Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Does anyone think they have more than me?! I have at least 18 girls beetween the age of six and14!! Yay Friends!!!:D :D
P.S. If you ever see any threads by Mustard, she's my little sis!!
P.S.S. Do any of you have club penguins because she's really into it!
submitted by Sydsyd, age 11, PA
(September 13, 2009 - 5:52 pm)
(September 13, 2009 - 5:52 pm)
I don't have any neighbors my age. *sigh*
(September 16, 2009 - 7:28 pm)
My very wonderful friend Kathy lives a bike ride away from us, so we see each other lots'n'lots. Otherwise though, excepting the nice elderly German couple across the street, I'm not very... neighbourly, I s'pose you'd say. ;)
I've timed my bike rides so they take the same amount of time as singing I Want the Good Times Back, though, which is kinda sad on my part. ;)
(September 17, 2009 - 6:56 pm)
I only have two neighbors that are anywhere near my age. One of them is a couple years younger than me, and plays with my sister, who is a couple years younger than me, mostly games I don't like. The other neighbor is one year older than me, which wouldn't be a problem except she has a boyfriend, and seems to be... well... not my type at all. I don't really play(crossed off) hang out with my neighbors.
(September 18, 2009 - 1:14 pm)
I've got...let me think... nine girls between the ages of two and sixteen, and ten boys between the same ages, and counting my family twelve girls and thirteen boys, so total thats...ummm...twenty five.
(September 18, 2009 - 5:13 pm)
There's a family who lives right down the street from me, and one of the girls is close to my age (the other is slightly older) but they're public schoolers and play like six different sports so they're always gone and busy. Then there's a family a block away who has three kids ages 7-10 or something like that. They are also almost always gone.
(September 19, 2009 - 2:43 pm)