Rant Thread
Chatterbox: Down to Earth
Rant Thread
Rant Thread
>>This has been made before, I forget by who. I don't really remember whether of not it turned out well, so if not please ignore this!!! You can rant on Random Thoughts/Things, or a different thread, or wherever.
I'm going to try to explain this. Rant Thread, is well.. a thread for rants ._. If you're going through a hard time, or something about the world just really bugs you, talk about it here. You don't need to be ranting about heavy subjects. You can rant about how pencils drop and disappear into the third dimension, if you feel like it!
Try not to be too personal. Or say anything that the Admins might have to clean up. Try not to anyways.
You don't have to share everything or anything. You can comment a frowny face and kind CBers will already start virtually hugging you. :)
Keep arguments to an absolute minimum. No rudeness either, though I amn't very worried about that on such a wonderful place as the CB.
(July 13, 2020 - 4:11 pm)
Kind of similar to what Summer said, I think masks don't just say you're scared or paranoid or your just following the rules. It can also say that you pay attention to what's happening, and you care about other people's health just as much as your own. Especially for people who can't wear a mask, it so much safer and more considerate to them to be wearing one yourself!
(July 20, 2020 - 1:44 pm)
I wish to explain exactly why I get sad when I think that not everyone is a Christian. It is not because I think I'm better than you.
(I'm grateful to the Admins for reading these sensitive posts about beliefs and I hope that this explanation won't come across as judgmental or rude in any way. That is not something I want to do at all! I simply want to explain how my beliefs change the way I view the world.)
I believe that if someone accepts Jesus into their heart, meaning they repent (by saying something like: "I'm a sinner and I know that the only way to have everlasting life is through You, God") they won't have to die and go to hell. Instead they (the believers) are given everlasting life. When a believer dies they go to Heaven to be with God forever.
I consider you a friend Kitten, you're an amazing person and I love reading your RP posts.
I only tell you these things because I care about you, I know you don't believe in God. But, as a Christian, I have been charged to go out and preach the Bible to the people who don't believe in it.
But all should remember to respect the beliefs of others, even if they are the opposite of yours.
(July 20, 2020 - 1:51 pm)
I appreciate your concern. I don’t have the same beliefs as you, but I’m glad that you wish the best for me, whatever form that wish may take. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts.
(July 20, 2020 - 11:11 pm)
@A Concerned Person, I know exactly what you're saying, and I definitely agree with you! Unfortunately, I think what you said is about all we can say. This topic is a little too deep for the CB. That is not to say it's not important, because it very much is. We can still discuss it, but I think pressing the matter here and going to deep into it isn't going to accomplish anything besides more confusion and censoring. Long story short, the CB is not the place to talk in depth about this. I agree with the Admins. I think Bible verses are excellent and should not be offensive to others as they are, but when quoted here they should also be kept kind and respectful, not targeted, if you know what I mean? I hope you do. We can discuss things, but I think deeper issues are not what this site is made for.
I also agree that this thread should not have turned into a debate. Even if it's an important topic, from the perspective of this thread I see ACP as "ranting" from her worldview, not challenging others. If you want to talk about this, I think a better place would be Strawberri's debate club thread or the Activist's thread?
I hope this didn't sound too harsh! Let me know if I said anything wrong...
(July 21, 2020 - 9:04 am)
I don't really know how to say this, and I get where you are coming from, but I disagree. I don't really want to go into a bigger debate about this, and Jwyn is right, this doesn't really belong on this thread, but your third paragraph bothered me.
Thank you for worrying about me, but it still felt like you were telling me I was "wrong" not to have that same belief. I am certain that isn't what you were trying to do. However, it still felt that way. I am not offended or anything if you want to say your beliefs, you have every right to do so. What I don't really feel comfortable with is you telling me I need to believe the same thing as you to go to Heaven. I don't know what happens after you die, but personally- and again, just personally- I don't really think it has to do with wether or not you believe in God.
(July 21, 2020 - 11:23 am)
You know what I'd really like to rant about?
That people feel like they need to post under a pseudonym because other people won't respect their beliefs.
That people have even had bad experiences with people not respecting their beliefs.
That, because we're not talking in person, it's difficult to explain oneself fully online, and some peoples'
thoughts are censored*, we sometimes have to assume what other
peoples' thoughts and opinions are. (@Velvet Serpent, I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make, and I can't tell whether I agree or disagree with what you said. Would it be possible for you to clarify, especially on your point about "hate speech"?)
That it's difficult to have a conversation about sensitive topics without people feeling hurt or defensive.
That human rights, respecting other peoples' beliefs, and listening to medical experts are sensitive topics at all.
That this rant thread has turned into a debate thread.
That my "reputation" might be completely changed by how much I've been debating recently and how long-winded my rant/debate/opinion posts are.
That my "reputation" is even a thing I worry about.
That I'm possibly going to regret making this post, but I know that I'd regret not making it even more.
That we're putting so much work on the Admins to sort through posts and choose what to post and what not to post, and that people are then getting upset with them if they make a choice that those people disagree with. They're just trying to keep the CB a safe, kind, and respectful place!
*I completely understand why some thoughts are censored. I agree with the Admins' rationale in censoring them, and I don't have a problem with it. It just makes it difficult to debate sometimes.
(July 20, 2020 - 2:30 pm)
Aw, Kitten! *gives a lot of virtual hugs* I agree with everything you just said. And don't worry, I don't think anyone's going to judge you for having opinions- we all do. You just voice yours- and in a very polite and civil way, considering the topic. Thank you for doing that. *more virtual hugs*
(July 20, 2020 - 3:07 pm)
I agree with everything you said, especially the part about us not being able to fully understand each other's points and perspectives because we aren't having these conversations in person. We might not actually disagree or not understand what someone is saying, but we would have to get into a really deep conversation to express that because we aren't actually talking/having a conversation together. *more hugs*
(July 20, 2020 - 4:28 pm)
Well, aqua, I think I see what you wanted for this thread, but I think this is getting a little out of hand. There's a lot of arguing about peoples different beliefs. A lot of talking about serious stuff. What I think you wanted was just, for example, Doodlegirls post! Little brothers! Not arguing about wearing masks! I just wanted to tell you all that personally, I think we should end all the virus and religion arguments and just complain about little brothers.
I second that suggestion! -Admin
(July 20, 2020 - 3:12 pm)
On the one hand, I definitely agree with that. The religion and virus debates we've been having are completely valid and important, but they really weren't what this thread was intended for. We should maybe try to stick to smaller, less serious topics, like little brothers, and spiders, and how I accidentally dumped at least an eighth of a bag of cheese on the floor the other day. :)
On the other hand, I don't feel that we've reached a satisfactory conclusion to the aforementioned religion and virus debates. I don't know if we ever will, really, but I think we should let them wrap up a bit before ending them abruptly.
(Speaking of little topics, has anyone else noticed how if you double-click on a word with an apostrophe (e.g. we've), trying to select the entire word in order to delete it or italicise it or whatever, it considers the apostrophe a break in the word and only selects half of it?!)
(July 20, 2020 - 3:39 pm)
Why is auto correct so annoying? Like, I try to type the word other, and it tries to correct to pother. What does that even mean? And I'll type something and it will be super obvious what I'm trying to say, but auto correct won't recognize the word! And when I'm trying to type in CAPTCHAs it always auto corrects to something random. Ugh! Dumb auto correct. It does save me from some embarrassing spelling mistakes, but it's also the cause for many embarrassing auto correct mistakes.
(July 20, 2020 - 9:00 pm)
TRUE. I could definitely live without it, (I'm pretty good at catching my spelling errors) but it just gets things done faster. The contraction selection and the captcha thing IS really annoying though. I guess I've gotten used to it from posting from my phone so much.
(July 21, 2020 - 8:37 am)
I have very bad problems with tone. Epic problems. I was running a betting pool on how much of my post would get censored and I lost my last mountain dew...
It probably didn't need to be mentioned on the CB though.
I can rant about little problems too. Oh goodie.
Can I start a thread to rant about virus/religion issues?
(July 21, 2020 - 8:34 am)
Let's not.
(July 21, 2020 - 9:28 am)
To get back on topic...
When you spend 1 1/2 hours attempting to make something but then decide it won't work
Also for some reason I have It's Quiet Uptown stuck in my head and it's making me sad.
(July 22, 2020 - 12:49 pm)