What is the
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
What is the
What is the heckin difference between aes and captchas and whatnot?
submitted by Howdee, age 13, Who wants to know?
(November 19, 2020 - 7:46 am)
(November 19, 2020 - 7:46 am)
What is the heckin difference between aes and captchas and whatnot?
An AE is generally a person. It is supposed to represent a part of their CBers personality. For example, Georgia is my energetic, optimistic, extroverted side -
Hello! That's me!
Diana is my calm, sweet, helpful side.
Hi there.
And Arrow is my sarcastic, easily annoyed, anti-social side.
I'm not anti social. I just avoid social interaction.
That's literally the definition of anti social...
Anyway, a CAPTCHA is the code that you put in to post a comment on the CB. Some CBers give their CAPTCHAs names and make them into characters, often animals. They speak in five-letter increments, because captchas are five-letter codes. For example, my captcha is a puppy named Memphis.
~hello~ ~iiiii~ ~ammmm~ ~memmm~ ~phiss~ ~theee~ ~puppy~
Translation: hello i am memphis the puppy.
Hopefully this helped, AEs and CAPTCHAs are very complex ideas, I guess.
(November 19, 2020 - 11:01 am)
(November 19, 2020 - 5:56 pm)
AEs are generally beings that talk naturally. They represent sides of a CBer, as MM said.
I'm Timeshifter, Night's most responsible AE.
I'm only going to allow Time and Ilian to represent, as the rest will go crazy.
&Iiamm& &Ilian& &Nigts& &mstqu& &tcptc& &hahlo&
((Translation : I am Ilian, Night's most quiet CAPTCHA. Hello.))
CAPTCHAs are the 5 letter spam box at the bottom of your post, you have to fill that in. Some CBers have multiple, some have one, others have none.
(November 20, 2020 - 1:22 am)
Awesome! Thanks Guys! Imma make so many of them.
You all ready have three
(November 24, 2020 - 2:29 pm)