Stuffed animals!

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Stuffed animals!

Stuffed animals!


Yes yes I know what you're thinking. "Oh my gosh Alex, Stuffies?? I'm like, too old. Ugh."


Be honest with yourself


You still like stuffies.


I made a thread about this a year or two ago, but since there are new people on the CB, I figured, why not?

This is what I'm gonna call a "no judging zone" You will not be judged if you have stuffies, not if you're 12, 13, 15, or even 42. (But I don't think there's any 42 year olds on the CB...)


Post pictures,  tell stories, whatever! 

submitted by Alex
(August 31, 2021 - 8:45 pm)

I have this one stuffie, and he changed my life. 

I got him on my sixth birthday from a best friend. A stuffed hedgehog, dubbed Sir Hedgey. Then, not 4 months later, we moved. He was already pretty special because of my friend,  but when we got there, this boy at my school challenged me to write a book about Sir Hedgey. I was rather besmitten with the boy, so I obliged. As I worked on the story, I found I really enjoyed writing. My first version was about a dragon-slaying palooza but got revised into more of a rescued kidnapping. The story got way too long and never really went anywhere, admittedly (the result of 5 years' sporratic work.) But it sparked a love in writing for me, and I am ever so grateful for my dear, stuffed friend Sir Hedgey.

submitted by Squirrel , age 12, Revolutionary Grape Jelly
(September 22, 2021 - 5:46 am)
submitted by top!
(October 15, 2021 - 2:05 pm)