Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Hello! My name is Sunshine Summers. We recently have experiecned a pandemic and it has been very hard but we have all perservered and hopefully stuff will go back to normal soon. Because of this some were not automatically able to go back to school, so distanced learning on zoom was the best we could do at the moment. As you know some have been on zoom for a very long time. We have learned the quirks and advantages to it. When to unmute, change your backround, raise your hang e.t.c. So on this thread everybody give your pros and cons about Zoom. Tips, ideas to improve it, what you thought about it, what you enjoyed about it, its flaws and anything in general you can come up with.

Thx! See you Soon! 

submitted by Sunshine S, age 12, California
(April 20, 2021 - 10:58 pm)

This is awesome! 

Something good to know for everybody would be when to use filters and backgrounds and when not to. So many people goof off with filters, and most teachers have limits for that sort of thing.


One time, there was this super windy day. Everybody was getting kicked off zoom, and my teacher just decided to end it. At one point, my class was down to a fourth of what it had been!  

submitted by Milly Sunstar, age 12, California
(April 21, 2021 - 6:27 pm)
submitted by panTOPlin
(April 22, 2021 - 7:49 am)

Ya, for sure! Some people put some hilarious yet silly backrounds on. That is so funny. Windy days can really effect school. Zoom school. Ya, I wish there was a way to make a better connection when people are trying to sing or speak at the same time.

submitted by Sunshine Summers, age 12, California
(April 22, 2021 - 5:40 pm)

What a great idea! Here are a few comments/tips about Zoom.

It may be funny to make your head upside down, but when you are on a game show for school, the supervisor may not be happy. (This actually happened: And since I had to help plan the game show, I was also assigned to watch the other DLs. Apperantly one was bored. XD)

How to ask questions when your teacher has turned the chat off:

Our science teacher turned the chat off one day after the DLs had a long conversation about what would happen if the sun became a red giant. Therefore, whenever we have questions, it is rather difficult to ask. So, one of my friends figured out that you can change your name to be "I have a question!" And, after that, they got there question answered.  

How do use Zoom to your advantage:

So, I don't know if I am the only one out there to say this, but some pretty hilarious things can happen on Zoom. I mean, sometimes someone starts singing (this actually happened! They forgot to mute themselves), some bangs their head on the keyboard (Also happened), and some mimes their brain exploding (Yep, this happened too!). So, whenever there are strange, silly, or tech difficulties turned laughing matters, I suggest you alway try to enjoy them. Even if it is your teacher giving a narrative about what they're having for lunch (this happened today! Apparently, my teacher hasn't had a PB and J for 20 years). Zooming is always much more fun when there is something to laugh about! 

submitted by Neverseen
(April 22, 2021 - 3:30 pm)

Agreed. That is reallly funny. Whoa, your teacher hasn't had a PB and J for 20 years. I think I had one this week. All those incidents sound so funny. But with Zoom anything can happen. I never knew that about changing your name to get the teacher's attention. That is a really good tip. Usually I just press the raise hand button a lot. Haha!

See you soon! 

submitted by Sunshine S, age 12, California
(April 22, 2021 - 5:37 pm)

I'm glad I was (sort of) helpful! And about the PB and J - I really don't know why my teacher hasn't had one in so long - when she said how long it had been, all of the DLs looked at her with pity. Maybe she just wanted to share a good story? I don't know. This teacher also loves to talk about haemophilia and murdered royals though sooo...our Social studies Zooms with her are always interesting. XD

submitted by Neverseen
(April 23, 2021 - 2:52 pm)