Feet! This thread

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Feet! This thread

Feet! This thread is for talking about your feet!

submitted by Cara C., age 12, Imbler, OR
(September 18, 2009 - 11:52 am)

Mine only get painted about once a year. Maybe twice if my friend has a nail party. However, I recently painted my fingernail light blue with a Golden Snitch on the ring finger. They were really pretty. :)

submitted by Brynne, age 14, Wizarding Europ
(September 19, 2009 - 8:59 pm)

I don't think my toenails have ever been painted. That is weird, I'll admit it. 



submitted by Emily H. :), age 14!, Sparks, NV
(September 19, 2009 - 9:26 pm)

Nail polish?  *shivers*  I don't paint my nails, or toe nails.

submitted by Meadow
(September 20, 2009 - 10:57 am)

I don't really have much to say about my feet exept my right one is in a cast! :(

submitted by Sydsyd, age 11, PA
(September 19, 2009 - 5:51 pm)

I like to paint my toenails red and orange.

submitted by Rachel P, age 11 12 soon, GA
(September 19, 2009 - 6:59 pm)

My feet are broad, and high.  They are also black because I was runing around with bare feet for a while.  My pinky toe nails also look weird.

submitted by Meadow
(September 19, 2009 - 7:28 pm)

I choose not to participate in this thread...my feet embarrass me. Charlotte/BuksRul, no comments!!!! You cannot tell people that my feet are like a size ten to ten and a half!!! Well, there goes that secret....

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12.5, A Jonas Brother
(September 20, 2009 - 3:51 pm)

Well, they're just normal feet I guess, Lol. I have my toenails and my fingernails painted a dark burgundy-ish color right now. I wear a size 7 to 7-and-a-half in shoes. Hmm... My two big toes have been sore lately and I think they might be getting ingrown even though I cut them and take care of them just fine *grrr*. Er, and that's about it. My feet aren't special like yours are... XP 

submitted by Megan M., age 14, Ohio
(September 20, 2009 - 7:44 pm)

I never paint my nails. You see, 6 years ago, when I was 5, I tried it. I hated the smell of the polish remover, and decided it wasn't worth painting my nails if I had to inhale that odor. I haven't painted them ever since, and I don't see why I should, so...

submitted by Ima
(September 20, 2009 - 8:59 pm)

:D I paint my nails only because I'm obsessed with having unnatural neon colors on my body o.O And I let the polish fade off cuz I can't stand nail polish remover either *barfs*

submitted by Koffee
(September 22, 2009 - 8:04 pm)

Yeah, same here. :)

submitted by Brynne, age 14, Middle Earth
(September 23, 2009 - 4:17 pm)


submitted by Koffee
(September 24, 2009 - 6:49 pm)

Ya, I always paint my toes, becuz I think my toes look weird without paint.  :S  I don't particularly like my toes.  They are longish and skinny and I pick.... yes, pick, SOMETIMES ONLY my toenails.  Well, I only started doing that, so I could stop biting or picking my fingernails, but neither works.  My nails are always a mess so the best thing I do is paint them!!!

submitted by R~D~
(September 24, 2009 - 9:46 pm)

Ugh, I know how you feel.  My finger nails are a mess.  I mean, I don't really bite them, but just while I'm reading or doing ANYTHING I automatically pick them.  Sooo, I try to paint over them, but that never lasts long, because I usually pick it off in a couple days.  Stupid habit! :P I really get mad with myself over it... Ugh..

submitted by Kenzie
(September 28, 2009 - 2:45 pm)

Hmm....sounds like me. Except I hardly ever paint my toenails or my fingernails.

submitted by Elizabeth W., age 12.5, Somewhere
(September 28, 2009 - 2:51 pm)