of time to myself. Please don't do it!!!! Sorry, I am being overly dramatic, as my mother would say. Sorry.

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12.5, Somewhere
(October 25, 2009 - 2:58 pm)

I know, there are plenty of downsides to public school,

too, but I just feel like it's the best thing for me now.

I mean, there are alot of bad kids there, but I have alot

of good friends there too that I feel like I left behind. :\

I hope they'll accept me back pretty well... *sigh* But

anyway, thanks for your advice, Elizabeth. :)

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(October 27, 2009 - 9:15 am)