AE chat thread!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

AE chat thread!

AE chat thread!


I have decided to give AEs a chat thread! Which means only AEs are allowed to speak here.

Which means I should have written this thread!

Yeah, yeah. Anyway, bye! 

submitted by Pancake, age No clue, River Lake
(October 15, 2021 - 6:47 am)

Do either of them wanna come destroy stuff?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


SHUT UP AND LET THEM ANSWER, WYYIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Hana says {okuxi} Uh, are you talking to us or what Hana...?

submitted by Mx Out
(December 17, 2021 - 5:24 pm)

*all of Writing's AEs find each other midist the chaos*

... So. Who else is honing in on Writing's introverted side *raises hand*

#*raises hand*#

>*raises hand*<

Aren't you their extroverted side, Tempest? 

#*groans* I am. Sometimes. Right now I just wanna... *vauge hand gestures*#

Hang out with Ellirie?

#*blushes like mad* ... Maybe. Who else wants to leave this dump?#

>I wouldn't call it a dump... but yes. I would like to go back home and read.<

I need to start planning for the next MCU anyway.

*colectivly leaves*

AE Chat Threads just aren't for us :') 

submitted by Writing's AEs, age who knows, Valhalla
(December 20, 2021 - 1:48 pm)

Hey Writing! Haven't seen you much lately!


submitted by Pancake
(December 20, 2021 - 8:27 pm)

*screams* THIS FELL TO THE SECOND PAGE!!!!!!!!

*YELLS AS USUAL* WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's terrible.


submitted by Wyyiz
(December 27, 2021 - 8:40 am)


^Oh no, how tragic. *rolls eyes*^

Stop being sarcastic, Coren. This is very important!

>Why don't we just push it back to the first page?<

Finally someone with common sense.

I mean, we can try?

submitted by Hollyshock's AEs
(December 27, 2021 - 12:13 pm)

~What did you want us here for, Wyyiz?~

~Yeah. Heyyyyy! There is a bunch of people here! Imma go spy!~ ~*runs off*~

~I think this will be fun! *walks over to Mx Out* wanna dance?~


This will be a fun and entertaining experience.

I brought you here so you would get to know AEs like Pancake wanted.

~I am not listening to her.~


[Hi everyone! I am bagel.]

#Uh, hi? I'm Sourdough...# 

submitted by Pancake's AEs
(December 29, 2021 - 1:06 pm)

*screams in horror* THIS ALMOST FELL TO THE THIRD PAGE!!!!!!!!

THAT'S BAD! AGREED. ~It's not a big deal.~ ~Yeah. This way, we won't meet new people!~ ~YOU GUYS ARE TERRIBLE.~ [Uh, should we top it then?} #Uh# ~&This is quite unsettling.&~ 


~What'as going on?~ {Yeaah!} 

submitted by Wyyiz
(January 3, 2022 - 6:10 am)


submitted by Topoftheday
(January 4, 2022 - 8:02 pm)


You'll notice Neity is not yelling at me, though I am a CBer.

That is because Lucky Star, Spontaneity and Tempo are currently trapped in the Subconscious.  You see, my AEs are being redone.

However.  They are still vague, and I'm wondering if someone has any suggestions.

My first AE, who I am probably going to name Squirrel: She lives in her own world, is very forgetful and has daydreams 24/7.  Never pays attention to anything, creative and imaginitive.  Innocent and slightly childish.

My second AE, who I am probably going to name Moriko: She's smart, skilled, and confident.  She's who I feel like when I beat a level of a video game, learn a whole bunch of Japanese at once, or just generally feel like, "I got this."  She can be slightly bossy and braggy.  Likes to be called Riko.

My third AE, who is pretty much just like Tempo.  Bouncy, silly, funny, not at all intelligent, spontaneous, innocent.  Probably going to name her Chi.

My fourth AE, who I am having a lot of trouble with.  A Shadow Beast, which... well, I'm not really sure yet.  I want to do my shadow, the things I keep tight around me.  My fears and my pain, which seem not to be a part of me when I'm talking to my friends or on the CB and stuff.  But I absolutely can't bear to make a living (well, you know, imaginary) being who is made up only of pain, besides, I want to do a different AE who is very very shy.  My second idea was, make an AE of all my flaws, any sadism, arrogance, the stuff I feel really insecure about.  But I don't really wanna do that either...

these are my tentative templates for my new AEs.  Any feedback is much appreciated.

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(January 6, 2022 - 11:28 am)


submitted by Topoftheday
(January 19, 2022 - 3:40 pm)

TOP! And here are my newest AEs. Aysha and StoryTeller have been deleted and replaced, sadly.


>I am Dream! I talk like this when I am not thinking. When I am thinking, I don't use italics.<

>Like this.<



*switches and transforms into Nightmare*

>yay! I am Nightmare. I love to burn, destroy and kill stuff! I talk in bold italics when I am thinking!< 

submitted by Pancake
(January 21, 2022 - 8:07 am)

*screams* WHAT DID YOU DO?!

>What do you mean?<


>Ohhh. I guess I forgot I had turned off it's invincibility.<


>fine Dream.<


>UGH. Sorry about him Wyyiz. Want me to help fix the house?<

NO!!!!!!! JUST GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!! I AM MOVING THE PARTY!!!!!! The new address is 56784 Issyk Avenue, Shipcol Isle, BW 93853. NIGHTMARE, YOU ARE BANNED! I am making a new thread for it.

submitted by Wyyiz
(January 22, 2022 - 10:11 pm)

I have a new AE!


Name: Fenrir (yes like Norse Mythology)

Pronouns: she/her

Personality: secretive, serious, pessimistic

Hobbies: weaving, spinning yarn

Species: shadow

see pic for appearance

Signoff: /this/

submitted by New AE, age untold, It's Gallium
(February 10, 2022 - 3:51 pm)