More AEs?! 

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

More AEs?! 

More AEs?! 



Um. I have a new AE, now. Pancake created her and let me take her. Tamarindo is her name, but I think I might change it... Only problem is, I can't think of anything! So give me a second...



Elixer? That sounds like a boys name... Ooo that gives me an idea




What if I got two new AEs?
















Hmm. That'd be fun, and really hectic... Eh I can take it. Let's get these AEs here!




Uh, hi! I'm Tamarindo! You can call me Tama, if you want. I like helping people! I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and olive skin. My hair is pink, like cotton candy! 

*~Soo many people...~*




*Hey, I'm Elixer! I'm literally just Periwinkle's happy side. But I can be very energetic too! Sorta like if Chai over here calmed down once in a while. I've got blonde hair and olive skin!*


Well, this post is already long, but those are my new AEs. I hope they don't burn down my house... 

submitted by Peri and 5 AEs?!, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(November 30, 2021 - 6:19 pm)

<AHH HI GUYS!! Oh my goodness Tama I love your hair oh my goodness *shapeshifts to have pink hair* Oh I'm Lore, any pronouns!> 

<Hello, Tamarindo and Elixer. I love your names! I'm Corrigenda, but you may call my Corrie. I'm the twin sibling of Lore, and I go by she/they pronouns. Welcome to the Chatterbox!> 

^hey im diamond xe/xem see you around^

Welcome to the CB! I'm Ginger, she/her, and since they're to shy to, I'll introduce True.


This is True, they/them. 

~*waves shyly*~

I'm Barnacle, he/him.  

And since we saved the best for last, I'm Koi, she/her. I'm also a cat BUT I'M AN AE DON'T CONFUSE ME WITH CAPTCHAS-- 

submitted by pangolin, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(December 1, 2021 - 5:47 pm)

Here are my *ahem* 6 AEs.


~Hello~! ~I am storyTeller~! ~I am Pancake's very first AE~! ~I used to speak like Pancake, but now I talk like this~! ~I am Pancake's story telling side~!

I am Wyyiz, Pancake's second AE. It's nice to meet you. I am Pancake's nicest side.

I am Mx Out, who just so happens to be the most awesome AE ever and Pancake's third AE!!!! I am also Pancake's destructive side!!!

I am Yuki! Pancake's fourth. I am Pancake's weird side.

~&I am Aysha, Pancake's fifth AE and fancy side.&~

>>>LOADING>>>LOADED>>>I am Zosia, Pancake's 6th AE and creative side>>>LOADING>>>LOADED INSTRUCTIONS>>>SUBMIT>>>POWER OFF 

submitted by Pancake, age Open24hour, Pizza Place
(December 1, 2021 - 8:30 pm)