Hellooooo!! I've been

Chatterbox: Down to Earth

Hellooooo!! I've been

Hellooooo!! I've been wanting to say something here for literal years, and now I'm finally doing it! (Yay!) How is everyone doing during quarantine?? I actually don't mind it, because I'm an introvert and staying inside by myself is actually my ideal lifestyle, lol. Also, my online school is way better than I was expecting it to be so that's cool! It's harder to keep track of assignments though.

Besides school I've been reading a lot, watching TV, drawing, and writing. I'm currently working on a comic about a girl who finds herself in an alternate dimension where she is in charge of keeping people's secrets safe. Each secret is its own creature and she is the only person who can see them all! I already have the plot figured out, so now I just have to draw it, but I keep procrastinating on it... I'll finish it at some point though!

Lately I've been really into anime, so I started watching a lot of that, too. As for reading, I really love sci fi and fantasy so I've been reading a lot of stuff in those genres. Does anyone have any suggestions? I also have been reading a lot of online webcomics, and right now my favorites are "unOrdinary" and "DPS Only". I'll take suggestions for shows, webcomics, or things to read anytime!

Anyways, if you are reading my random post, hello, have a great day, and stay safe everybuggy!! 

submitted by elly s, age 13, USA
(September 20, 2020 - 2:52 pm)

Hi elly! Quarantine is...boring...but I'm not going insane yet xD Your comic idea sounds really cool, I'd love to read it when you're done! I want to write a graphic novel this year but I'm not sure what to do it about yet. As for book recommendations, have you read Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor? It's based on Nigerian mythology, and it has a sequel called Akata Warrior. They're both really good. :) Anyway welcome to the Chatterbox, I hope you like it here!

submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(September 20, 2020 - 6:12 pm)
submitted by TOP!
(September 24, 2020 - 8:17 am)

Welcome elly! I agree, your comic sounds super cool! Have you found the New Ultimate Guide, courtasy of Kitten, yet?

*looks for it*

Here it is!


Well, read you around! 

submitted by Jade J.
(September 24, 2020 - 5:50 pm)